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-44 Frags +

trum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)

trum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)
24 Frags +

if a joke isn't funny you should be punished for it

if a joke isn't funny you should be punished for it
10 Frags +
Fancy_Elftrum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)

yeah because as long as he’s joking about ra** not serious it’s a fine thing to say right?

[quote=Fancy_Elf]trum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)[/quote]

yeah because as long as he’s joking about ra** not serious it’s a fine thing to say right?
-4 Frags +

holy shit i thought this was just a fundraiser thread i didn't realize how deep this rabbit hole goes


holy shit i thought this was just a fundraiser thread i didn't realize how deep this rabbit hole goes

-24 Frags +
SneakyFancy_Elftrum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)
yeah because as long as he’s joking about ra** not serious it’s a fine thing to say right?

thats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it

[quote=Sneaky][quote=Fancy_Elf]trum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)[/quote]

yeah because as long as he’s joking about ra** not serious it’s a fine thing to say right?[/quote]
thats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it
-7 Frags +
Fancy_Elfthats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it

It's the gaslighting for me

[quote=Fancy_Elf]thats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it[/quote]

It's the gaslighting for me
5 Frags +

I mean, the dude literally said he would rape you and you are still trying to defend him. He didn't even say it to you, in confidence as a joke, it was in a public place where it seems you weren't even present. No words honestly. Whether it was a real threat or not it doesn't matter. If you find it funny then fine, but the other person didn't.


I mean, the dude literally said he would rape you and you are still trying to defend him. He didn't even say it to you, in confidence as a joke, it was in a public place where it seems you weren't even present. No words honestly. Whether it was a real threat or not it doesn't matter. If you find it funny then fine, but the other person didn't.
19 Frags +

"thats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it"

Joe said 3 facts
1. Trum made a rape threat
2. Trum made a transphobic comment
3. Trum made an inappropriate joke to a minor (on 2 different occasions)

"my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl"

Joe did not say Trum would do these things in real life, Joe did say that someone who acts like this online shouldn't be allowed at irl events. Joe has every right to make a big deal out of having these things said about/to them, because realistically no one should be saying shit like this to anyone, and the only reason Trum is able to say this shit is because he can hide behind a computer screen thus there's no real consequences. Defending this activity is expected because you've spent too long around these types of people already bro.

"thats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it"

Joe said 3 facts
1. Trum made a rape threat
2. Trum made a transphobic comment
3. Trum made an inappropriate joke to a minor (on 2 different occasions)

"my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl"

Joe did not say Trum would do these things in real life, Joe did say that someone who acts like this online shouldn't be allowed at irl events. Joe has every right to make a big deal out of having these things said about/to them, because realistically no one should be saying shit like this to anyone, and the only reason Trum is able to say this shit is because he can hide behind a computer screen thus there's no real consequences. Defending this activity is expected because you've spent too long around these types of people already bro.
-8 Frags +
I mean, the dude literally said he would rape you and you are still trying to defend him. He didn't even say it to you, in confidence as a joke, it was in a public place where it seems you weren't even present. No words honestly. Whether it was a real threat or not it doesn't matter. If you find it funny then fine, but the other person didn't.

i was in a mix with him https://logs.tf/3548191 and everyone in that game knows trum well enough to know he wasnt serious which is why he said it, i know it isnt funny to many others but thats why im saying this just so people know that these are jokes and he wouldnt actually perform those actions irl, i can understand why some people wouldnt want to see him at lan due to either targeted comments or just comments in general that make them feel uncomfortable, but irl he wouldnt actually act like this


I mean, the dude literally said he would rape you and you are still trying to defend him. He didn't even say it to you, in confidence as a joke, it was in a public place where it seems you weren't even present. No words honestly. Whether it was a real threat or not it doesn't matter. If you find it funny then fine, but the other person didn't.[/quote]
i was in a mix with him https://logs.tf/3548191 and everyone in that game knows trum well enough to know he wasnt serious which is why he said it, i know it isnt funny to many others but thats why im saying this just so people know that these are jokes and he wouldnt actually perform those actions irl, i can understand why some people wouldnt want to see him at lan due to either targeted comments or just comments in general that make them feel uncomfortable, but irl he wouldnt actually act like this
15 Frags +


-48 Frags +

The transphobic soft harassment from Trum is probably a fair reason but let's not take every edgy joke he made to his (-18) friends to be evidence he's too inappropriate online to go to LAN. We protect minors because they're more susceptible to be vulnerable. Fancy was not vulnerable in that instance nor was he particularly hurt by what Trum said. I too have underage tf2 friends (who I met irl) and we say "inappropriate" jokes to each other in confidence. This might be hard to believe because we're in the tf2 community, but some people aren't groomers/rapists and nothing bad will come from saying unserious edgy jokes to each other.

The transphobic soft harassment from Trum is probably a fair reason but let's not take every edgy joke he made to his (-18) friends to be evidence he's too inappropriate online to go to LAN. We protect minors because they're more susceptible to be vulnerable. Fancy was not vulnerable in that instance nor was he particularly hurt by what Trum said. I too have underage tf2 friends (who I met irl) and we say "inappropriate" jokes to each other in confidence. This might be hard to believe because we're in the tf2 community, but some people aren't groomers/rapists and nothing bad will come from saying unserious edgy jokes to each other.
36 Frags +

imagine announcing to a forum you're a pedo LOL

imagine announcing to a forum you're a pedo LOL
-28 Frags +
mmrarkteimagine announcing to a forum you're a pedo LOL

maybe the fact that you police edgy jokes against minors in a video game is evidence you overpolice language to seek out drama on tftv

[quote=mmrarkte]imagine announcing to a forum you're a pedo LOL[/quote]

maybe the fact that you police edgy jokes against minors in a video game is evidence you overpolice language to seek out drama on tftv
16 Frags +

lmao i don't think you're digging your way out of this one

lmao i don't think you're digging your way out of this one
23 Frags +
MongI too have underage tf2 friends (who I met irl) and we say "inappropriate" jokes to each other in confidence.

This is so fucked up, I'm sorry.

[quote=Mong]I too have underage tf2 friends (who I met irl) and we say "inappropriate" jokes to each other in confidence. [/quote]

This is so fucked up, I'm sorry.
32 Frags +

unbelievably out of touch if you dont know that there is a culture of saying the most depraved shit you can as an <18 yo teenage boy who grew up on the internet. i promise you not every shittalking edgy boy turns into a groomer or a social reject. soy animals. i'd rape all of you irl

unbelievably out of touch if you dont know that there is a culture of saying the most depraved shit you can as an <18 yo teenage boy who grew up on the internet. i promise you not every shittalking edgy boy turns into a groomer or a social reject. soy animals. i'd rape all of you irl
-40 Frags +

I just wanna say, what Trum said in the chat during that cup was messed up and I'm not gonna defend him at all for the transphobic remarks. However, there are some points I would like to talk about.

People that know Trum know that he usually uses inappropriate jokes, like I do. We both say the word "raped" in game when doing damage, and both kpn and fancy, who are some of our good friends, know that. However, Trum took it too far when he wrote it in chat to gigi, but here is the full version of the chat for context.


Now i'm not gonna sit here and say that him including a "jk!" changes the fact that what he said was bad, but this is not a rape threat.

The pug that fancy and Trum were playing was a joke between the both of them. Both Trum and I have been friends with fancy for seasons and know that he does not take offense to such jokes online. To add a bit of context, fancy was messaged by an etf2l admin who was gaslit to believe that Trum told others, behind fancy's back, that he wanted to rape fancy who is going to lan. This is NOT true. Fancy was in the pug and trum wrote that message to him while knowing he would not be attending LAN.

I'm not even going to go in depth about kpn's steam comments because everyone that knows me, hugee, kpn or trum knows that it is nothing serious at all and just a troll between friends.

Gigi, since you're preaching good behaviour by reporting trum to etf2l admins, i just want to let you know your good friend kori, who you have played multiple seasons and mix with daily, while practically talking to him everyday, has been harassing me for a couple of months and was streaming this gif for 3 hours to 25+ avg viewers.


At the end of the day, what trum said to gigi was bad and wrong and I can't defend him for that. But I just thought that the post was being very one-sided and so I felt like I had to clear some things up.

I just wanna say, what Trum said in the chat during that cup was messed up and I'm not gonna defend him at all for the transphobic remarks. However, there are some points I would like to talk about.

People that know Trum know that he usually uses inappropriate jokes, like I do. We both say the word "raped" in game when doing damage, and both kpn and fancy, who are some of our good friends, know that. However, Trum took it too far when he wrote it in chat to gigi, but here is the full version of the chat for context.
Now i'm not gonna sit here and say that him including a "jk!" changes the fact that what he said was bad, but this is not a rape threat.

The pug that fancy and Trum were playing was a joke between the both of them. Both Trum and I have been friends with fancy for seasons and know that he does not take offense to such jokes online. To add a bit of context, fancy was messaged by an etf2l admin who was gaslit to believe that Trum told others, behind fancy's back, that he wanted to rape fancy who is going to lan. This is NOT true. Fancy was in the pug and trum wrote that message to him while knowing he would not be attending LAN.

I'm not even going to go in depth about kpn's steam comments because everyone that knows me, hugee, kpn or trum knows that it is nothing serious at all and just a troll between friends.

Gigi, since you're preaching good behaviour by reporting trum to etf2l admins, i just want to let you know your good friend kori, who you have played multiple seasons and mix with daily, while practically talking to him everyday, has been harassing me for a couple of months and was streaming this gif for 3 hours to 25+ avg viewers.

At the end of the day, what trum said to gigi was bad and wrong and I can't defend him for that. But I just thought that the post was being very one-sided and so I felt like I had to clear some things up.
43 Frags +
Blancsomething im not reading



[quote=Blanc]something im not reading[/quote]
14 Frags +

Wow kori's stream got on average 25 viewers? what about the tf2 qts steam group that gigi mentioned that anyone can request to join that has 98 members?

Wow kori's stream got on average 25 viewers? what about the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tf2qts]tf2 qts[/url] steam group that gigi mentioned that anyone can request to join that has 98 members?
27 Frags +

These roundabout ways of trying to justify, make less than, and 'GIVE MORE CONTEXT' make you look like a bunch of tools. Just take an L and move on. What needed to happen happened (trum behaviour was displayed to the public). This thread doesn't need to become a space for an argument of 'People became too soft'. No one cares what you do in your circlejerk and what kind of behaviour is accepted there. Everything isn't measured on the same scale. What's a joke to you might be a grave offence to someone else, but that requires some empathy and self-awareness.


These roundabout ways of trying to justify, make less than, and 'GIVE MORE CONTEXT' make you look like a bunch of tools. Just take an L and move on. What needed to happen happened (trum behaviour was displayed to the public). This thread doesn't need to become a space for an argument of 'People became too soft'. No one cares what you do in your circlejerk and what kind of behaviour is accepted there. Everything isn't measured on the same scale. What's a joke to you might be a grave offence to someone else, but that requires some empathy and self-awareness.

7 Frags +


12 Frags +
BlancI just wanna say, what Trum said in the chat during that cup was messed up and I'm not gonna defend him at all for the transphobic remarks. However

"I think what this guy did was fucked up and I will not defend him for it, BUT!"

[quote=Blanc]I just wanna say, what Trum said in the chat during that cup was messed up and I'm not gonna defend him at all for the transphobic remarks. However [/quote]
"I think what this guy did was fucked up and I will not defend him for it, BUT!"
-9 Frags +
deliNo one cares what you do in your circlejerk and what kind of behaviour is accepted there

very true!

[quote=deli]No one cares what you do in your circlejerk and what kind of behaviour is accepted there[/quote]

very true!
-29 Frags +
MegalodonWow kori's stream got on average 25 viewers? what about the tf2 qts steam group that gigi mentioned that anyone can request to join that has 98 members?

what about that group?

[quote=Megalodon]Wow kori's stream got on average 25 viewers? what about the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tf2qts]tf2 qts[/url] steam group that gigi mentioned that anyone can request to join that has 98 members?[/quote]
what about that group?
10 Frags +
hauntsjwhat about that group?

So you're just playing ignorant now? very mature. As if anyone here owes you an explanation lol

[quote=hauntsj]what about that group?[/quote]

So you're just playing ignorant now? very mature. As if anyone here owes you an explanation lol
-26 Frags +

Woke-ass garbage people can't deal with some good old call of duty jokes, shame on you all!!

Woke-ass garbage people can't deal with some good old call of duty jokes, shame on you all!!
-26 Frags +
Megalodonhauntsjwhat about that group?
So you're just playing ignorant now? very mature. As if anyone here owes you an explanation lol


[quote=Megalodon][quote=hauntsj]what about that group?[/quote]

So you're just playing ignorant now? very mature. As if anyone here owes you an explanation lol[/quote]
-22 Frags +
Megalodonhauntsjwhat about that group?
So you're just playing ignorant now? very mature. As if anyone here owes you an explanation lol


[quote=Megalodon][quote=hauntsj]what about that group?[/quote]

So you're just playing ignorant now? very mature. As if anyone here owes you an explanation lol[/quote]
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