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i think i just bombed a job interview
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nothing bad happened but nothing good happened either

nothing bad happened but nothing good happened either
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what did you do can you tell me so I can give you advice

what did you do can you tell me so I can give you advice
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EnzoDBwhat did you do can you tell me so I can give you advice

i just felt like I didnt sell myself very well. after it was done I realized that I forgot to mention a few small details about my projects I mentioned that would have made them sound better. I also had some questions for the interviewer about the nature of the position and he seemed pretty eager to answer, about 40% of the interview was actually him just answering my questions and i dont know if thats good or bad. I didnt have a lot of questions, he was just very detailed with his responses.
I got a lot of "very good"s and "excellent"s but i feel like i just did not market myself well, I always say 30% less than what I plan to say when its time to speak
it is an engineering position if that matters.

[quote=EnzoDB]what did you do can you tell me so I can give you advice[/quote]
i just felt like I didnt sell myself very well. after it was done I realized that I forgot to mention a few small details about my projects I mentioned that would have made them sound better. I also had some questions for the interviewer about the nature of the position and he seemed pretty eager to answer, about 40% of the interview was actually him just answering my questions and i dont know if thats good or bad. I didnt have a lot of questions, he was just very detailed with his responses.
I got a lot of "very good"s and "excellent"s but i feel like i just did not market myself well, I always say 30% less than what I plan to say when its time to speak
it is an engineering position if that matters.
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gg go next

gg go next
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they clearly cant feel your aura. they dont respect game, so you gotta thug it out

they clearly cant feel your aura. they dont respect game, so you gotta thug it out
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did you tell them you've been shitting on the timeguessr dailies though

did you tell them you've been shitting on the timeguessr dailies though
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Dont dwell on it long. I just got done job hunting for a year and it wasnt easy. Most of my interviews I'd say went well. On some I thought "Yeah, I have a pretty good chance." It was like you, I had felt the interviewer was interested in what I had to say and actually seem like they wanted me. But, then I get hit with the "We had many strong applicants, unfortunately...". This went on for a year. I had one interview where I really, really bombed it. Like it was obvious. I felt horrible as it was the first time I got rolled in an interview. I moved on and just kept applying.

You just have to keep going. Until you find that job you get an offer for. Dont take interview and interviewer reactions as a sign you got a.job or not unless they explicitly say so. Sometimes they're putting on a show. I ended up in a job I wasnt too interested in but I felt a genuine interest in what I was saying and it felt like they actually wanted me around.

Dont dwell on it long. I just got done job hunting for a year and it wasnt easy. Most of my interviews I'd say went well. On some I thought "Yeah, I have a pretty good chance." It was like you, I had felt the interviewer was interested in what I had to say and actually seem like they wanted me. But, then I get hit with the "We had many strong applicants, unfortunately...". This went on for a year. I had one interview where I really, really bombed it. Like it was obvious. I felt horrible as it was the first time I got rolled in an interview. I moved on and just kept applying.

You just have to keep going. Until you find that job you get an offer for. Dont take interview and interviewer reactions as a sign you got a.job or not unless they explicitly say so. Sometimes they're putting on a show. I ended up in a job I wasnt too interested in but I felt a genuine interest in what I was saying and it felt like they actually wanted me around.
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Work is immoral, be a neet

Work is immoral, be a neet
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fygWork is immoral, be a neet


[quote=fyg]Work is immoral, be a neet[/quote]
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Okay that joke wasn’t remotely funny, so I apologize for that.

The after college job search is quite a grind, my brothers been going through the same thing in his field. I’d just try to keep your chin up and try to find something that will be fulfilling. I’m still doing college so I can’t give much more advice than that, but just remember that accomplishing a degree is still worth a lot, no matter how long it takes to use it.

Okay that joke wasn’t remotely funny, so I apologize for that.

The after college job search is quite a grind, my brothers been going through the same thing in his field. I’d just try to keep your chin up and try to find something that will be fulfilling. I’m still doing college so I can’t give much more advice than that, but just remember that accomplishing a degree is still worth a lot, no matter how long it takes to use it.
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I am just a little worried because interviews are few to come by for me. im not a u.s. citizen but the industry im trying to get into is dominated by a lot of defense contracts and other things that have export control restrictions.

I am just a little worried because interviews are few to come by for me. im not a u.s. citizen but the industry im trying to get into is dominated by a lot of defense contracts and other things that have export control restrictions.
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of all the industries ur trying to get into as a chinese national you picked private defense contractors?


of all the industries ur trying to get into as a chinese national you picked private defense contractors?

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well this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited

well this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited
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xianyaoherongwell this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited

Is there any way you can try some other area that is similar? Seems you've limited your options a lot.

[quote=xianyaoherong]well this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited[/quote]

Is there any way you can try some other area that is similar? Seems you've limited your options a lot.
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okyaaaxianyaoherongwell this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited
Is there any way you can try some other area that is similar? Seems you've limited your options a lot.

yeah, what i specialized in during my masters can be applied to some other fields so I've been applying to that stuff too. I guess I just gotta deal with the state of the job market though. it is what it is, just have to keep trying.

[quote=okyaaa][quote=xianyaoherong]well this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited[/quote]

Is there any way you can try some other area that is similar? Seems you've limited your options a lot.[/quote]
yeah, what i specialized in during my masters can be applied to some other fields so I've been applying to that stuff too. I guess I just gotta deal with the state of the job market though. it is what it is, just have to keep trying.
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