If you haven't seen:
lacy avenue
Hey everyone, I'm happy to announce our map pool for the event. Versions TBC.
Due to perceived demand, we are opening up pre-registration to get a more accurate picture of the interest from teams. Filling out this form does not guarantee your team a place at the event. Note that you will have the option to change players later.
Pre-register HERE!!
We are still looking to raise money, see below:
siyoOur item donation page is live, courtesy of our sponsor, Mannco.store:
Listed of Accepted Items- Mann Co. Supply Crate Key
- Max's Severed Head
- Bill's Hat
- Backpack Expander
- Earbuds
- Tour of Duty Ticket
- The B.M.O.C
- Golden Frying Pan
- Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect
- Australium
- Unusuals
You can donate actual cash here (Donations are subject to 2.9% processing fee + $0.20/$0.30 fee depending on domestic/internatonal)
[b]If you haven't seen:[/b]
[quote=lacy avenue]
Hey everyone, I'm happy to announce our map pool for the event. Versions TBC.
Due to perceived demand, we are opening up pre-registration to get a more accurate picture of the interest from teams. Filling out this form does not guarantee your team a place at the event. Note that you will have the option to change players later.
Pre-register [url=https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/9-4m-hTYYwzMQ23CrpU4OI6CbMmF2U9gZkjzeeugjng/]HERE[/url]!!
[b]We are still looking to raise money, see below:[/b]
[quote=siyo][b]Our [url=https://mannco.store/PFD2025?ref=fireside]item donation page[/url] is live[/b], courtesy of our sponsor, [url=https://mannco.store/?ref=fireside]Mannco.store[/url]:
[quote=Listed of Accepted Items]
[*] Mann Co. Supply Crate Key
[*] Max's Severed Head
[*] Bill's Hat
[*] Backpack Expander
[*] Earbuds
[*] Tour of Duty Ticket
[*] The B.M.O.C
[*] Golden Frying Pan
[*] Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect
[*] Australium
[*] Unusuals
You can donate [b][url=https://firesidecasts.tv/pfd/2025/donate]actual cash here[/url] [/b]([i]Donations are subject to 2.9% processing fee + $0.20/$0.30 fee depending on domestic/internatonal)[/i]
Our item donation page had an issue with trade offers accepting. You should be able to donate items now.
Our [b][url=https://mannco.store/PFD2025?ref=fireside]item donation page[/url][/b] had an issue with trade offers accepting. You should be able to donate items now.
Hey everyone,
A few announcements regarding PFD 2025.
- Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 will be divided into two distinct tournaments.
- This decision was made due to time constraints with the venue and a high degree of interest from Invite-caliber teams.
- The premier tournament, PFD 2025 Invitational, will feature 8 teams, taking part in a round-robin into an 8-team double-elimination bracket. The base prize pool remains $2.5K for the event, with additional prize pool to be announced.
- All other revenue generated from spectator passes and team passes will go directly to the Invitational's prize pool.
- The secondary tournament will feature the remaining teams with a $1.5K prize pool. This tournament will feature its own seeding stage and playoff bracket.
- Pre-registration for PFD 2025 will close on 16 February 2025 at 23.59 PST. Reminder to teams that by pre-registering, you:
- Do not have a guaranteed spot in the event(s).
- Are not restricted to competing with the exact lineup you pre-register.
- Are agreeing to the event rules.
Any questions regarding the tournaments can be directed to myself.
Hey everyone,
A few announcements regarding PFD 2025.
[*] Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 will be divided into two distinct tournaments.
- This decision was made due to time constraints with the venue and a high degree of interest from Invite-caliber teams.
- The premier tournament, PFD 2025 Invitational, will feature 8 teams, taking part in a round-robin into an 8-team double-elimination bracket. The base prize pool remains $2.5K for the event, with additional prize pool to be announced.
- All other revenue generated from spectator passes and team passes will go directly to the Invitational's prize pool.
- The secondary tournament will feature the remaining teams with a [b]$1.5K prize pool[/b]. This tournament will feature its own seeding stage and playoff bracket.
[*] [b]Pre-registration for PFD 2025 will close on 16 February 2025 at 23.59 PST.[/b] Reminder to teams that by pre-registering, you:
- Do not have a guaranteed spot in the event(s).
- Are [b]not[/b] restricted to competing with the exact lineup you pre-register.
- [url=https://merch.firesidecasts.tv/pages/physgun-fireside-denver-2025-rules]Are agreeing to the event rules.[/url]
Any questions regarding the tournaments can be directed to [url=https://discord.com/users/592912238399193089]myself[/url].
Reminder that:
We have negotiated discounted room rates for:
Both hotels will have a breakfast buffet
If you are staying at these hotels as a spectator/player, we are looking into the logistics of offering shuttles to and from the venue from these hotels.
Reservation link to come out soon. If you have questions feel free to shoot me one on Discord.
If you plan on watching the entire tournament, it's best to reserve for May 23 - May 27
[b]Reminder that:[/b]
We have negotiated discounted room rates for:
[*] Double Queen Beds [b]($129/night)[/b]
[*] One King Bed + One Couch Bed [b]($139/night)[/b] - TOGETHER
[*] One King Bed + One Couch Bed[b] ($139/night)[/b] - SEPARATED
[b]Both hotels will have a breakfast buffet[/b]
If you are staying at these hotels as a spectator/player, we are looking into the logistics of offering shuttles to and from the venue from these hotels.
Reservation link to come out soon. If you have questions feel free to shoot me one on Discord.
If you plan on watching the entire tournament, it's best to reserve for [b]May 23 - May 27[/b]
FYI Preregistration has ended--more teams have signed up than the 14 teams we can have at the venue, and we're under discussions on how to approach this. So if you haven't signed up yet I'd reach out to lacy avenue or you might be out of luck :(. Don't reach out to me I'm not handling the signup sort of things, only the budget & fundraising of the event :)
[b]FYI Preregistration has ended[/b]--more teams have signed up than the 14 teams we can have at the venue, and we're under discussions on how to approach this. So if you haven't signed up yet I'd reach out to lacy avenue or you might be out of luck :(. Don't reach out to me I'm not handling the signup sort of things, only the budget & fundraising of the event :)
siyoFYI Preregistration has ended--more teams have signed up than the 14 teams we can have at the venue, and we're under discussions on how to approach this. So if you haven't signed up yet I'd reach out to lacy avenue or you might be out of luck :(. Don't reach out to me I'm not handling the signup sort of things, only the budget & fundraising of the event :)
online quals and give priority to mandem if they're actually intending to go?
[quote=siyo][b]FYI Preregistration has ended[/b]--more teams have signed up than the 14 teams we can have at the venue, and we're under discussions on how to approach this. So if you haven't signed up yet I'd reach out to lacy avenue or you might be out of luck :(. Don't reach out to me I'm not handling the signup sort of things, only the budget & fundraising of the event :)[/quote]
online quals and give priority to mandem if they're actually intending to go?
We're already looking at qualls. As for MANDEM, we haven't been reached out to by MANDEM so it's best for them to reach out as there's other invite signups otherwise it's looking like a first come first serve for Invite groups
We're already looking at qualls. As for MANDEM, we haven't been reached out to by MANDEM so it's best for them to reach out as there's other invite signups otherwise it's looking like a first come first serve for Invite groups
any confirmation whether dothogs are still going to lan eventho they dropped out of season?
any confirmation whether dothogs are still going to lan eventho they dropped out of season?
syrusany confirmation whether dothogs are still going to lan eventho they dropped out of season?
Not coming to LAN, sorry no formal announcement was made but I can confirm that
[quote=syrus]any confirmation whether dothogs are still going to lan eventho they dropped out of season?[/quote]
Not coming to LAN, sorry no formal announcement was made but I can confirm that
We are looking to raise an additional $500 toward the Invitational (Invite Tournament)'s prize pool. You can donate in cash OR items. Note, this will be added upon the $2,500 base prize pool + all revenue coming from spectator passes & team passes.
Mannco.store, our sponsor, is helping raise awareness by hosting a giveaway for an Unusual Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher (Field-Tested).
NOTE: A donation is not required to enter the giveaway, the giveaway is to draw more eyes.
In addition, Mannco.store is hosting a Golden Frying Pan giveaway (3 pans as a matter of fact). You can enter here.
We are looking to raise an [b]additional $500 toward the Invitational (Invite Tournament)'s prize pool[/b]. You can donate in [b][url=https://firesidecasts.tv/pfd/2025/donate]cash[/url][/b] OR [b][url=https://mannco.store/PFD2025?ref=fireside]items[/url][/b]. Note, this will be added upon the $2,500 base prize pool + all revenue coming from spectator passes & team passes.
[url=https://mannco.store/?ref=fireside]Mannco.store[/url], our sponsor, is helping raise awareness by hosting a giveaway for an [b][url=https://mannco.store/giveaways/details/R6fNUZVFnnhgiv3?ref=Fireside]Unusual Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher (Field-Tested)[/url][/b].
[b]NOTE: A donation is not required to enter the giveaway, the giveaway is to draw more eyes.[/b]
[i]In addition, Mannco.store is hosting a [url=https://mannco.store/giveaways/details/bk9Dr5uhczbTY2m?ref=Fireside]Golden Frying Pan giveaway[/url] (3 pans as a matter of fact). You can [url=https://mannco.store/giveaways/details/bk9Dr5uhczbTY2m?ref=Fireside]enter here[/url].[/i]
siyoReminder that:
We have negotiated discounted room rates for:
Both hotels will have a breakfast buffet
If you are staying at these hotels as a spectator/player, we are looking into the logistics of offering shuttles to and from the venue from these hotels.
Reservation link to come out soon. If you have questions feel free to shoot me one on Discord.
If you plan on watching the entire tournament, it's best to reserve for May 23 - May 27
We will be releasing the hotel booking link for spectators and the public tomorrow on
May 14 (7 PM Eastern / 6 PM Central / 5 PM Mountain / 4 PM Pacific / 1 PM Central European).
As of the moment we have:
13 King Bed Rooms
9 Double Queen Bed Rooms
[quote=siyo][b]Reminder that:[/b]
We have negotiated discounted room rates for:
[*] Double Queen Beds [b]($129/night)[/b]
[*] One King Bed + One Couch Bed [b]($139/night)[/b] - TOGETHER
[*] One King Bed + One Couch Bed[b] ($139/night)[/b] - SEPARATED
[b]Both hotels will have a breakfast buffet[/b]
If you are staying at these hotels as a spectator/player, we are looking into the logistics of offering shuttles to and from the venue from these hotels.
Reservation link to come out soon. If you have questions feel free to shoot me one on Discord.
If you plan on watching the entire tournament, it's best to reserve for [b]May 23 - May 27[/b][/quote]
We will be releasing the hotel booking link [i][b]for spectators and the public[/b][/i] tomorrow on
[u] [b]May 14 (7 PM Eastern / 6 PM Central / 5 PM Mountain / 4 PM Pacific / 1 PM Central European).[/b][/u]
As of the moment we have:
13 King Bed Rooms
9 Double Queen Bed Rooms
Looking for some housing. Can split costs.
Looking for some housing. Can split costs.
Book Your Hotel Accommodation Here
If you wish to watch all of the tournament and are flying in the day before, make sure to book for the 23rd-27th.
[b][url=https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1733353120417&key=GRP&guestreslink2=true&app=resvlink]Book Your Hotel Accommodation Here[/url][/b]
If you wish to watch all of the tournament and are flying in the day before, make sure to book for the 23rd-27th.