Ehm no thanks, Killed my ears literally :(
I knew I would like it because the source was good, but I liked it even more when he started singing. Good voice, and that song is perfect for it. Did do a bit of "wadioactive" near the end but all good.
not my type, but i kinda liked it anyway.
isn't that a version of the song everyone's using on their tf2 movies?
isn't that a version of the song everyone's using on their tf2 movies?
It's pretty decent. Good beat, but seems too get repetitive...and that's from someone that can normally listen to fairly repetitive music xD
I liked it Muerte. It was interesting...
You just reminded me just how long it has been since I've listened to the Smashing Pumpkins. It's a good song but I've always hated Billy Corgan's voice.
Liked the song, Clip was really nice aswell.
the song was really monotone up until 1:45. Which is a bit too long imo.
amazing song none the less.
the song was really monotone up until 1:45. Which is a bit too long imo.
amazing song none the less.
I didn't know what to expect from that song. I liked the non rap parts the most, they felt like such build up to me. I liked it a lot.
great song, never have played the metal gear solid series if that has to do with this song at all, but the really good song overall
I was expecting something a little different, was not dissapointed, quite enjoyable. Might look at some more of that later.
catchy rhythm, decent song. probably not something i'd listen to regularly though.
eh, ive strayed from rap the past year, but damn is hopsin a lyrical monster
Nice relaxing song, wasn't what I usually listen to but I didn't mind it
what a great song, really liked it, never heard it before but will defenitaly check out some more of this guys music :)
really catchy song, really cute. :D they remind me a lot of art brut, although their styles are quite a bit different.
i really liked it, the video was fuckin odd though
btw, whats a good music player? itunes always lags for me
btw, whats a good music player? itunes always lags for me
not my normal thing, but pretty cool. I like the orchestral-ish sound
btw, whats a good music player? itunes always lags for me
try winamp
btw, whats a good music player? itunes always lags for me[/quote]
try winamp
no, not my type of music (:
I like it, funny and quite catchy, great song. =)
Good song, makes me feel thug
I don't know why I posted that - Skip to 2m20s
I don't know why I posted that - Skip to 2m20s
that song is pretty bad
feels like i actually have to get up and do shit in order to enjoy the song. otherwise decent.
^ I liked it, i prefer more lyrical stuff but I actually enjoyed that one a bit.
I don't enjoy that type of music, I prefer music to be a little less 'in your face'
It just kinda bored me