I hope you don't think I dislike you, Griff. I like your energy and your sense of humor but you seem to be easily frustrated.
http://pastebin.com/0SX9E2Ke he wrote this what a legend!
i didnt know him before he came into my mumble and made everyone want him banned
aierahttp://pastebin.com/0SX9E2Ke he wrote this what a legend!
LIke, pretty sure, it was Dflame, griff doesn't know how to put words together enough for something like this.
LIke, pretty sure, it was Dflame, griff doesn't know how to put words together enough for something like this.
MaxHaxaierahttp://pastebin.com/0SX9E2Ke he wrote this what a legend!LIke, pretty sure, it was Dflame, griff doesn't know how to put words together enough for something like this.
Oh man, just got confirmation that he did say this, wow, I never thought he had a thought in his brain. Almost impressed.
LIke, pretty sure, it was Dflame, griff doesn't know how to put words together enough for something like this.[/quote]
Oh man, just got confirmation that he did say this, wow, I never thought he had a thought in his brain. Almost impressed.
Despite literally everything that has been said in this thread by individuals (including myself) i would still recommend you give him a tryout, he is very straightforward and you can see everything about him after 2 scrims, he has IM experience, and in the right circumstances can fit into a team fine, just be very cautious, as if your team and his personality even clash slightly it could be an issue.
Griff once kicked me off my team b/c i did badly on on match and i'm still butthurt about it.
ulmyxxGriff once kicked me off my team b/c i did badly on on match and i'm still butthurt about it.
weakest drama in the thread step it up
weakest drama in the thread step it up
if griff didn't burn down your house and kill your family it's not worth posting.
griff is a friendly dude whos heart is in the right place its just he is kinda insane but you should still try him out!
Griff is a good pick and soldier dm is pretty good.
Ill say an honest judgement of griff
Griff pretty much carried our team through every map besides viaduct. Although griff was on some of our team mates nerves through all of his time being on the team, but I didn't put as much correcting as I should of towards that issue.
Our combo as a whole was always pretty wonky, we never had a settled main caller throughout griff being on the team. It was really me and griff making most of the calls for the team with rainman (when he was on the team) filling in for the flank. Our play styles also didn't connect, I was a pretty aggressive demo at the beginning of the season and I think griff wanted to be one of the rando/grape types of pockets where he takes all the heals and just walks on people.
Viaduct week was when things got really disorganized we had picked up aiera when rainman left/got cut from the team. Also framesh1ft, our medic, had gotten in a car accident and was out the whole week so we left it to our sub medic coldster to play for him. I always loved playing with coldster, he wasn't experienced but he always was good at micromanaging and moving players where they needed to be. I should say this before I go any further, there was a point in a viaduct scrim where we had jaguar ringing medic for us and griff said something like "im sorry for my inexperienced team".
Anyway back to coldster, there was pretty much a shift in main calling at this point. It was pretty much me and coldster doing the calls instead of me and griff. Griff became sorta a burden about the whole main calling thing throughout the week constantly complaining about the fact that we had no established main caller. At the same time our soldier combo wasn't doing great and I was receiving messages from my team mates about it. So I decided to give aiera and griff both criticism since I knew they were both good players and weren't playing so hot on viaduct. Both of them shouted at me a second after. I remember leaving the mumble calling them both retarded. Maybe I shouldn't of disconnected, maybe I shouldn't of disconnected leaving with that comment but I knew whatever I told either of them would go in one ear and out the other because in there eyes I'm just some shitty player that doesn't know anything about this game.
There were multiple fights with me and griff in viaduct week a person I had considered a friend until then, not only about the game things personal as well. When matches rolled in and griff didn't put on the most impressive performance and threw one of the matches against junes team, me and most of our players had made the decision to cut him.
Overall I think griff is a good pocket he just needs to accept criticism better and needs to realize when to stop trolling and take things seriously. If he can contain his ego, treat the game seriously, and find a team that properly suits him he'd do great things in open.
Griff pretty much carried our team through every map besides viaduct. Although griff was on some of our team mates nerves through all of his time being on the team, but I didn't put as much correcting as I should of towards that issue.
Our combo as a whole was always pretty wonky, we never had a settled main caller throughout griff being on the team. It was really me and griff making most of the calls for the team with rainman (when he was on the team) filling in for the flank. Our play styles also didn't connect, I was a pretty aggressive demo at the beginning of the season and I think griff wanted to be one of the rando/grape types of pockets where he takes all the heals and just walks on people.
Viaduct week was when things got really disorganized we had picked up aiera when rainman left/got cut from the team. Also framesh1ft, our medic, had gotten in a car accident and was out the whole week so we left it to our sub medic coldster to play for him. I always loved playing with coldster, he wasn't experienced but he always was good at micromanaging and moving players where they needed to be. I should say this before I go any further, there was a point in a viaduct scrim where we had jaguar ringing medic for us and griff said something like "im sorry for my inexperienced team".
Anyway back to coldster, there was pretty much a shift in main calling at this point. It was pretty much me and coldster doing the calls instead of me and griff. Griff became sorta a burden about the whole main calling thing throughout the week constantly complaining about the fact that we had no established main caller. At the same time our soldier combo wasn't doing great and I was receiving messages from my team mates about it. So I decided to give aiera and griff both criticism since I knew they were both good players and weren't playing so hot on viaduct. Both of them shouted at me a second after. I remember leaving the mumble calling them both retarded. Maybe I shouldn't of disconnected, maybe I shouldn't of disconnected leaving with that comment but I knew whatever I told either of them would go in one ear and out the other because in there eyes I'm just some shitty player that doesn't know anything about this game.
There were multiple fights with me and griff in viaduct week a person I had considered a friend until then, not only about the game things personal as well. When matches rolled in and griff didn't put on the most impressive performance and threw one of the matches against junes team, me and most of our players had made the decision to cut him.
Overall I think griff is a good pocket he just needs to accept criticism better and needs to realize when to stop trolling and take things seriously. If he can contain his ego, treat the game seriously, and find a team that properly suits him he'd do great things in open.
Griff taught me a lot to start and I used to look up to him and stuff he's a good soldier mostly a good pocket with pretty good maincalling. A lot of what Griff could work on is his attitude he needs to give people he knows/plays with more room and not steam call them. Also singing in mumble is cool sometimes but when someone says stop they generally mean it. All this being said Griff would do well on any High open team pick him up.