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posted in Projects
1 Frags +

i think the sites are being developed with chrome in mind, maybe you should switch to that

i think the sites are being developed with chrome in mind, maybe you should switch to that
12 Frags +

Hi, not a particularly important feature but it might be really quick to implement. Could you add an icon for the website (pug and mix)?
The kind that shows up next to the site name in tabs:


I ask because I have mixchamp on my bookmarks bar, and it looks out of place, especially because I only use the site icons for my bookmarks:


Hi, not a particularly important feature but it might be really quick to implement. Could you add an icon for the website (pug and mix)?
The kind that shows up next to the site name in tabs:
I ask because I have mixchamp on my bookmarks bar, and it looks out of place, especially because I only use the site icons for my bookmarks:
5 Frags +

Yeah a favicon would be super great for ChampGG. I'm surprised they haven't implemented one yet.

Yeah a favicon would be super great for ChampGG. I'm surprised they haven't implemented one yet.
6 Frags +

wasn't elo variation reset at the start of each month or something? it feels like it hasnt been reset in ages (im going +/- 5 elo every game now). i guess with NA not using elo this might have been forgotten, is this the case?

wasn't elo variation reset at the start of each month or something? it feels like it hasnt been reset in ages (im going +/- 5 elo every game now). i guess with NA not using elo this might have been forgotten, is this the case?
6 Frags +
Hunter_2_0Can we get a third server for mixchamp NA? Pugchamp rarely uses all 5 servers and we get like 2 servers filled + like 15 players left at mixchamp

this is still a thing btw

[quote=Hunter_2_0]Can we get a third server for mixchamp NA? Pugchamp rarely uses all 5 servers and we get like 2 servers filled + like 15 players left at mixchamp[/quote]

this is still a thing btw
0 Frags +
Hunter_2_0Hunter_2_0Can we get a third server for mixchamp NA? Pugchamp rarely uses all 5 servers and we get like 2 servers filled + like 15 players left at mixchamp
this is still a thing btw

Been barking up that tree for a while now buddy. Apparently it's really difficult for them to reallocate a server from one service to the other, so that's why it hasn't happened. (Not trying to be an ass, just ignorant of the work)

[quote=Hunter_2_0][quote=Hunter_2_0]Can we get a third server for mixchamp NA? Pugchamp rarely uses all 5 servers and we get like 2 servers filled + like 15 players left at mixchamp[/quote]

this is still a thing btw[/quote]

Been barking up that tree for a while now buddy. Apparently it's really difficult for them to reallocate a server from one service to the other, so that's why it hasn't happened. (Not trying to be an ass, just ignorant of the work)
3 Frags +

i see mixchamp has 3 servers now

i see mixchamp has 3 servers now
-1 Frags +

edit: lol im stupid

edit: lol im stupid
13 Frags +

monthly post on here just pointing out some gameserver stuff that takes 5 mins to fix but hasnt yet:

  • snakewater is still on u10 when final1 is the updated version
  • sunshine's still on rc9 when cp_sunshine is the updated version
  • granary's still on rc3 when rc4 is the updated version
  • im willing to bet metalworks is out of date but its never played in eu (updated version is cp_metalworks)
  • soapdm would be very nice thing to have in the year 2016


monthly post on here just pointing out some gameserver stuff that takes 5 mins to fix but hasnt yet:

[*] snakewater is still on u10 when final1 is the updated version
[*] sunshine's still on rc9 when cp_sunshine is the updated version
[*] granary's still on rc3 when rc4 is the updated version
[*] im willing to bet metalworks is out of date but its never played in eu (updated version is cp_metalworks)
[*] soapdm would be very nice thing to have in the year 2016

1 Frags +
Gemmellnessim willing to bet metalworks is out of date but its never played in eu (updated version is cp_metalworks)

to be fair esea is still running rc7

im willing to bet metalworks is out of date but its never played in eu (updated version is cp_metalworks)
to be fair esea is still running rc7
3 Frags +
bwelpi know its a mixchamp thing but can you have it to where it locks the player in the medic slot if they try to fake add.


[quote=bwelp]i know its a mixchamp thing but can you have it to where it locks the player in the medic slot if they try to fake add.[/quote]

0 Frags +

site down?

site down?
2 Frags +

Currently stuck in a game that happened last night after the site crashed.



edit: Jerrett fixed my problem.

Currently stuck in a game that happened last night after the site crashed.



edit: Jerrett fixed my problem.
4 Frags +
Gemmellnessmonthly post on here just pointing out some gameserver stuff that takes 5 mins to fix but hasnt yet:
  • snakewater is still on u10 when final1 is the updated version
  • sunshine's still on rc9 when cp_sunshine is the updated version
  • granary's still on rc3 when rc4 is the updated version
  • im willing to bet metalworks is out of date but its never played in eu (updated version is cp_metalworks)
  • soapdm would be very nice thing to have in the year 2016


Reckoner is still on cp_reckoner_b2a when cp_reckoner_b3a is the updated version .

[quote=Gemmellness]monthly post on here just pointing out some gameserver stuff that takes 5 mins to fix but hasnt yet:

[*] snakewater is still on u10 when final1 is the updated version
[*] sunshine's still on rc9 when cp_sunshine is the updated version
[*] granary's still on rc3 when rc4 is the updated version
[*] im willing to bet metalworks is out of date but its never played in eu (updated version is cp_metalworks)
[*] soapdm would be very nice thing to have in the year 2016


Reckoner is still on cp_reckoner_b2a when cp_reckoner_b3a is the updated version .
2 Frags +

known bug:

if a sub spot appears and someone applies to both spots and gets both (in this case it was scout for both teams on an aborted reckoner pug just now) then in pugchamp chat it comes up with the "failed to substitute player", but in game info it says they're a sub for both spots.

i think kaja tried to sub out our ghost sub but then they got removed from the game completely. didn't see the states for subs after that

known bug:

if a sub spot appears and someone applies to both spots and gets both (in this case it was scout for both teams on an aborted reckoner pug just now) then in pugchamp chat it comes up with the "failed to substitute player", but in game info it says they're a sub for both spots.

i think kaja tried to sub out our ghost sub but then they got removed from the game completely. didn't see the states for subs after that
3 Frags +

I've messaged tsc multiple times about this on slack but but the sunshine version on na at least should be changed to stock map instead of rc9 because that's what's in esea

I've messaged tsc multiple times about this on slack but but the sunshine version on na at least should be changed to stock map instead of rc9 because that's what's in esea
5 Frags +

Site is fucked because chrome broke something. Some people are not able to sub people out. I think it works in firefox but I am not sure.

I will also get the maps updated some day.

Also pretty sure I have mentioned before but soap crashes the servers and was the source of the lag that you guys were experiencing about 5 months ago...

Site is fucked because chrome broke something. Some people are not able to sub people out. I think it works in firefox but I am not sure.

I will also get the maps updated some day.

Also pretty sure I have mentioned before but soap crashes the servers and was the source of the lag that you guys were experiencing about 5 months ago...
5 Frags +

can you please add a feature that if both of the captain are ok with it the pug can be closed?
Now it's been almost 1 hour that i'm stuck in a pug that was left by everyone cause it was made right when the update drop (and i couldn't connect) and so i can't add up to another one

can you please add a feature that if both of the captain are ok with it the pug can be closed?
Now it's been almost 1 hour that i'm stuck in a pug that was left by everyone cause it was made right when the update drop (and i couldn't connect) and so i can't add up to another one
1 Frags +
cirlocan you please add a feature that if both of the captain are ok with it the pug can be closed?
Now it's been almost 1 hour that i'm stuck in a pug that was left by everyone cause it was made right when the update drop (and i couldn't connect) and so i can't add up to another one

This and if the picking is in progress both captains can agree to end it without penalty (if the update drops mid picking or another pug ends and tons of people want to add up for example)
or at the very least let admins end it mid picking because as is you have to finish the picking then abort which is kind of dumb

[quote=cirlo]can you please add a feature that if both of the captain are ok with it the pug can be closed?
Now it's been almost 1 hour that i'm stuck in a pug that was left by everyone cause it was made right when the update drop (and i couldn't connect) and so i can't add up to another one[/quote]
This and if the picking is in progress both captains can agree to end it without penalty (if the update drops mid picking or another pug ends and tons of people want to add up for example)
or at the very least let admins end it mid picking because as is you have to finish the picking then abort which is kind of dumb
3 Frags +

If the dropdown thing isn't working, clear your cache and refresh. (in chrome, f12 then press and hold the refresh button).

bearodactylcirlocan you please add a feature that if both of the captain are ok with it the pug can be closed?
Now it's been almost 1 hour that i'm stuck in a pug that was left by everyone cause it was made right when the update drop (and i couldn't connect) and so i can't add up to another one
This and if the picking is in progress both captains can agree to end it without penalty (if the update drops mid picking or another pug ends and tons of people want to add up for example)
or at the very least let admins end it mid picking because as is you have to finish the picking then abort which is kind of dumb

That is something that is planned...

If the dropdown thing isn't working, clear your cache and refresh. (in chrome, f12 then press and hold the refresh button).

[quote=bearodactyl][quote=cirlo]can you please add a feature that if both of the captain are ok with it the pug can be closed?
Now it's been almost 1 hour that i'm stuck in a pug that was left by everyone cause it was made right when the update drop (and i couldn't connect) and so i can't add up to another one[/quote]
This and if the picking is in progress both captains can agree to end it without penalty (if the update drops mid picking or another pug ends and tons of people want to add up for example)
or at the very least let admins end it mid picking because as is you have to finish the picking then abort which is kind of dumb[/quote]

That is something that is planned...
0 Frags +

stuck in a mix
can still join mixes tho?

stuck in a mix
can still join mixes tho?
1 Frags +


the ripple isn't in the square

this is unacceptable


the ripple isn't in the square

this is unacceptable
2 Frags +

Seems like the last couple of weeks have been full of mixes starting, and then one of the captains goes afk and the mix is fucked. I'm, uh, sitting on the mumble for one of those as I type this. Always appreciate when erynn comes in and fixes shit but she can't always be around to keep this shit from happening. Like right now, the mix is just fucked. Much as I know there's other shit for you two to do I really wish there was some system for the other people in the pug to fix this. Whether it's just a vote to abort the pug, or captains can sub the other teams players, or something besides just leaving everyone in the mix to fuck around.

Seems like the last couple of weeks have been full of mixes starting, and then one of the captains goes afk and the mix is fucked. I'm, uh, sitting on the mumble for one of those as I type this. Always appreciate when erynn comes in and fixes shit but she can't always be around to keep this shit from happening. Like right now, the mix is just fucked. Much as I know there's other shit for you two to do I really wish there was some system for the other people in the pug to fix this. Whether it's just a vote to abort the pug, or captains can sub the other teams players, or [i]something[/i] besides just leaving everyone in the mix to fuck around.
3 Frags +
MenachemSeems like the last couple of weeks have been full of mixes starting, and then one of the captains goes afk and the mix is fucked. I'm, uh, sitting on the mumble for one of those as I type this. Always appreciate when erynn comes in and fixes shit but she can't always be around to keep this shit from happening. Like right now, the mix is just fucked. Much as I know there's other shit for you two to do I really wish there was some system for the other people in the pug to fix this. Whether it's just a vote to abort the pug, or captains can sub the other teams players, or something besides just leaving everyone in the mix to fuck around.

I just closed the pug. I am working on getting a few more admins up on the site that actively play there. We are going to make a better rep system for the site as I understand that this happens way too often. I try to captain ban the repeat offenders when I catch them.

Mixchamp was the accident child of pugchamp. It shares the same code base so there is a lot of oversight mechanic-wise of the site. When I mean accident, it was basically set up in a day after valve pushed back the mm update....

We are hoping this will all be fixed when we get the rewrite done. It will address many of the problems that have been happening. Unfortunately I do not have a time frame to when we can start testing out pugchamp 2.0. I am hoping you will start to see some movement soon(tm).

[quote=Menachem]Seems like the last couple of weeks have been full of mixes starting, and then one of the captains goes afk and the mix is fucked. I'm, uh, sitting on the mumble for one of those as I type this. Always appreciate when erynn comes in and fixes shit but she can't always be around to keep this shit from happening. Like right now, the mix is just fucked. Much as I know there's other shit for you two to do I really wish there was some system for the other people in the pug to fix this. Whether it's just a vote to abort the pug, or captains can sub the other teams players, or [i]something[/i] besides just leaving everyone in the mix to fuck around.[/quote]

I just closed the pug. I am working on getting a few more admins up on the site that actively play there. We are going to make a better rep system for the site as I understand that this happens way too often. I try to captain ban the repeat offenders when I catch them.

Mixchamp was the accident child of pugchamp. It shares the same code base so there is a lot of oversight mechanic-wise of the site. When I mean accident, it was basically set up in a day after valve pushed back the mm update....

We are hoping this will all be fixed when we get the rewrite done. It will address many of the problems that have been happening. Unfortunately I do not have a time frame to when we can start testing out pugchamp 2.0. I am hoping you will start to see some movement soon(tm).
1 Frags +

Does it still not run on firefox? I get the background screen only. And I can't see any other UI

Does it still not run on firefox? I get the background screen only. And I can't see any other UI
3 Frags +
diamond0wnerDoes it still not run on firefox? I get the background screen only. And I can't see any other UI

should run on the most current firefox. If not, google broke things again.

[quote=diamond0wner]Does it still not run on firefox? I get the background screen only. And I can't see any other UI[/quote]

should run on the most current firefox. If not, google broke things again.
1 Frags +

One time the pug changed servers before starting, and my alias changed to my custom steam one, then I realized at the end of the pug that I was (apparently) never in the pug to begin with (although I can clearly remember playing medic on the red team)...


Eh, I probably should've reconnected the moment my alias changed in-game, but it was interesting to see.

One time the pug changed servers before starting, and my alias changed to my custom steam one, then I realized at the end of the pug that I was (apparently) never in the pug to begin with (although I can clearly remember playing medic on the red team)...


Eh, I probably should've reconnected the moment my alias changed in-game, but it was interesting to see.
0 Frags +

https://eu.pug.champ.gg/game/581a40717920e73d41954dd2 end this pug please

Edit : Its fixed Thx admin

https://eu.pug.champ.gg/game/581a40717920e73d41954dd2 end this pug please

Edit : Its fixed Thx admin
3 Frags +

The latest update broke sourcemod. Game servers will crash when people try and join them.

The latest update broke sourcemod. Game servers will crash when people try and join them.
2 Frags +

there's an open pugchamp on eu btw, just in case you forget about us

there's an open pugchamp on eu btw, just in case you forget about us
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