I don't know any soldier mains that use a low sense.
if you know anybody that does can you link me a video of them aiming.
low sense = 12 inches or more
I don't know any soldier mains that use a low sense.
if you know anybody that does can you link me a video of them aiming.
low sense = 12 inches or more
boomer (~20 inch?)
also by ur definition a lot of soldiers have "low sense" but I would describe them as average
for example TLR has a ~12 inch 360
10 inch is low since when ? its average for a game like tf2/quake
sorry I should of clarified, low sense for me (I use 3.2 in game at 800 dpi)
This thread has the sens of a lot of old prem/invite players.
Posted in that thread is:n
Avg = 7.66025
Std = 3.5195940686
Min = 1.818
Max = 13.636
So I guess lower (higher number) than 10 is pretty low.
I think Voll and boomer both used somewhat low sensitivities as per your standard (I think a bit over 12in/360 for both), and I heard something about Colorado "TechDude" Craig using 20 in/360 at LAN or something.
You should be inspired by TechDude's feat and change your sensitivity to 24in/360, one inch for each hour of the day.
he was playing on 10" at lan from what I remember
Phoenix21MatthesTekhe was playing on 10" at lan from what I remember
Originally the post said 10 :)
MatthesPhoenix21MatthesTekhe was playing on 10" at lan from what I remember
Originally the post said 10 :)
he uses crazy mouse accel, not sure what the values are but it was fucking weird to try it at i52.
a low sens is OK to use if you're comfortable with it, the issues start when you need to be able to make quick movements that might take longer with a low sens. You want to be able to do a 360 comfortably, even though you won't do that much in game it's still important as your aiming ability will always be stretched, don't forget you have to look up and down too.
another issue i find is that a few low sens soldiers that used to play (haunter?) you could always tell when they were going to rocket jump as the movement took longer for them, you could just prefire and that's it, against high sens. soldiers they can just jump instantly without a long animation that their player model shows.
in relation to tek who uses mouse accell, he'd never really struggle on quick movements because of his settings and could still accurately control his aim.
I played on 12in/360 from s17-s20
https://youtu.be/acI17yvW7Ik (excuse my clip selection I was very bad at the time but you can get a sense for my aim)
I play on a 19in/360 and i feel fine playing projectile classes
shadowburn always used high sens, even still on genji. Look how it has panned out for him, high sens master race
boomer plays with accel, or at least this says he does
aieraI played on 12in/360 from s17-s20
https://youtu.be/acI17yvW7Ik (excuse my clip selection I was very bad at the time but you can get a sense for my aim)
yea but you are a MAJOR noob, not even CLOSE to the likes of the top invite tier (the relevants)
if you're not using anything faster than 10" ur not having fun
miloif you're not using anything faster than 10" ur not having fun
if you're not using anything bigger than 10" ur not having fun
Mostly soldier clips at 14 inches
the ability to turn around quickly vastly outweighs any longrange rocket/shotgun aim
i've used as low as 18.2"/360 and right now im at a 12.9. if youre comfortable and it doesnt hinder your performance use whatever, b.
I went from 1.1" to 20.4", and im now 5.1", they were all equally good for playing soldier imo
I've been playing 20ish inches for the last month and a half on soldier and it feels fine atm. I have noticed airshotting is slightly harder sometimes because if they are way up or right above me I'll run out of mousepad sometimes. Other than that I really like it because it's my cs sense so my aim feels on point usually. All my frag vids are like a half year old so I was on around 10-15 inches at the time of those https://youtube.com/channel/UCQA9IdEDGWq1XjUCkIzyNbA