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Positivity Thread
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Title says it all. Let out whatever's made you happy today or in recent times, or just let off some good energy. I'll start:

I'm really happy I got into competitive TF2 around this time a year ago because of all the amazing people I've gotten to meet from all different countries and cultures. The friends I've made through this silly little game have had a huge positive impact on my life and mental well being, and I hope to enjoy their company and all of yours' for years to come <3

Title says it all. Let out whatever's made you happy today or in recent times, or just let off some good energy. I'll start:

I'm really happy I got into competitive TF2 around this time a year ago because of all the amazing people I've gotten to meet from all different countries and cultures. The friends I've made through this silly little game have had a huge positive impact on my life and mental well being, and I hope to enjoy their company and all of yours' for years to come <3
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you look nice today ;)

you look nice today ;)
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I hit a 180 flick airshot

I hit a 180 flick airshot
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my brother got married, and this christmas has been great. surrounded by family and i love it.

my brother got married, and this christmas has been great. surrounded by family and i love it.
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Merry Christmas :)

Merry Christmas :)
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i love my gf

i love my gf
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My girlfriend

My girlfriend
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Got Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes to play with friends, and a ticket for Download Festival 2017, gonna see SOAD live and it's super exciting!

It's going well with the girl I like.

Got Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes to play with friends, and a ticket for Download Festival 2017, gonna see SOAD live and it's super exciting!

It's going well with the girl I like.
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my doggy is a cutie :D

my doggy is a cutie :D
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my dog has chosen to sleep on my bed over anybody else in my house's beds :D

my dog has chosen to sleep on my bed over anybody else in my house's beds :D
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broke up with my gf but got a new cutie.

broke up with my gf but got a new cutie.
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i went to church for the first time in a while. i recommend it

i went to church for the first time in a while. i recommend it
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Mental state is improving.

Mental state is improving.
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this cute winking cat wants to be ur friend


this cute winking cat wants to be ur friend
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I found out today that my Grandpa's cancer is reducing and the tumors are getting smaller. Really made my day :)

I found out today that my Grandpa's cancer is reducing and the tumors are getting smaller. Really made my day :)
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My sleep schedule is fixed. Took it long enough.

My sleep schedule is fixed. Took it long enough.
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i'm pretty happy with my life although it could be better

i'm pretty happy with my life although it could be better
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