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Dude wipes
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These things are a blessing my asshole has never felt cleaner
worthy investment

These things are a blessing my asshole has never felt cleaner
worthy investment
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these threads are disgusting

these threads are disgusting
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domthewhiteguy: i only use wipes cause that's the only way i can ever feel clean

domthewhiteguy: i only use wipes cause that's the only way i can ever feel clean
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smakersWeird thread, sting.

Stand up, let your ass cheeks mash together--smearing the poo. Take 1 square of TP, poke your finger through the middle, reach back, use your finger to scoop the poo up, then use the square of TP to scrape the poo off your finger. Just like a real man does it. Saves you $300 a year on toilet paper too. 1000 shits per roll.
[quote=smakers]Weird thread, sting.

Stand up, let your ass cheeks mash together--smearing the poo. Take 1 square of TP, poke your finger through the middle, reach back, use your finger to scoop the poo up, then use the square of TP to scrape the poo off your finger. Just like a real man does it. Saves you $300 a year on toilet paper too. 1000 shits per roll.[/quote]
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i just shit before i shower so i'm always squeaky clean

i just shit before i shower so i'm always squeaky clean
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Cerduri just shit before i shower so i'm always squeaky clean

or u can just shit in ur shower and save money on water too

[quote=Cerdur]i just shit before i shower so i'm always squeaky clean[/quote]
or u can just shit in ur shower and save money on water too
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waffle stomp it

waffle stomp it
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does anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it

does anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it
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pyxelizewdoes anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about itodds are you have to stand up to do that with shit hangin out ur ass so probably

my sink is like a foot away from the toilet

[quote=pyxelize][quote=w]does anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it[/quote]
odds are you have to stand up to do that with shit hangin out ur ass so probably[/quote]
my sink is like a foot away from the toilet
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thx for ruining the oceans with ur non-disintegrating "flushable-in-name-only" wipes...

wdoes anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it


sounds like a recipe for the tp to start disintegrating and beading

thx for ruining the oceans with ur non-disintegrating "flushable-in-name-only" wipes...

[quote=w]does anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it[/quote]

sounds like a recipe for the tp to start disintegrating and beading
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twenty2020thx for ruining the oceans with ur non-disintegrating "flushable-in-name-only" wipes...
wdoes anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it?

sounds like a recipe for the tp to start disintegrating and beading

I actually compost my wipes

[quote=twenty2020]thx for ruining the oceans with ur non-disintegrating "flushable-in-name-only" wipes...

[quote=w]does anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it[/quote]

sounds like a recipe for the tp to start disintegrating and beading[/quote]
I actually compost my wipes
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I just let my dog lick me clean.

I just let my dog lick me clean.
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tf.tv threads nowadays


tf.tv threads nowadays

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yo dude i take years to wipe my ass, can I get a link to buy these.
im actually not joking its kinda depressing wiping ur ass like its a crayola marker

yo dude i take years to wipe my ass, can I get a link to buy these.
im actually not joking its kinda depressing wiping ur ass like its a crayola marker
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i got in touch with my inner self

that was the last time i ever used thin tp

i got in touch with my inner self

that was the last time i ever used thin tp
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Blitheyo dude i take years to wipe my ass, can I get a link to buy these.
im actually not joking its kinda depressing wiping ur ass like its a crayola marker

ive seen them just about everywhere, grocery stores, target, walmart

but heres an amazon link regardless: https://www.amazon.com/Dude-Wipes-Flushable-Single-Moist/dp/B00IXDS4EU/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1484284595&sr=8-3&keywords=dude+wipes

[quote=Blithe]yo dude i take years to wipe my ass, can I get a link to buy these.
im actually not joking its kinda depressing wiping ur ass like its a crayola marker[/quote]

ive seen them just about everywhere, grocery stores, target, walmart

but heres an amazon link regardless: https://www.amazon.com/Dude-Wipes-Flushable-Single-Moist/dp/B00IXDS4EU/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1484284595&sr=8-3&keywords=dude+wipes&tag=teamfortresst-20
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did i ever mention how suss niggas are these days

im included

did i ever mention how suss niggas are these days

im included
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ok then what do you use after taking a shit dishsoap I'm dying to know

ok then what do you use after taking a shit dishsoap I'm dying to know
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use wipes or buy a bidet if u want to join the rest of the first world

use wipes or buy a bidet if u want to join the rest of the first world
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life tip

shave yr asshole

every single shit you will take will be a 2 wiper at worst

think of the NASTIEST smelliest stickiest shit you've ever taken and that thing will be gone in 2 wipes max

life tip

shave yr asshole

every single shit you will take will be a 2 wiper at worst

think of the NASTIEST smelliest stickiest shit you've ever taken and that thing will be gone in 2 wipes max
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DishSoapdid i ever mention how suss niggas are these days

im included

how is this sus everyone has a butthole f00l

[quote=DishSoap]did i ever mention how suss niggas are these days

im included[/quote]
how is this sus everyone has a butthole f00l
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