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what do ya'll do outside of tf2?
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I'm a game dev major which I used to think was just a meme degree but then I realized all degrees are memes to some degree and that as long as I work hard I'll be alright. I'm a bit behind in school becuase I was a shitty student for too long but now I'm getting back on track and looking for internships.

I play guitar in a REAL SCREAMO and not FAKE SCREAMO band called Crowning. Our first release should be out early February on unironic cassette and the internet. You can check out one of the songs on it at crowningpool.bandcamp.com. not everyones cup of tea of course but we've been really well received so far by people who the type of music we play :) it felt awesome to hear that the guys in some of my favorite bands are loving the two songs we've put out so far.

I like craft beer and coffee becuase im hipster trash. I'm not into homebrewing or writing pretensions reviews on beeradvocate.com, I just enjoy trying all of the different stuff out there.

I wanna get swole like pankeyman but I'm lazy. I put on about 15 pounds pretty quickly in a couple months about a year ago which I unfortunately lost :< I'll probably get back on it soon since the new year resolution crowd should be gone by now. By the way, if going to the gym intimidates you don't worry, you will quickly realize that nobody cares what you're doing whatsoever and that the hardest part is what you do outside of the gym such as eating right, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep.

I'm a game dev major which I used to think was just a meme degree but then I realized all degrees are memes to some degree and that as long as I work hard I'll be alright. I'm a bit behind in school becuase I was a shitty student for too long but now I'm getting back on track and looking for internships.

I play guitar in a REAL SCREAMO and not FAKE SCREAMO band called Crowning. Our first release should be out early February on unironic cassette and the internet. You can check out one of the songs on it at crowningpool.bandcamp.com. not everyones cup of tea of course but we've been really well received so far by people who the type of music we play :) it felt awesome to hear that the guys in some of my favorite bands are loving the two songs we've put out so far.

I like craft beer and coffee becuase im hipster trash. I'm not into homebrewing or writing pretensions reviews on beeradvocate.com, I just enjoy trying all of the different stuff out there.

I wanna get swole like pankeyman but I'm lazy. I put on about 15 pounds pretty quickly in a couple months about a year ago which I unfortunately lost :< I'll probably get back on it soon since the new year resolution crowd should be gone by now. By the way, if going to the gym intimidates you don't worry, you will quickly realize that nobody cares what you're doing whatsoever and that the hardest part is what you do outside of the gym such as eating right, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep.
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I like taking my dog on long walks, playing the bass guitar, and I work at a guitar center

I swam competitively from age 6-17 and I also like watching sports, go Mariners and Seahawks!

I like taking my dog on long walks, playing the bass guitar, and I work at a guitar center

I swam competitively from age 6-17 and I also like watching sports, go Mariners and Seahawks!
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watch anime

watch anime
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wait in anticipation until i can tf2

wait in anticipation until i can tf2
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video games

in this order

I also meme sometimes

video games

in this order

I also meme sometimes
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practice bass/music in general
go to college
play music
hang out
watch some TV shows

practice bass/music in general
go to college
play music
hang out
watch some TV shows
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work at an auto-body/restoration shop as a paint specialist and shop foreman
i fish in the mid-spring/summer when the water here finally starts to warm up
walking through/hiking in park trails is also pretty nice


what's your favorite pikmin game and why is it pikmin 2

4:36 PM - Space Ghost's Coffee: "work at an auto-body/restoration shop as a pain specialist"
4:36 PM - Space Ghost's Coffee: you might want to correct that lol
4:36 PM - viper: OH LOL
4:36 PM - viper: THANKS

work at an auto-body/restoration shop as a paint specialist and shop foreman
i fish in the mid-spring/summer when the water here finally starts to warm up
walking through/hiking in park trails is also pretty nice


what's your favorite pikmin game and why is it pikmin 2

4:36 PM - Space Ghost's Coffee: "work at an auto-body/restoration shop as a pain specialist"
4:36 PM - Space Ghost's Coffee: you might want to correct that lol
4:36 PM - viper: OH LOL
4:36 PM - viper: THANKS
4 Frags +

-play electric/bass guitar/sing in a metal band
-hang out w/ my boyfriend
-play CS
-hopelessly look for a job to save up for LAN events
-Fix computers

-play electric/bass guitar/sing in a metal band
-hang out w/ my boyfriend
-play CS
-hopelessly look for a job to save up for LAN events
-Fix computers
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trap out the bando

trap out the bando
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Besides school and friends, I like to write (words not code), code independent projects that aren't related to school or work, and I like to find new drinks to try out (usually craft beers since guelph pubs are really good for finding those sorts of things).

I used to play a lot of sports in high school but I mellowed out (became lazy) when I hit university :(

oh and I watch a ton of movies and listen to a lot of music

Besides school and friends, I like to write (words not code), code independent projects that aren't related to school or work, and I like to find new drinks to try out (usually craft beers since guelph pubs are really good for finding those sorts of things).

I used to play a lot of sports in high school but I mellowed out (became lazy) when I hit university :(

oh and I watch a ton of movies and listen to a lot of music
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strum my guitar a bit and come up with ok sounds
drink 3 liters of tea daily
look for a job so i can afford studying and moving out of this house to avoid further mental issues

strum my guitar a bit and come up with ok sounds
drink 3 liters of tea daily
look for a job so i can afford studying and moving out of this house to avoid further mental issues
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I work as an industrial mechanic in a steel mill
Trying to get some stuff recorded with my band (I'll post it on here once we have a bandcamp up)
Watch lots of movies and do stuff with my girlfriend who somehow hasn't dumped me yet
I also collect records

I work as an industrial mechanic in a steel mill
Trying to get some stuff recorded with my band (I'll post it on here once we have a bandcamp up)
Watch lots of movies and do stuff with my girlfriend who somehow hasn't dumped me yet
I also collect records
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rocketslaybe a depressed highschool student

isnt that all of open

[quote=rocketslay]be a depressed highschool student[/quote]

isnt that all of open
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trippaabsolutely nothingFMX1school
[quote=trippa]absolutely nothing[/quote]
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THEBILLDOZERIve been getting into different kinds of tea and brewing methods with my friends lately

I like herbal tea they put in these variety boxes


Ive been getting into different kinds of tea and brewing methods with my friends lately
I like herbal tea they put in these variety boxes
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listen to music (mostly post rock, lo-fi,ambient etc)
play osrs
contemplate learning to play keyboard/guitar

listen to music (mostly post rock, lo-fi,ambient etc)
play osrs
contemplate learning to play keyboard/guitar
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Any combination of work, listening to music, playing guitar and bass, self loathing, and jacking off on a daily basis.

Any combination of work, listening to music, playing guitar and bass, self loathing, and jacking off on a daily basis.
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i dont play tf2 anymore but i work a lot all over the US, play drums in an abrasive hardcore/screamo band, post on forums that i have no place in anymore

i dont play tf2 anymore but i work a lot all over the US, play drums in an abrasive hardcore/screamo band, post on forums that i have no place in anymore
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how are there so many tf2 players in bands
like id probably do the same thing if i ever bought a new keyboard but theres a lot more people than i thought

how are there so many tf2 players in bands
like id probably do the same thing if i ever bought a new keyboard but theres a lot more people than i thought
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I make music covers of popular kpop songs

shameless plug

I make music covers of popular kpop songs

[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/sharleeism]shameless plug[/url]
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Right now I'm just finishing up high school but I do plan on becoming a personal trainer :)

Right now I'm just finishing up high school but I do plan on becoming a personal trainer :)
20 Frags +

I'm engaged, have a smol puppo, mentor a FIRST robotics team, smonk weed.

My job is tf2 though so

I'm engaged, have a smol puppo, mentor a FIRST robotics team, smonk weed.

My job is tf2 though so
3 Frags +

I play squash casually and I'm struggling my way to a bachelor in chemistry

I play squash casually and I'm struggling my way to a bachelor in chemistry
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Lose the will to live at university
Chill with friends
Play guitar
Play other games :D

Lose the will to live at university
Chill with friends
Play guitar
Play other games :D
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school (kms ap classes), work, photography.

school (kms ap classes), work, photography.
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i cocoon myself until i play TF2 again

i cocoon myself until i play TF2 again
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runescape and the gOOD green :D

runescape and the gOOD green :D
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