not that different from the classic political compass but I was just curious how people score on it
I of course am a mega leftist:
not that different from the classic political compass but I was just curious how people score on it
I of course am a mega leftist:
Closest Match: Social Liberalism
toads_tflibertarian socialism???
as in I am a civil libertarian and an economic socialist
I am in favor of drug legalization, scaling back on foreign wars, free speech, etc., but I also believe in universal health care, high taxes on the wealthy, environmental protection, etc.
not a super rare political ideology
Democratic Socialism.
It says social liberalism for me, a little left of center.
I wouldn't really agree with what it says about me but it is what it is
closest match: libertarian socialism
Closest Match: Social Liberalism
die commies
radicalized by 8chan?
Closest Match: Libertarian Socialism
Also the test claims I'm full communist which isn't quite true.
Not a big fan of the absolute questions, as most cases have exceptions to the rule.
Economic Axis: Egalitarian
Closest Match: Social Liberalism
im happy with this uwu
Closest Match: Social Liberalism
I'd like to think i'm a bit more conservative in the economic sense.
social liberalism
there were a few questions that i had to answer with a neutral/unsure simply because of lack of context or circumstance that probably would've made me more right-leaning but whatever
Libertarian Socialism
forced redistribution of wealth by the state
choose one; socialism is antithetical to liberty
Social Liberalism
I think I misinterpreted what one of the questions meant tho
Democratic Socialism
Closest Match: Libertarian Socialism
Also the test claims I'm full communist which isn't quite true.
Not exactly true. The test is saying that the values you hold when it comes to economics, are those that would be shared by an average communist viewpoint. This doesn't mean you are communist, it just means that you have a similar perspective on things.
Adnurakforced redistribution of wealth by the state
choose one; socialism is antithetical to liberty
people without access to health education and food
choose one; capitalism is antithetical to liberty
mustardoverlordpeople without access to health education and food
choose one; capitalism is antithetical to liberty
positive rights do not exist
nobody has a right to anything they can't work for, nobody has the right to demand that someone else pay for it, what about that idea seems libertarian to you?
incidentally, poor people had good access to healthcare before government fucked that up for them
Adnurakpositive rights do not exist
nobody has a right to anything they can't work for, nobody has the right to demand that someone else pay for it
you're about 150 years too late on this train buddy, positive rights are ingrained in international law and the constitutions of most countries
if you think you're describing a utopian vision of how things aught to be then you might want to put down atlas shrugged and take a good hard look at yourself
Adnurakincidentally, poor people had good access to healthcare before government fucked that up for them
rofl this might be the most ludicrous thing ive ever seen
because the turn of the 20th century was well known for poor people having long life expectancy and preventative care for infectious diseases right? that's why it was called the gilded age? because every working class person had gold-level health care plans?
mustardoverlordAdnurakpositive rights do not exist
nobody has a right to anything they can't work for, nobody has the right to demand that someone else pay for it
you're about 150 years too late on this train buddy, positive rights are ingrained in international law and the constitutions of most countries
if you think you're describing a utopian vision of how things aught to be then you might want to put down atlas shrugged and take a good hard look at yourself
Adnurakincidentally, poor people had good access to healthcare before government fucked that up for them
rofl this might be the most ludicrous thing ive ever seen
because the turn of the 20th century was well known for poor people having long life expectancy and preventative care for infectious diseases right? that's why it was called the gilded age? because every working class person had gold-level health care plans?
so you're not interested in arguing that socialism is libertarian, that's good.