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the my b thread
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i’m sorry for trolling cereal
i’m sorry for spamming 16jacobj

i’m sorry for trolling cereal
i’m sorry for spamming 16jacobj
15 Frags +

sorry for being Canadian

sorry for being Canadian
6 Frags +
fexim sorry im not good i apologize for my ego please forgive me, im just europeean .

I tried that one earlier and it didn't work out so well. I apologize for not leaving my prior memes up as a deterrent to anyone else who wanted to meme.

[quote=fex]im sorry im not good i apologize for my ego please forgive me, im just europeean .[/quote]
I tried that one earlier and it didn't work out so well. I apologize for not leaving my prior memes up as a deterrent to anyone else who wanted to meme.
5 Frags +

I'm sorry for bullying whsh

I'm sorry caltrops,puzza,and nation for making your first season as uneventful and hectic as it was.I feel like that was what made you quit and i could have done better as a team captain to improve that experience but i didn't work hard enough.

I'm sorry for bullying whsh

I'm sorry caltrops,puzza,and nation for making your first season as uneventful and hectic as it was.I feel like that was what made you quit and i could have done better as a team captain to improve that experience but i didn't work hard enough.
3 Frags +

Sorry for being annoying here with my post spam some time ago

Sorry for being annoying here with my post spam some time ago
8 Frags +

Might sound dumb, but I'm sorry for not contributing to the comp scene besides just watching games, and sorry for not attempting to get on a team yet.

Might sound dumb, but I'm sorry for not contributing to the comp scene besides just watching games, and sorry for not attempting to get on a team yet.
12 Frags +

im sorry i said the n word to chunkey once

im sorry i said the n word to chunkey once
-4 Frags +

im sorry for being okay with stalemating so much

im sorry for being okay with stalemating so much
7 Frags +

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
1 Frags +

sorry to my team for being an asshole and permasniping in like 3 scrims

oh and im toxic LUL

sorry to my team for being an asshole and permasniping in like 3 scrims

oh and im toxic LUL
6 Frags +

im sorry hiipfire for going 0-15 in pugchamp i wont let it happen again

im sorry hiipfire for going 0-15 in pugchamp i wont let it happen again
32 Frags +

im sorry for liking anime

im sorry for liking anime
43 Frags +
ether_im sorry for liking anime

This is not something that is so easily forgiven

[quote=ether_]im sorry for liking anime[/quote]

This is not something that is so easily forgiven
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7 Frags +

I'm sorry for being a salty mge lord asshole.

I'm sorry for being a salty mge lord asshole.
6 Frags +

I'm sorry to lion, for being toxic and shitty.

I'm sorry to lion, for being toxic and shitty.
9 Frags +

i'm sorry for acting like a prick towards people just because i don't know them or are familiar with them

i'm sorry for acting like a prick towards people just because i don't know them or are familiar with them
7 Frags +

sorry for trying to be funny too much

sorry for trying to be funny too much
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zanasorry for trying to be funny too much

if u think ur funny keep at it. if youre the only one who enjoys your jokes just dont press ur push to talk and say the joke

[quote=zana]sorry for trying to be funny too much[/quote]
if u think ur funny keep at it. if youre the only one who enjoys your jokes just dont press ur push to talk and say the joke
14 Frags +

sorry for ruining the reddit thread some time ago

sorry for ruining the reddit thread some time ago
1 Frags +
OppeboI'm sorry for bullying whsh

I'm sorry caltrops,puzza,and nation for making your first season as uneventful and hectic as it was.I feel like that was what made you quit and i could have done better as a team captain to improve that experience but i didn't work hard enough.

sorry for being a dumb idiot on the team oftentimes

[quote=Oppebo]I'm sorry for bullying whsh

I'm sorry caltrops,puzza,and nation for making your first season as uneventful and hectic as it was.I feel like that was what made you quit and i could have done better as a team captain to improve that experience but i didn't work hard enough.[/quote]
sorry for being a dumb idiot on the team oftentimes
-3 Frags +

sorry for being really white like a year and a half ago

sorry for being really white like a year and a half ago
6 Frags +

sorry for my accent

sorry for my accent
5 Frags +

I'm sorry for going captain on pugchamp and ruining quite a few pugs..

I'm sorry for going captain on pugchamp and ruining quite a few pugs..
7 Frags +

I'm sorry for getting mad at videogames.

I'm sorry for getting mad at videogames.
17 Frags +


3 Frags +

I'm sorry that I get really angry, too often I let my emotions take over and I take it out on other people, it's not a fun environment for anyone, including myself.

I'm sorry that I get really angry, too often I let my emotions take over and I take it out on other people, it's not a fun environment for anyone, including myself.
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19 Frags +

im sorry for not actually being asian

im sorry for not actually being asian
-12 Frags +

yall suck my dick

yall suck my dick
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