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CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin
posted in Projects
1 Frags +

Menachem, did you have



Menachem, did you have [code]ce_antifreeze_enabled[/code] on?
0 Frags +


8 Frags +

New release: r20

If you previously used player health progressbars on your hud, ce_hud_player_health_progressbars (and ce_hud_forward_playerpanel_border) now default off. If you still want to use them, you must turn them on in your config. This change was to avoid wasting performance for people who didn't know about/use these features.


[b]New release: r20[/b]

[b]If you previously used player health progressbars on your hud, ce_hud_player_health_progressbars (and ce_hud_forward_playerpanel_border) now default off. If you still want to use them, you must turn them on in your config. This change was to avoid wasting performance for people who didn't know about/use these features.[/b]

[*] Added ce_killstreaks_hide_firstperson_effects, which prevents professional killstreak eye effects from appearing in firstperson on STV.
[*] Replaced most of the thirdperson lock cvars (ce_tplock_) to support automatically entering thirdperson on STV when a player taunts. See the wiki page for more information: https://github.com/PazerOP/CastingEssentials/wiki/Camera-Tools#thirdperson-lock.
[*] SteamTools module now has support for the 2018 rich presence update: https://github.com/PazerOP/CastingEssentials/wiki/Steam-Tools#2018-rich-presence.
[*] Minor performance improvements.
[*] Added ce_weapon_inspect_block, which prevents inspect animations from playing.
[*] Added ce_hud_player_status_effects, which shows status effect icons in the playerpanels on the spectator gui based on the current active effects on the player. See the wiki page for info on how to add support to your hud: https://github.com/PazerOP/CastingEssentials/wiki/HUD-Mods#player-status-effects.
[*] Added ce_hud_chargebars_enabled, which shows weapon charge bars (only the banners for now) in the playerpanels on the spectator gui. See the wiki page for info on how to add support to your hud: https://github.com/PazerOP/CastingEssentials/wiki/HUD-Mods#banner-charge-progress-bars.
[*] Hid by default the "Unable to find player %s for panel %s" console spam that would sometimes show up.
[*] Added autocomplete to ce_consoletools_flags_add/remove.
[*] Added ce_consoletools_flags_add/remove support for FCVAR_HIDDEN and FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY.
[*] Added ce_consoletools_alias_remove to remove existing aliases created with the built-in alias command.

12 Frags +

New release: r21

Breaking change: Added ce_hud_progressbar_directions (default 0). You must turn this on if you use "direction <north/east/south/west>" on your progressbars in your HUD (probably the case if you are already using ce_hud_player_health_progressbars)

I'd recommend you delete your existing CE folder and replace it for this version.

Release highlights:

  • Significant performance improvements!
    r20: 115226 frames 1066.662 seconds 108.02 fps ( 9.26 ms/f) 5.166 fps variability
    r21: 115226 frames, 919.681 seconds 125.29 fps ( 7.98 ms/f) 8.337 fps variability
    stock tf2: 115226 frames, 908.826 seconds 126.79 fps ( 7.89 ms/f) 6.454 fps variability
  • New outlines! (again)


I'm getting tired of reformatting the entire changelog for TFTV, so you can check out the full changelog here: https://github.com/PazerOP/CastingEssentials/releases/latest

[b]New release: r21[/b]

[b]Breaking change: Added ce_hud_progressbar_directions (default 0). You must turn this on if you use "direction <north/east/south/west>" on your progressbars in your HUD (probably the case if you are already using ce_hud_player_health_progressbars)[/b]

I'd recommend you delete your existing CE folder and replace it for this version.

Release highlights:
[*] Significant performance improvements!
r20: 115226 frames 1066.662 seconds 108.02 fps ( 9.26 ms/f) 5.166 fps variability
r21: 115226 frames, 919.681 seconds 125.29 fps ( 7.98 ms/f) 8.337 fps variability
stock tf2: 115226 frames, 908.826 seconds 126.79 fps ( 7.89 ms/f) 6.454 fps variability
[*] New outlines! (again)


I'm getting tired of reformatting the entire changelog for TFTV, so you can check out the full changelog here: https://github.com/PazerOP/CastingEssentials/releases/latest
1 Frags +

Would it be possible to force everyone on the red team to have a war paint, for instance, the dragon slayer on the available weapons? We had an idea to make war paints for the teams that would be playing a SA league, and they would appear for the viewers like the skins on i55, you know? Is there any way to make it work?

Would it be possible to force everyone on the red team to have a war paint, for instance, the dragon slayer on the available weapons? We had an idea to make war paints for the teams that would be playing a SA league, and they would appear for the viewers like the skins on i55, you know? Is there any way to make it work?
1 Frags +
Nick130Would it be possible to force everyone on the red team to have a war paint, for instance, the dragon slayer on the available weapons? We had an idea to make war paints for the teams that would be playing a SA league, and they would appear for the viewers like the skins on i55, you know? Is there any way to make it work?

For skins you don't require CastingEssentials, the ones you're thinking of are these. They basically go in your hud model files and load up as the new default skin.

[quote=Nick130]Would it be possible to force everyone on the red team to have a war paint, for instance, the dragon slayer on the available weapons? We had an idea to make war paints for the teams that would be playing a SA league, and they would appear for the viewers like the skins on i55, you know? Is there any way to make it work?[/quote]
For skins you don't require CastingEssentials, the ones you're thinking of are [url=https://github.com/fwdcp/UniREform]these[/url]. They basically go in your hud model files and load up as the new default skin.
-1 Frags +
Mitch_Nick130Would it be possible to force everyone on the red team to have a war paint, for instance, the dragon slayer on the available weapons? We had an idea to make war paints for the teams that would be playing a SA league, and they would appear for the viewers like the skins on i55, you know? Is there any way to make it work?For skins you don't require CastingEssentials, the ones you're thinking of are these. They basically go in your hud model files and load up as the new default skin.

Actually I'm trying to force only war paints for a certain team, not skins for the player model. For instance, everyone from the red team would appear as if they had the war paint of their team, and the blue team would have their own war paint too

[quote=Mitch_][quote=Nick130]Would it be possible to force everyone on the red team to have a war paint, for instance, the dragon slayer on the available weapons? We had an idea to make war paints for the teams that would be playing a SA league, and they would appear for the viewers like the skins on i55, you know? Is there any way to make it work?[/quote]
For skins you don't require CastingEssentials, the ones you're thinking of are [url=https://github.com/fwdcp/UniREform]these[/url]. They basically go in your hud model files and load up as the new default skin.[/quote]
Actually I'm trying to force only war paints for a certain team, not skins for the player model. For instance, everyone from the red team would appear as if they had the war paint of their team, and the blue team would have their own war paint too
1 Frags +

Hey, so I'm having some trouble with the banner bars, and I'm not sure if it's my own HUD issue or one with the mod itself.
I set up weapon charge bars for banners, and it creates the elements correctly, and reports which banner is being run, but it never seems to actually update how much charge the banner has, whether set artificially via plugins (ie Sourcemod) or gained legitimately through damage. Otherwise, all the other elements are behaving nicely.


I'm not sure if this is just the mod being unable to retrieve the value or if I've done it wrong in my HUD (HUD snippet), but either way help would be appreciated.

Hey, so I'm having some trouble with the banner bars, and I'm not sure if it's my own HUD issue or one with the mod itself.
I set up weapon charge bars for banners, and it creates the elements correctly, and reports which banner is being run, but it never seems to actually update how much charge the banner has, whether set artificially via plugins (ie Sourcemod) or gained legitimately through damage. Otherwise, all the other elements are behaving nicely.
I'm not sure if this is just the mod being unable to retrieve the value or if I've done it wrong in my HUD ([url=https://gist.github.com/SirBlockles/f89e14bd8b9a2affdcbf0362feabf649]HUD snippet[/url]), but either way help would be appreciated.
4 Frags +

Do you have SrcTV+ installed on the server? This is required for banner charge amounts to work (even for listen servers) https://github.com/dalegaard/srctvplus/releases/latest

Do you have SrcTV+ installed on the server? This is required for banner charge amounts to work (even for listen servers) https://github.com/dalegaard/srctvplus/releases/latest
0 Frags +
pazerDo you have SrcTV+ installed on the server? This is required for banner charge amounts to work (even for listen servers) https://github.com/dalegaard/srctvplus/releases/latest

Yeah, even after installing it, it doesn't seem to work. After some experimentation, it seems that it'll properly send the charge amount as soon as I connect, but it won't update beyond it. If a soldier is at 35% when i load in to the STV, it'll stay that way, regardless of if he gains more, or dies and it resets to 0%. Both the server and my client have the addon installed, and are launched in VAC insecure mode just to make double sure it would load.

[quote=pazer]Do you have SrcTV+ installed on the server? This is required for banner charge amounts to work (even for listen servers) https://github.com/dalegaard/srctvplus/releases/latest[/quote]
Yeah, even after installing it, it doesn't seem to work. After some experimentation, it seems that it'll properly send the charge amount as soon as I connect, but it won't update beyond it. If a soldier is at 35% when i load in to the STV, it'll stay that way, regardless of if he gains more, or dies and it resets to 0%. Both the server and my client have the addon installed, and are launched in VAC insecure mode just to make double sure it would load.
0 Frags +

Do you have an stv demo I can test this with? Or are you attempting to test this on a local server?

Also, do you see the SrcTV+ on the list on the server when you run the command plugin_print?

Do you have an stv demo I can test this with? Or are you attempting to test this on a local server?

Also, do you see the SrcTV+ on the list on the server when you run the command plugin_print?
3 Frags +

Turns out the SrcTV+ plugin isn't loading in the first place.

plugin_load srctvplus
 failed to dlopen tf/custom/srctvplus/srctvplus.so error=tf/custom/srctvplus/srctvplus.so: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_createERjj

Digging around a bit online, it seems to be an issue with Linux and the C++ compiler and other technical junk. Long story short, it's a SrcTV+ issue, not a CE issue.

EDIT: downloading the source for srctv+ and compiling it myself on my server allows the plugin to load now, and it all works perfectly. Thanks for pointing it out with the plugin_print command!

Turns out the SrcTV+ plugin isn't loading in the first place.
[code]plugin_load srctvplus
failed to dlopen tf/custom/srctvplus/srctvplus.so error=tf/custom/srctvplus/srctvplus.so: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_createERjj
Digging around a bit online, it seems to be an issue with Linux and the C++ compiler and other technical junk. Long story short, it's a SrcTV+ issue, not a CE issue.

EDIT: downloading the source for srctv+ and compiling it myself on my server allows the plugin to load now, and it all works perfectly. Thanks for pointing it out with the plugin_print command!
2 Frags +
JORDYdeguJORDYFor some reason I can't get it to work with lawena, any idea what I'm doing wrong?are you sure you're launching the game with -insecure? iirc you need to change launch options in lawenaYeah, 100% sure, still only works when I'm not using lawena.

I am also having this issue still.



(Normally some message confirming casting essentials has loaded is shown in console).

I'm really hoping I'm making a noob mistake, because this is frustrating for my peanut brain. :(

[quote=JORDY][quote=degu][quote=JORDY]For some reason I can't get it to work with lawena, any idea what I'm doing wrong?[/quote]
are you sure you're launching the game with -insecure? iirc you need to change launch options in lawena[/quote]
Yeah, 100% sure, still only works when I'm not using lawena.[/quote]
I am also having this issue still. [img]https://i.imgur.com/dUr7kr6.png[/img]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/0HeAJIr.png[/img] (Normally some message confirming casting essentials has loaded is shown in console).

I'm really hoping I'm making a noob mistake, because this is frustrating for my peanut brain. :(
4 Frags +

are you sure lawena isn't detecting it as a HUD? i don't see why it would make a difference but it has a tendency to do that sometimes and deleting resource/ui could work.

are you sure lawena isn't detecting it as a HUD? i don't see why it would make a difference but it has a tendency to do that sometimes and deleting resource/ui could work.
1 Frags +

Lawena is detecting it as a hud, I'll give this a shot.



It's no longer detecting it as a hud, however it's still not loading :/

Lawena is detecting it as a hud, I'll give this a shot.

Edit: [img]https://i.imgur.com/CammFiI.png[/img]
It's no longer detecting it as a hud, however it's still not loading :/
2 Frags +
MelonssLawena is detecting it as a hud, I'll give this a shot.

Edit: https://i.imgur.com/CammFiI.png
It's no longer detecting it as a hud, however it's still not loading :/

a long shot but try launching lawena as administrator

[quote=Melonss]Lawena is detecting it as a hud, I'll give this a shot.

Edit: [img]https://i.imgur.com/CammFiI.png[/img]
It's no longer detecting it as a hud, however it's still not loading :/[/quote]
a long shot but try launching lawena as administrator
3 Frags +

Personally I put CE in my own custom rather than using lawena (it doesn't activate unless you run with -insecure so doesn't impact normal usage of tf2) so you could try that maybe? its a bit awful but it works for me at least.

Personally I put CE in my own custom rather than using lawena (it doesn't activate unless you run with -insecure so doesn't impact normal usage of tf2) so you could try that maybe? its a bit awful but it works for me at least.
2 Frags +
CyanicPersonally I put CE in my own custom rather than using lawena (it doesn't activate unless you run with -insecure so doesn't impact normal usage of tf2) so you could try that maybe? its a bit awful but it works for me at least.

I'm currently thinking the problem is my lawena refuses to launch w/ -insecure. When I launch tf2 through steam with
-insecure in the launch options, everything is fine. But the lawena launch options might not be reading it for whatever reason.

Edit: FIXED!
I ended up downloading HLAE and tried running tf2 through that. The confirmation messages that CE usually echos in console still don't appear, but the commands show in the console dropdown, so it should be working.

[quote=Cyanic]Personally I put CE in my own custom rather than using lawena (it doesn't activate unless you run with -insecure so doesn't impact normal usage of tf2) so you could try that maybe? its a bit awful but it works for me at least.[/quote]

I'm currently thinking the problem is my lawena refuses to launch w/ -insecure. When I launch tf2 through steam with
-insecure in the launch options, everything is fine. But the lawena launch options might not be reading it for whatever reason.

Edit: FIXED!
I ended up downloading HLAE and tried running tf2 through that. The confirmation messages that CE usually echos in console still don't appear, but the commands show in the console dropdown, so it should be working.
1 Frags +

glad you were able to fix it yeah lawena is notoriously buggy lol

glad you were able to fix it yeah lawena is notoriously buggy lol
0 Frags +

I wasn't able to make sure Lawena didn't detect CastingEssentials as a hud. However, I still managed to find a way (if this wasn't known already) so you can still use CastingEssential when Lawena is detecting it as a hud. I changed the Launch Mode in Lawena to "Launch using Steam". When you click the button to Start Team Fortress 2, you can copy the CastingEssentials folder to the 'new' custom folder Lawena created, and when that's done you can launch TF2 through Steam (with -insecure of course). Again maybe someone already said this, but I wasn't able to find it so hopefully this will help other people with the same issue.

I wasn't able to make sure Lawena didn't detect CastingEssentials as a hud. However, I still managed to find a way (if this wasn't known already) so you can still use CastingEssential when Lawena is detecting it as a hud. I changed the Launch Mode in Lawena to "Launch using Steam". When you click the button to Start Team Fortress 2, you can copy the CastingEssentials folder to the 'new' custom folder Lawena created, and when that's done you can launch TF2 through Steam (with -insecure of course). Again maybe someone already said this, but I wasn't able to find it so hopefully this will help other people with the same issue.
4 Frags +

here's my personal minor edit of CE for people to test. Lawena does not detect it as a HUD for me (only as Config).
If yours still thinks it's a HUD then i'm out of ideas

Also this edit contains a cfg folder with a file called useful.cfg. You can use "exec useful" in console to exec the commands before recording.
It's quite nice for recording STVs

useful.cfgce_killstreaks_enabled 1;ce_localplayer_enabled 1;ce_localplayer_track_spec_target 1;ce_hitevents_enabled 1;tf_use_min_viewmodels 0;cl_use_tournament_specgui 0;tf_spec_xray_disable 1
  • ce_killstreaks_enabled 1: Every weapon has killstreaks (and all weapons add up to a total instead of seperate counters)
  • ce_localplayer_enabled 1: STV killfeeds will highlight kills involving the person you're spectating
  • ce_localplayer_track_spec_target 1: see above, makes sure it's updated to whoever you're speccing
  • ce_hitevents_enabled 1: STV damage numbers
  • tf_use_min_viewmodels 0: Lawena doesn't have this in its own configs so this makes sure I record with normal viewmodels
  • cl_use_tournament_specgui 0: the spectator HUD that shows all hp/ubers. Good for casting, less so for frag videos imo so this turns it off
  • tf_spec_xray_disable 1: Turns off the STV wallhack health bars

example of what an STV will look like (gully sniper clip). You can also move the target ID down, but i forgot the command for it

[url=https://www.dropbox.com/sh/onkmzmlqbwpduj6/AAADHrl0paDpXqDSHImaljOWa?dl=0]here's[/url] my personal minor edit of CE for people to test. Lawena does not detect it as a HUD for me (only as Config).
If yours still thinks it's a HUD then i'm out of ideas

Also this edit contains a cfg folder with a file called useful.cfg. You can use "exec useful" in console to exec the commands before recording.
It's quite nice for recording STVs
[quote=useful.cfg]ce_killstreaks_enabled 1;ce_localplayer_enabled 1;ce_localplayer_track_spec_target 1;ce_hitevents_enabled 1;tf_use_min_viewmodels 0;cl_use_tournament_specgui 0;tf_spec_xray_disable 1[/quote]
[*] ce_killstreaks_enabled 1: Every weapon has killstreaks (and all weapons add up to a total instead of seperate counters)
[*] ce_localplayer_enabled 1: STV killfeeds will highlight kills involving the person you're spectating
[*] ce_localplayer_track_spec_target 1: see above, makes sure it's updated to whoever you're speccing
[*] ce_hitevents_enabled 1: STV damage numbers
[*] tf_use_min_viewmodels 0: Lawena doesn't have this in its own configs so this makes sure I record with normal viewmodels
[*] cl_use_tournament_specgui 0: the spectator HUD that shows all hp/ubers. Good for casting, less so for frag videos imo so this turns it off
[*] tf_spec_xray_disable 1: Turns off the STV wallhack health bars

[url=https://youtu.be/hh4Fi5NzmgI?t=254]example[/url] of what an STV will look like (gully sniper clip). You can also move the target ID down, but i forgot the command for it
1 Frags +

For STV spectating and demos (and consistency) also add the following:

  • ce_cameratools_fix_view_heights 1: Sniper POV (and other classes) are correct(ed) when recording from STV demos
  • ce_weapon_skin_downsample 0: force high res texture to load of skins instead of downsampled ones
For STV spectating and demos (and consistency) also add the following:

[*][i]ce_cameratools_fix_view_heights 1[/i]: Sniper POV (and other classes) are correct(ed) when recording from STV demos
[*] [i]ce_weapon_skin_downsample 0[/i]: force high res texture to load of skins instead of downsampled ones
10 Frags +

Because we have a few events coming up here in August, and Pazer doesn't currently have the time to do a release, I've collected all stable elements from CastingEssentials master and applied them onto the r21 release.

The full list of changes:

Show Content
  • Add ce_consoletools_unhide_all_cvars cvar which will, as the name suggests, unhide all development and hidden cvars.
  • Add ce_playeraliases_format_mode which affects which player names are reformatted by the PlayerAliases module.
  • Add chargebar support for all weapons that have charge.
  • Add support for weapon charge icons.
  • Add ce_graphics_fxaa which enables NVIDIA FXAA.
  • Add ce_graphics_disable_prop_fades which disables prop fading.
  • Add ce_cameratools_disable_view_punches which enables view punches, used for recoil effects on some weapons.
  • Show healing events as well as damage events when ce_hitevents_enabled and hud_combattext_healing is on.
  • Fix disappearing particle effects e.g. healing beams and weapon glows. Enabled by ce_graphics_fix_viewmodel_particles and on by default.
  • All convars that take colors can now reference ClientScheme.res.
  • Projectiles now change color when they are deflected.
  • Fixed missing nullptr check when building glow data. This e.g. stops crash on ctf_ maps like ctf_bball.
  • When CastingEssentialsRed has loaded, it will now execute castingessentials.cfg. This provides a logical place to put CastingEssentials-specific commands.

You can find the new release here:

This is a drop-in replacement for CastingEssentials r21, simply move/delete the old CastingEssentials folder out from custom and drop CastingEssentialsRed in there.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discord at dalegaard#1575.

Because we have a few events coming up here in August, and Pazer doesn't currently have the time to do a release, I've collected all stable elements from CastingEssentials master and applied them onto the r21 release.

The full list of changes:
[*] Add [i]ce_consoletools_unhide_all_cvars[/i] cvar which will, as the name suggests, unhide all development and hidden cvars.
[*] Add [i]ce_playeraliases_format_mode[/i] which affects which player names are reformatted by the [i]PlayerAliases[/i] module.
[*] Add chargebar support for all weapons that have charge.
[*] Add support for weapon charge icons.
[*] Add [i]ce_graphics_fxaa[/i] which enables NVIDIA FXAA.
[*] Add [i]ce_graphics_disable_prop_fades[/i] which disables prop fading.
[*] Add [i]ce_cameratools_disable_view_punches[/i] which enables view punches, used for recoil effects on some weapons.
[*] Show healing events as well as damage events when [i]ce_hitevents_enabled[/i] and [i]hud_combattext_healing[/i] is on.
[*] Fix disappearing particle effects e.g. healing beams and weapon glows. Enabled by [i]ce_graphics_fix_viewmodel_particles[/i] and on by default.
[*] All convars that take colors can now reference [i]ClientScheme.res[/i].
[*] Projectiles now change color when they are deflected.
[*] Fixed missing [i]nullptr[/i] check when building glow data. This e.g. stops crash on [i]ctf_[/i] maps like [i]ctf_bball[/i].
[*] When CastingEssentialsRed has loaded, it will now execute [i]castingessentials.cfg[/i]. This provides a logical place to put CastingEssentials-specific commands.

You can find the new release here:

This is a drop-in replacement for CastingEssentials r21, simply move/delete the old CastingEssentials folder out from custom and drop CastingEssentialsRed in there.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discord at dalegaard#1575.
6 Frags +

A few people requested the ability to show healing hitevents for the Crusaders Crossbow only, while leaving out e.g. medigun healing. This is now enabled using ce_hitevents_healing_crossbow_only.

This change is available in the newest release:

A few people requested the ability to show healing hitevents for the Crusaders Crossbow only, while leaving out e.g. medigun healing. This is now enabled using [i]ce_hitevents_healing_crossbow_only[/i].

This change is available in the newest release:
7 Frags +

Kermit needed a playeraliases config for his casts so I made a script to generate them

Kermit needed a playeraliases config for his casts so I made a script to generate them
0 Frags +

uh after installing this my my_custom_stuff file was completely erased and my custom cfg got fucked. How did this happen?

uh after installing this my my_custom_stuff file was completely erased and my custom cfg got fucked. How did this happen?
0 Frags +
andreuh after installing this my my_custom_stuff file was completely erased and my custom cfg got fucked. How did this happen?

doesn't sound like something castingessentials does

Did you use Lawena? because that clears your custom folder and replaces it with its own stuff. It's possible you didn't end the program correctly causing it to not have the opportunity to put your stuff back.

If you used Lawena, check your tf folder. It creates back up files of your personal stuff. Don't remember what they're named but I think they're zip files with the word "bak" in the file name?

[quote=andre]uh after installing this my my_custom_stuff file was completely erased and my custom cfg got fucked. How did this happen?[/quote]
doesn't sound like something castingessentials does

Did you use Lawena? because that clears your custom folder and replaces it with its own stuff. It's possible you didn't end the program correctly causing it to not have the opportunity to put your stuff back.

If you used Lawena, check your tf folder. It creates back up files of your personal stuff. Don't remember what they're named but I think they're zip files with the word "bak" in the file name?
0 Frags +
Tobandreuh after installing this my my_custom_stuff file was completely erased and my custom cfg got fucked. How did this happen?doesn't sound like something castingessentials does

Did you use Lawena? because that clears your custom folder and replaces it with its own stuff. It's possible you didn't end the program correctly causing it to not have the opportunity to put your stuff back.

If you used Lawena, check your tf folder. It creates back up files of your personal stuff. Don't remember what they're named but I think they're zip files with the word "bak" in the file name?

Maybe it was Lawena but the custom folder was completely gone so I reinstalled everything :C

[quote=Tob][quote=andre]uh after installing this my my_custom_stuff file was completely erased and my custom cfg got fucked. How did this happen?[/quote]
doesn't sound like something castingessentials does

Did you use Lawena? because that clears your custom folder and replaces it with its own stuff. It's possible you didn't end the program correctly causing it to not have the opportunity to put your stuff back.

If you used Lawena, check your tf folder. It creates back up files of your personal stuff. Don't remember what they're named but I think they're zip files with the word "bak" in the file name?[/quote]

Maybe it was Lawena but the custom folder was completely gone so I reinstalled everything :C
0 Frags +

Maybe it was Lawena but the custom folder was completely gone so I reinstalled everything :C

Yea it can happen. Have had friends who've had the same happen to them when they tried using Lawena. I always make my own backup before recording to make sure


Maybe it was Lawena but the custom folder was completely gone so I reinstalled everything :C[/quote]
Yea it can happen. Have had friends who've had the same happen to them when they tried using Lawena. I always make my own backup before recording to make sure
0 Frags +

lawena auto backups custom and cfg folders into /tf/ as lawena-user.dateandtime.bak.zip, have a look

lawena auto backups custom and cfg folders into /tf/ as lawena-user.[i]dateandtime[/i].bak.zip, have a look
1 2 3 4
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