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What's your 2019 resolution?
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0 Frags +

Good luck

Good luck
22 Frags +

make everything better
i think im gonna fail miserably and then probably be sad about it

make everything better
i think im gonna fail miserably and then probably be sad about it
12 Frags +

Exterminate all French Canadians (except the good ones)

Exterminate all French Canadians (except the good ones)
-2 Frags +

1280 720 same as last year and the year before that same as Showstopper i think

1280 720 same as last year and the year before that same as Showstopper i think
2 Frags +

Top 8 in a "big" smash ultimate tournament (in spain LUL)

Top 8 in a "big" smash ultimate tournament (in spain LUL)
21 Frags +

not die

not die
25 Frags +

I'm gonna fucking cum

I'm gonna fucking cum
4 Frags +

be more positive

be more positive
-1 Frags +

stop being a bum

stop being a bum
13 Frags +
gorgon_morganExterminate all French Canadians (except the good ones)

there are no good french canadians

[quote=gorgon_morgan]Exterminate all French Canadians (except the good ones)[/quote]

there are no good french canadians
4 Frags +

stop playing mge

stop playing mge
24 Frags +

finally summit mt rainier this july after 4 failed attempts and if i can save up enough money potentially climb aconcagua

finally summit mt rainier this july after 4 failed attempts and if i can save up enough money potentially climb aconcagua
30 Frags +
warriordragon12finally summit mt rainier this july after 4 failed attempts and if i can save up enough money potentially climb aconcagua

Damn dude I can barely climb my stairs

[quote=warriordragon12]finally summit mt rainier this july after 4 failed attempts and if i can save up enough money potentially climb aconcagua[/quote]

Damn dude I can barely climb my stairs
6 Frags +

- squash the beef with those i have history with
- eliminate negative aspects of my attitude
- handle my own ego better

all of which go hand in hand

- squash the beef with those i have history with
- eliminate negative aspects of my attitude
- handle my own ego better

all of which go hand in hand
-2 Frags +


-15 Frags +


49 Frags +

to stop being a bad person

to stop being a bad person
20 Frags +
Gritomastop playing mge

being the 1rst mge player in europe

[quote=Gritoma]stop playing mge[/quote]
being the 1rst mge player in europe
3 Frags +

yeet on these hoes and dab on my haters

yeet on these hoes and dab on my haters
-16 Frags +

-start working out
-take lsd
-release my first ep and also release a few tf2 related joke songs
-get married

-start working out
-take lsd
-release my first ep and also release a few tf2 related joke songs
-get married
5 Frags +

have a foursome

have a foursome
14 Frags +

-stop being an underweight boyo and actually eat
-get out/travel more
-make tftv casts great again

-stop being an underweight boyo and actually eat
-get out/travel more
-make tftv casts great again
2 Frags +

lose 10 kilos and get grades higher than 5 and 6

lose 10 kilos and get grades higher than 5 and 6
8 Frags +

Get my GED, get my drivers license, get a part time job, start going out and hang out with people.

Get my GED, get my drivers license, get a part time job, start going out and hang out with people.
7 Frags +

make bare gains get bare sleep

make bare gains get bare sleep
0 Frags +

eat, sleep and exercise more
hopefully go to a tf2 lan

Matthesmake everything better
i think im gonna fail miserably and then probably be sad about it
eat, sleep and exercise more
hopefully go to a tf2 lan

[quote=Matthes]make everything better
i think im gonna fail miserably and then probably be sad about it[/quote]
8 Frags +

try my best

try my best
26 Frags +

Whack more weebs than ever.

Whack more weebs than ever.
9 Frags +

stop being anxious over everything

stop being anxious over everything
Stream Highlights
0 Frags +

Get better grades in hs and (extremely unlikely) find enough time to join an open team

Get better grades in hs and (extremely unlikely) find enough time to join an open team
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