Wingman shoots slower and is less accurate on hip fire and the headshot attachment does less damage too
Peace Keeper with bolt shoots slower
Wingman and Peace keeper drop less frequently
i reduced my crashes to barely none by limiting my FPS to 85, this update makes me crash 80% of the time during the start flight
Wingman slower firerate also means you recover more spread between shots. It's actually more effective for most players now in ADS.
Peacekeeper can still be glitched for fire rate so bolt nerf is meaningless.
Every patch I start having stability issues. After the last couple of patches I just uninstall and reinstall the game, default all the binds and video settings, and then set everything back to the way I like it. It resolves the vast majority of my crashes.
Wingman shoots slower and is less accurate on hip fire and the headshot attachment does less damage too
Peace Keeper with bolt shoots slower
Wingman and Peace keeper drop less frequently
i reduced my crashes to barely none by limiting my FPS to 85, this update makes me crash 80% of the time during the start flight[/quote]
Wingman slower firerate also means you recover more spread between shots. It's actually more effective for most players now in ADS.
Peacekeeper can still be glitched for fire rate so bolt nerf is meaningless.
Every patch I start having stability issues. After the last couple of patches I just uninstall and reinstall the game, default all the binds and video settings, and then set everything back to the way I like it. It resolves the vast majority of my crashes.
Started seeing cheaters consistently in majority of recent games I've played, time to take a break.
Started seeing cheaters consistently in majority of recent games I've played, time to take a break.
Wingman shoots slower and is less accurate on hip fire and the headshot attachment does less damage too
Peace Keeper with bolt shoots slower
Wingman and Peace keeper drop less frequently
i reduced my crashes to barely none by limiting my FPS to 85, this update makes me crash 80% of the time during the start flight
Wingman slower firerate also means you recover more spread between shots. It's actually more effective for most players now in ADS.
Peacekeeper can still be glitched for fire rate so bolt nerf is meaningless.
1) the wingman should be good for ads at medium range. The problem is in my opinion is that it's too op at close range. The firerate isn't enough to stop spamming next to the enemy which becomes worst with the ads spam glitch making every shot 100% accurate. If they want to fix it just put the fire rate more to the deagle it'll still be good but takes skill to master.
2) fuck the peacekeeper the fact people still think the shit show of a gun is even viable surprises me. The firerate was shit and still is. The gun as said before still glitches and the fact it's triggered when you swap weapons mid reload means when you pull it out again you got a guy right in your face. The main problem was the damage was too much and the accuracy was shit. Neither of them two were changed and most players just use the Eva cus it's 10x better
3) I had frame drops during the start of the particularly whilst using discords. And I only really crash at end game. The main problem is the server lag at the start where everyone goes slow. It's happened on about the matches during tournaments and when the tournies rules state you only have 50 mins to play matches you're kinda cucked.
Wingman shoots slower and is less accurate on hip fire and the headshot attachment does less damage too
Peace Keeper with bolt shoots slower
Wingman and Peace keeper drop less frequently
i reduced my crashes to barely none by limiting my FPS to 85, this update makes me crash 80% of the time during the start flight[/quote]
Wingman slower firerate also means you recover more spread between shots. It's actually more effective for most players now in ADS.
Peacekeeper can still be glitched for fire rate so bolt nerf is meaningless.
1) the wingman should be good for ads at medium range. The problem is in my opinion is that it's too op at close range. The firerate isn't enough to stop spamming next to the enemy which becomes worst with the ads spam glitch making every shot 100% accurate. If they want to fix it just put the fire rate more to the deagle it'll still be good but takes skill to master.
2) fuck the peacekeeper the fact people still think the shit show of a gun is even viable surprises me. The firerate was shit and still is. The gun as said before still glitches and the fact it's triggered when you swap weapons mid reload means when you pull it out again you got a guy right in your face. The main problem was the damage was too much and the accuracy was shit. Neither of them two were changed and most players just use the Eva cus it's 10x better
3) I had frame drops during the start of the particularly whilst using discords. And I only really crash at end game. The main problem is the server lag at the start where everyone goes slow. It's happened on about the matches during tournaments and when the tournies rules state you only have 50 mins to play matches you're kinda cucked.
if my crosshair didnt shift every time i pressed a button on my keyboard, this game would be the perfect BR
if my crosshair didnt shift every time i pressed a button on my keyboard, this game would be the perfect BR
battle pass is apparently dropping in a few hours and will cost 950 apex coins (£7.99 / $9.99) BUT if u buy origin access for a month (£3.99 / $4.99), u get 1000 apex coins free so u save a wHOPPING 50%!!
EDIT: it's not coming out today lol
battle pass is apparently dropping in a few hours and will cost 950 apex coins (£7.99 / $9.99) BUT if u buy origin access for a month (£3.99 / $4.99), u get 1000 apex coins free so u save a wHOPPING 50%!!
EDIT: it's not coming out today lol
+debug_force_EAAccess 1
Another one
+debug_force_EAAccess 1
Another one
Loop+debug_force_EAAccess 1
Another one
This is the reason they postponed battle pass.
Apperantly there will be 2 new legends. (Source: )
[quote=Loop]+debug_force_EAAccess 1
Another one[/quote]
This is the reason they postponed battle pass.
Apperantly there will be 2 new legends. (Source: )
Has there been anything said about the crashing issues yet? I used to be able to play all day and only crash a few times where as now I crash 80% of the times I drop and this sucks because the games so fun to play...
Has there been anything said about the crashing issues yet? I used to be able to play all day and only crash a few times where as now I crash 80% of the times I drop and this sucks because the games so fun to play...
SilenteSHas there been anything said about the crashing issues yet? I used to be able to play all day and only crash a few times where as now I crash 80% of the times I drop and this sucks because the games so fun to play...
Same for me, i tried all possible things, spent a lot of time to find to resolve this. But nothing work. Maybe a ram issue
[quote=SilenteS]Has there been anything said about the crashing issues yet? I used to be able to play all day and only crash a few times where as now I crash 80% of the times I drop and this sucks because the games so fun to play...[/quote]
Same for me, i tried all possible things, spent a lot of time to find to resolve this. But nothing work. Maybe a ram issue
They're still working on them, they stopped for a small amount of time for me, but now they're back
They're still working on them, they stopped for a small amount of time for me, but now they're back
what fixes crashes for me is updating my nvidia drivers to the current patch and then repairing the game files under that gear wheel thing on the launcher
i've crashed maybe 5 times total and doing that fixes it for an incredibly long time
what fixes crashes for me is updating my nvidia drivers to the current patch and then repairing the game files under that gear wheel thing on the launcher
i've crashed maybe 5 times total and doing that fixes it for an incredibly long time
nice game
nice game
Nah your aim blows in this clip. There is like maybe 1 questionable reg here at what I think is the 13th missed shot.
nice game[/quote]
Nah your aim blows in this clip. There is like maybe 1 questionable reg here at what I think is the 13th missed shot.
i dont see how :( for at least a solid second or two my crosshair was panning over him like the entire time and not a single one of those shots hit. i had purple barrel stabilizer too so it should have zero recoil, maybe im missing something
i dont see how :( for at least a solid second or two my crosshair was panning over him like the entire time and not a single one of those shots hit. i had purple barrel stabilizer too so it should have zero recoil, maybe im missing something
nah on god charis u were just cheeks that clip
nah on god charis u were just cheeks that clip
"i paused each of those individual shots to see if he actually missed and he did, hes just bad" ~ tatuwah 2018
"i paused each of those individual shots to see if he actually missed and he did, hes just bad" ~ tatuwah 2018
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because charis was already dead.
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because charis was already dead.
I admit defeat :3....the funny part for me was that the Lifeline didn't hit me at all LOL hes like turned away from me the entire fight, the bangalore did all the damage.
I admit defeat :3....the funny part for me was that the Lifeline didn't hit me at all LOL hes like turned away from me the entire fight, the bangalore did all the damage.
indecency"i paused each of those individual shots to see if he actually missed and he did, hes just bad" ~ tatuwah 2018
[quote=indecency]"i paused each of those individual shots to see if he actually missed and he did, hes just bad" ~ tatuwah 2018[/quote]
in 25 hours, 10 AM PST
I can't wait for the Pathfinder hitbox update.
Server Tickrate needs a serious increase ASAP as well. Inconsistent hit reg and as it stands right now you can't possibly react fast enough to sound ques if your opponent already has a clear shot on you to even out a fight. Since the delay from 1 enemy shooting you and you noticing it is about 200ms assuming you both have sub 30ms ping you're very likely to have taken 60-130 damage by the time you react and start shooting (dependent on enemies Aim, Weapon and attachments), because of this you can still get times where you react and shoot someone but the server already has you as dead/knocked down and your shot does 0 damage. Another good example of this is circle strafing someone knocked down trying to block you with the knockdown shield. Ever notice how far behind the knockdown shield is from where you are? That's because on their screen they're looking directly at you but on your screen you're shooting them in the thigh/ass. You actually need to massively lead someone who's trying to thirst you with your knockdown shield in order to block the shots.
Oh and obligatory AC update please ffs.
I can't wait for the Pathfinder hitbox update.
Server Tickrate needs a serious increase ASAP as well. Inconsistent hit reg and as it stands right now you can't possibly react fast enough to sound ques if your opponent already has a clear shot on you to even out a fight. Since the delay from 1 enemy shooting you and you noticing it is about 200ms assuming you both have sub 30ms ping you're very likely to have taken 60-130 damage by the time you react and start shooting (dependent on enemies Aim, Weapon and attachments), because of this you can still get times where you react and shoot someone but the server already has you as dead/knocked down and your shot does 0 damage. Another good example of this is circle strafing someone knocked down trying to block you with the knockdown shield. Ever notice how far behind the knockdown shield is from where you are? That's because on their screen they're looking directly at you but on your screen you're shooting them in the thigh/ass. You actually need to massively lead someone who's trying to thirst you with your knockdown shield in order to block the shots.
Oh and obligatory AC update please ffs.
el diablo for octane is the best skin in the game
el diablo for octane is the best skin in the game
lol like 5% aircontrol on jump pads
they should add some projectile weapons so i can airshot n00bs
lol like 5% aircontrol on jump pads
they should add some projectile weapons so i can airshot n00bs
messiahlol like 5% aircontrol on jump pads
they should add some projectile weapons so i can airshot n00bs
EPG and Coldwar PLEASE
[quote=messiah]lol like 5% aircontrol on jump pads
they should add some projectile weapons so i can airshot n00bs[/quote]
EPG and Coldwar PLEASE
I must reiterate, this game is sooo sick
I must reiterate, this game is sooo sick
EPG and Coldwar PLEASE
Dont forget the softball
EPG and Coldwar PLEASE[/quote]
Dont forget the softball
EPG and Coldwar PLEASE
Dont forget the softball
softball would suck shit in this game hahaha
EPG and Coldwar PLEASE[/quote]
Dont forget the softball[/quote]
softball would suck shit in this game hahaha
Doesn't change the fact that I want it.
Doesn't change the fact that I want it.
does this game have solo yet
does this game have solo yet
safrixdoes this game have solo yet
if you que solo you don't get matched against 3 stacks, proven by devs and multiple streamers who tested the game prior to release. This is why you see a ton of streamers play solos and do extremely well.
[quote=safrix]does this game have solo yet[/quote]
if you que solo you don't get matched against 3 stacks, proven by devs and multiple streamers who tested the game prior to release. This is why you see a ton of streamers play solos and do extremely well.