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Harassment in this community: It needs to stop.
29 Frags +

instead of just be less sensitive lmao, we should all try to be more empathetic :]

instead of just be less sensitive lmao, we should all try to be more empathetic :]
-5 Frags +

hey mikemat can u post a funny video thanks

hey mikemat can u post a funny video thanks
-2 Frags +
mastercomsVis, you are engaging in victim blaming. Although I can partially empathize with your logic and see where you're coming from, I don't agree with it.

The problem is the people who are being disrespectful to another human being in the first place, not the people who respond to it by being upset.

The best solution to this problem is to treat it at the source, not to deny people their feelings or experiences.

i agree that the main issue is the harasser. i understand people don't like to have their reactions criticized but doing so is not denying people their feelings or experiences. to me it is like telling someone who walked home in the rain "hey sorry that happened to you, next time maybe bring an umbrella". it would be nice if it didn't rain and we can take precautions so that it rains less but adjustments can be made from both parties – the two pronged approach. ultimately i think this is the essence of what vis is trying to communicate.

[quote=mastercoms]Vis, you are engaging in victim blaming. Although I can partially empathize with your logic and see where you're coming from, I don't agree with it.

The problem is the people who are being disrespectful to another human being in the first place, not the people who respond to it by being upset.

The best solution to this problem is to treat it at the source, not to deny people their feelings or experiences.[/quote]
i agree that the main issue is the harasser. i understand people don't like to have their reactions criticized but doing so is not denying people their feelings or experiences. to me it is like telling someone who walked home in the rain "hey sorry that happened to you, next time maybe bring an umbrella". it would be nice if it didn't rain and we can take precautions so that it rains less but adjustments can be made from both parties – the two pronged approach. ultimately i think this is the essence of what vis is trying to communicate.
36 Frags +
hoolimastercomsVis, you are engaging in victim blaming. Although I can partially empathize with your logic and see where you're coming from, I don't agree with it.

The problem is the people who are being disrespectful to another human being in the first place, not the people who respond to it by being upset.

The best solution to this problem is to treat it at the source, not to deny people their feelings or experiences.
i agree that the main issue is the harasser. i understand people don't like to have their reactions criticized but doing so is not denying people their feelings or experiences. to me it is like telling someone who walked home in the rain "hey sorry that happened to you, next time maybe bring an umbrella". it would be nice if it didn't rain and we can take precautions so that it rains less but adjustments can be made from both parties – the two pronged approach. ultimately i think this is the essence of what vis is trying to communicate.

raining is something that no one has control over. people can very easily not be part of groups called "kill all trannies" and stalk people for years. hope this helped

[quote=hooli][quote=mastercoms]Vis, you are engaging in victim blaming. Although I can partially empathize with your logic and see where you're coming from, I don't agree with it.

The problem is the people who are being disrespectful to another human being in the first place, not the people who respond to it by being upset.

The best solution to this problem is to treat it at the source, not to deny people their feelings or experiences.[/quote]
i agree that the main issue is the harasser. i understand people don't like to have their reactions criticized but doing so is not denying people their feelings or experiences. to me it is like telling someone who walked home in the rain "hey sorry that happened to you, next time maybe bring an umbrella". it would be nice if it didn't rain and we can take precautions so that it rains less but adjustments can be made from both parties – the two pronged approach. ultimately i think this is the essence of what vis is trying to communicate.[/quote]
raining is something that no one has control over. people can very easily not be part of groups called "kill all trannies" and stalk people for years. hope this helped
31 Frags +

scratch is getting upfragged, which is weird, can we get back to downfragging him when he does this again next week

scratch is getting upfragged, which is weird, can we get back to downfragging him when he does this again next week
6 Frags +

agreed. just play the game yall. dont waste energy being toxic. youre just stunting your own progress. you look like a massive fool doing it, no one wants to be your friend or help you get good at the game, and youll never stay on a team (or one that makes it anywhere). signed, an ex-toxic person.

agreed. just play the game yall. dont waste energy being toxic. youre just stunting your own progress. you look like a massive fool doing it, no one wants to be your friend or help you get good at the game, and youll never stay on a team (or one that makes it anywhere). signed, an ex-toxic person.
45 Frags +
glassscratch is getting upfragged, which is weird, can we get back to downfragging him when he does this again next week

occam's razor: most people in this community are trash

this always happens: whenever someone who has taken ludicrous amounts of shit for their identity finally makes an effort post about it they get a decent amount of sympathy, but then the same people find a way to rationalize why every other scenario somehow isn't the same (see: how other trans people in this thread immediately begin being attacked but because they're less likable it makes it ok, the way people see dishsoap say something stupid and people immediately turn it into a "why cant I say that word" thread, etc.)

like ive said before, the same people who posted "im so sorry this happened to u :(((" in the tagg thread turn a blind eye to the actual day-to-day behavior that builds to this sort of thing, or even participate in it themselves

look through the recent post histories of half the people with +frags in this thread and you will see what I mean

[quote=glass]scratch is getting upfragged, which is weird, can we get back to downfragging him when he does this again next week[/quote]

occam's razor: most people in this community are trash

this always happens: whenever someone who has taken ludicrous amounts of shit for their identity finally makes an effort post about it they get a decent amount of sympathy, but then the same people find a way to rationalize why every other scenario somehow isn't the same (see: how other trans people in this thread immediately begin being attacked but because they're less likable it makes it ok, the way people see dishsoap say something stupid and people immediately turn it into a "why cant I say that word" thread, etc.)

like ive said before, the same people who posted "im so sorry this happened to u :(((" in the tagg thread turn a blind eye to the actual day-to-day behavior that builds to this sort of thing, or even participate in it themselves

look through the recent post histories of half the people with +frags in this thread and you will see what I mean
41 Frags +


-38 Frags +

this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.

this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.
6 Frags +

The sad truth about this situation is that there isn't a lot anyone can do about it. Sure, we can try to Foster a better environment with the people who contribute to this community but that doesn't stop the glue eating mireal/tt cjerk from the non stop harassment. You can't ban them or even ostracize them from the community because literally all they do to interact with the community is gang together to be assholes. When you get paint chip consumers like mireal who make literally hundreds of twitch alts named nigr_slayer to spam several peoples twitch accounts, or you have the tt degens spam gore in jumper streaming discords that aren't even used, you're dealing with people who don't care about any possible response from the community. So sure, some people like scratch here can maybe feel the effects of community backlash but the majority are people who don't even launch tf2 anymore but still use the vast amount of free time at their disposal to pull this shit. There comes a point where you have to just block ignore and move on.

The sad truth about this situation is that there isn't a lot anyone can do about it. Sure, we can try to Foster a better environment with the people who contribute to this community but that doesn't stop the glue eating mireal/tt cjerk from the non stop harassment. You can't ban them or even ostracize them from the community because literally all they do to interact with the community is gang together to be assholes. When you get paint chip consumers like mireal who make literally hundreds of twitch alts named nigr_slayer to spam several peoples twitch accounts, or you have the tt degens spam gore in jumper streaming discords that aren't even used, you're dealing with people who don't care about any possible response from the community. So sure, some people like scratch here can maybe feel the effects of community backlash but the majority are people who don't even launch tf2 anymore but still use the vast amount of free time at their disposal to pull this shit. There comes a point where you have to just block ignore and move on.
32 Frags +
Drugstoner420this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.

Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\

[quote=Drugstoner420]this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.[/quote]

Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\
-16 Frags +

mireal has had nothing to do with this for a long time

mireal has had nothing to do with this for a long time
19 Frags +


62 Frags +


9 Frags +

Guys I think its time to take a stand against any phobia. Suicide due to online harassment is at an all time high and the TF2 community needs as many members as it can get.

With that in mind think before you say something even in jest. It could really hurt feelings and affect the mental well being of your fellow gamers. I know that together we can unite to STOP harassment and hatred of any kind in our online digital gaming community.

Thanks guys have fun and spread the love

Guys I think its time to take a stand against any phobia. Suicide due to online harassment is at an all time high and the TF2 community needs as many members as it can get.

With that in mind think before you say something even in jest. It could really hurt feelings and affect the mental well being of your fellow gamers. I know that together we can unite to STOP harassment and hatred of any kind in our online digital gaming community.

Thanks guys have fun and spread the love
13 Frags +


-10 Frags +
vladReeromireal has had nothing to do with this for a long time


mireal has had nothing to do with this for a long time[/quote]

-5 Frags +
GetawhalevladReeromireal has had nothing to do with this for a long time

looks like i'm /r/outoftheloop on this one!

mireal has had nothing to do with this for a long time[/quote]

looks like i'm /r/outoftheloop on this one!
7 Frags +
hobbbesah yes it is the victim that is at fault.

lets be real there's still too big a dissonance between "nothing on the internet is real" and "the internet is everything"

for some people taint is the only language they know

[quote=hobbbes]ah yes it is the victim that is at fault.[/quote]

lets be real there's still too big a dissonance between "nothing on the internet is real" and "the internet is everything"

for some people taint is the only language they know
6 Frags +

Imagine how v!s has had to make multiple essays worth of posts to defend the awful piece of advice he gave all because I called him out for being dumb a few times(although said very harshly). I only made two posts about him (and one post was literally a quote).

Imagine how something as small as I just said made you react with multiple essays (where you’re stil in the wrong). Now imagine being called slurs, being denied your existence, and being harassed by a community from a game you grew up loving. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. You have no right to talk about “just get thicker skin” you weak garbage.

It doesn’t take much balls just to simply say “I’m sorry that my advice was poor and didn’t understand the situation clearly” and then learn from it. That’s all you literally have to say to leave a better person from this situation. But you won’t. Attitudes like yours are what harm this community and will continue to make this an uninviting place to stay.

Imagine how v!s has had to make multiple essays worth of posts to defend the awful piece of advice he gave all because I called him out for being dumb a few times(although said very harshly). I only made two posts about him (and one post was literally a quote).

Imagine how something as small as I just said made you react with multiple essays (where you’re stil in the wrong). Now imagine being called slurs, being denied your existence, and being harassed by a community from a game you grew up loving. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. You have no right to talk about “just get thicker skin” you weak garbage.

It doesn’t take much balls just to simply say “I’m sorry that my advice was poor and didn’t understand the situation clearly” and then learn from it. That’s all you literally have to say to leave a better person from this situation. But you won’t. Attitudes like yours are what harm this community and will continue to make this an uninviting place to stay.
-31 Frags +

say what you want but the only reason people bully online is to get a reaction out of it because it's funny

99% of the time people bully you because you're a retard, and then they'll find things that are different about you to make fun of

if steph wasn't trans but was instead fat i don't think anything here would be different other than people would make fun of steph being fat

people make fun of you because you're stupid, not because you're trans


Seinfeldyou're a loser dog, cannot believe you have to write a post like this defending yourself when you could just be a grown up and just aplogize and genuinely learn from it but (like a sociopath would) you are trying to justify your behavior and give reasons why this person whos done nothing to you deserves to get Epicly Trolled Lole. you're a fucking bum

yeah grow up scratch

say what you want but the only reason people bully online is to get a reaction out of it because it's funny

99% of the time people bully you because you're a retard, and then they'll find things that are different about you to make fun of

if steph wasn't trans but was instead fat i don't think anything here would be different other than people would make fun of steph being fat

people make fun of you because you're stupid, not because you're trans


[quote=Seinfeld]you're a loser dog, cannot believe you have to write a post like this defending yourself when you could just be a grown up and just aplogize and genuinely learn from it but (like a sociopath would) you are trying to justify your behavior and give reasons why this person whos done nothing to you deserves to get Epicly Trolled Lole. you're a fucking bum[/quote]
yeah grow up scratch
-26 Frags +
LightbringerDrugstoner420this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.
Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\

you live in a country were you can say anything you want without consequences, you know that right?

[quote=Lightbringer][quote=Drugstoner420]this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.[/quote]

Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\[/quote]
you live in a country were you can say anything you want without consequences, you know that right?
-1 Frags +
NursayImagine how v!s has had to make multiple essays worth of posts to defend the awful piece of advice he gave all because I called him out for being dumb a few times(although said very harshly). I only made two posts about him (and one post was literally a quote).

Imagine how something as small as I just said made you react with multiple essays (where you’re stil in the wrong). Now imagine being called slurs, being denied your existence, and being harassed by a community from a game you grew up loving. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. You have no right to talk about “just get thicker skin” you weak garbage.

It doesn’t take much balls just to simply say “I’m sorry that my advice was poor and didn’t understand the situation clearly” and then learn from it. That’s all you literally have to say to leave a better person from this situation. But you won’t. Attitudes like yours are what harm this community and will continue to make this an uninviting place to stay.

Watch what u say to vis he's got 2.7k elo and will mge you into the shadow realm

Be warned

[quote=Nursay]Imagine how v!s has had to make multiple essays worth of posts to defend the awful piece of advice he gave all because I called him out for being dumb a few times(although said very harshly). I only made two posts about him (and one post was literally a quote).

Imagine how something as small as I just said made you react with multiple essays (where you’re stil in the wrong). Now imagine being called slurs, being denied your existence, and being harassed by a community from a game you grew up loving. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. You have no right to talk about “just get thicker skin” you weak garbage.

It doesn’t take much balls just to simply say “I’m sorry that my advice was poor and didn’t understand the situation clearly” and then learn from it. That’s all you literally have to say to leave a better person from this situation. But you won’t. Attitudes like yours are what harm this community and will continue to make this an uninviting place to stay.[/quote]

Watch what u say to vis he's got 2.7k elo and will mge you into the shadow realm

Be warned
6 Frags +


-10 Frags +
edinsay what you want but the only reason people bully online is to get a reaction out of it because it's funny

99% of the time people bully you because you're a retard, and then they'll find things that are different about you to make fun of

if steph wasn't trans but was instead fat i don't think anything here would be different other than people would make fun of steph being fat

people make fun of you because you're stupid, not because you're trans

Seinfeldyou're a loser dog, cannot believe you have to write a post like this defending yourself when you could just be a grown up and just aplogize and genuinely learn from it but (like a sociopath would) you are trying to justify your behavior and give reasons why this person whos done nothing to you deserves to get Epicly Trolled Lole. you're a fucking bumhttps://youtu.be/RyeiRyUneaE
yeah grow up scratch


[quote=edin]say what you want but the only reason people bully online is to get a reaction out of it because it's funny

99% of the time people bully you because you're a retard, and then they'll find things that are different about you to make fun of

if steph wasn't trans but was instead fat i don't think anything here would be different other than people would make fun of steph being fat

people make fun of you because you're stupid, not because you're trans


[quote=Seinfeld]you're a loser dog, cannot believe you have to write a post like this defending yourself when you could just be a grown up and just aplogize and genuinely learn from it but (like a sociopath would) you are trying to justify your behavior and give reasons why this person whos done nothing to you deserves to get Epicly Trolled Lole. you're a fucking bum[/quote]
yeah grow up scratch[/quote]

26 Frags +
Drugstoner420LightbringerDrugstoner420this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.
Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\
you live in a country were you can say anything you want without consequences, you know that right?

you say this but i bet you’re real quiet irl

[quote=Drugstoner420][quote=Lightbringer][quote=Drugstoner420]this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.[/quote]

Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\[/quote]
you live in a country were you can say anything you want without consequences, you know that right?[/quote]
you say this but i bet you’re real quiet irl
32 Frags +
Drugstoner420LightbringerDrugstoner420this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.
Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\
you live in a country were you can say anything you want without consequences, you know that right?

Nobody lives in a country where they can say anything they want without consequence.

[quote=Drugstoner420][quote=Lightbringer][quote=Drugstoner420]this entire thread just goes to show how you cant make fun of people online without being censored from everybody. i really dont understand how people get this angry about being trolled online.[/quote]

Truly very sad that we live in a world where you can't openly harass people without consequence. So much for the tolerant left. :\[/quote]
you live in a country were you can say anything you want without consequences, you know that right?[/quote]

Nobody lives in a country where they can say anything they want without consequence.
-20 Frags +

welcome to page 4

welcome to page 4
-2 Frags +
NursayActually fucking disgusting. It’s a real shame that if this was called out in literally any other community this wouldn’t even be up for debate. It’s gonna be embarrassing watching a community I hold so dear argue amongst themselves justifying why any of this is okay..

If you think this issue is contained to the TF2 community you are delusional. The same sorts of pricks exist in every game.

As for what to do about this...does ETF2L have some sort of code of conduct? Provable harassment should be bannable.

[quote=Nursay]Actually fucking disgusting. It’s a real shame that if this was called out in literally any other community this wouldn’t even be up for debate. It’s gonna be embarrassing watching a community I hold so dear argue amongst themselves justifying why any of this is okay..[/quote]
If you think this issue is contained to the TF2 community you are delusional. The same sorts of pricks exist in every game.

As for what to do about this...does ETF2L have some sort of code of conduct? Provable harassment should be bannable.
7 Frags +
ScrewballIf you think this issue is contained to the TF2 community you are delusional. The same sorts of pricks exist in every game.

it doesn't have to be this community though, it's not exactly huge. Making excuses for it like "every game has this problem" just normalizes it further.

If you think this issue is contained to the TF2 community you are delusional. The same sorts of pricks exist in every game.

it doesn't have to be this community though, it's not exactly huge. Making excuses for it like "every game has this problem" just normalizes it further.
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