DEAD Build The Wall Around Californi : of course red has a trolldier, most op bs in the game
DEAD Build The Wall Around Californi : can't wait until it's removed
Build The Wall Around Californi left the game (Disconnect by user.
DEAD Build The Wall Around Californi : can't wait until it's removed
Build The Wall Around Californi left the game (Disconnect by user.
pants poopington : present your nuts to me for backcapping
*DEAD* [=PR=] Wolf�The�Sniper� : Also thanks for your Steam client ID
*DEAD* [=PR=] Wolf�The�Sniper� : Have fun not existing
*DEAD* [=PR=] Wolf�The�Sniper� : Have fun not existing
*DEAD* mike_ers : man im not playing 4 more minutes of this retardation
mike_ers left the game (Disconnect by user.)
mike_ers left the game (Disconnect by user.)
anrorcim : before we lose the points
anrorcim : anyone wanna admit they haev unsucked cock
anrorcim : anyone wanna admit they haev unsucked cock
*DEAD* Pippen’ (Foreskin Gang) : soldier endures post cum torture
*DEAD* Dᵉᶜᵉᵖᵗᶦᵛᵉ CLAP : add if girl
edit: somehow didnt copy correctly
edit: somehow didnt copy correctly
【DZ】AHMED : who love demoman
【DZ】AHMED : add me
(Voice) ็็็็็็็็็็: Spy!
Demomain left the game (Demomain timed out)
【DZ】AHMED : add me
(Voice) ็็็็็็็็็็: Spy!
Demomain left the game (Demomain timed out)
crazymonkeyGAME : why there is black guys in theis game
Strum Cammander 13th SS : I wish I died in the area 51 raid
use my urethra as a coin slot was automatically assigned to team BLU
1 ticket for 'Joker' please : You might have killed me but at least I still have my virginity
datboi2197 : bro i know you searched minions porn
datboi2197 : its fine
datboi2197 : i wont tell anyone
datboi2197 : its fine
datboi2197 : i wont tell anyone
Michelle Obama : rtd
(Inset stupid meme name here) : This isnt a community server
PajamaSam : rtd
*DEAD* rand.ohmguy : rtd
*DEAD* nonspookygamerシ : rtd
Cremationcaper : rtd
(Inset stupid meme name here) : This isnt a community server
PajamaSam : rtd
*DEAD* rand.ohmguy : rtd
*DEAD* nonspookygamerシ : rtd
Cremationcaper : rtd
god : my sex life is like my lvl4 sentry
god : doesnt exists
god : doesnt exists
kvσtrαnt : small brain solider too scared to die so he uses the tiny pp crutch box conch loadout. very sad
xem1d : guys do you see me have differnt skin of pyro
Edmund Kemper : what do you mean xem?
monkeyfish joined team RED
xem1d : do i look like femme pyro
Edmund Kemper : what do you mean xem?
monkeyfish joined team RED
xem1d : do i look like femme pyro
*DEAD* /BIJ/ Mentally untouchable : hate to be crude, but how do they even pee?
The haunted Kniferjim anti-awp: vac should attack red ping people
DEAD* kpsmilin123 : fucking retards assholes motherfuckers rasict scumbags
bad syndrome : this is what we call in the industry a 'gamer epic'
(TEAM) Dank : || UBER USED - UBER USED ||.
Kat Jenkins : Dank wanted us to know he used his uber
Kat Jenkins : put it in team chat on accident
Kat Jenkins : Dank wanted us to know he used his uber
Kat Jenkins : put it in team chat on accident
FredtheBunny : gay bad boxes
*DEAD* FredtheBunny : gay
*DEAD* FredtheBunny : trash
FredtheBunny : bad box boi kinda fishy
FredtheBunny : ok brock is getting W A Y too many crits
FredtheBunny : legit imposible abouts of crits
doc : If he has some hacks, they're really shitty
doc : I can deal with him if you'd like
*DEAD* FredtheBunny : gay
*DEAD* FredtheBunny : trash
FredtheBunny : bad box boi kinda fishy
FredtheBunny : ok brock is getting W A Y too many crits
FredtheBunny : legit imposible abouts of crits
doc : If he has some hacks, they're really shitty
doc : I can deal with him if you'd like