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BTS 2020 LAN cancelled
posted in News
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Damn whoever reported got alfa dancing like a puppet. GUNGA

Damn whoever reported got alfa dancing like a puppet. GUNGA
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are we all just gonna live the lie that those youtube vids dont exist? if there was harassment why hasnt it also leaked?

are we all just gonna live the lie that those youtube vids dont exist? if there was harassment why hasnt it also leaked?
36 Frags +

off topic tho. this kinda sucks cuz like 3 high level teams just folded. invite looking kinda ass in terms of competition.

off topic tho. this kinda sucks cuz like 3 high level teams just folded. invite looking kinda ass in terms of competition.
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45 Frags +

you dont pug getawhale

you dont pug getawhale
23 Frags +

ya mike sorry but i think the play is sending someone else that meme and telling them to post it lol

ya mike sorry but i think the play is sending someone else that meme and telling them to post it lol
22 Frags +

the second button isn't even true tho lmao he complains quite a bit in pugs I wouldn't call that fun to play with

the second button isn't even true tho lmao he complains quite a bit in pugs I wouldn't call that fun to play with
-11 Frags +

took my best guess but i have no idea why people like him either

took my best guess but i have no idea why people like him either
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https://i.imgur.com/gFjgMOL.png made a little bit of an alfa meme guys hope you enjoy

https://i.imgur.com/gFjgMOL.png made a little bit of an alfa meme guys hope you enjoy
14 Frags +

kill. this. thread.

kill. this. thread.
2 Frags +
chunkeyyyHow did this thread make it to 8 pages lmfao; the title is LAN is cancelled. Thank you for letting us know, now lock it to prevent pointless posts and stupidityDonDoritokill. this. thread.


[quote=chunkeyyy]How did this thread make it to 8 pages lmfao; the title is LAN is cancelled. Thank you for letting us know, now lock it to prevent pointless posts and stupidity[/quote]

[quote=DonDorito]kill. this. thread.[/quote]

5 Frags +

I hate the people who won't tell me why they banned me from their DIY music venue more than I hate the guy who molested me in my sleep. Having self appointed authority figures leave you in the dark regarding decisions that dictate your ability to participate in something you're passionate about really fucks with your head and sets precedence for a system ripe for abuse. It is difficult to process your wrongdoings and improve as a person when youre forced to endlessly ponder which one of your mistakes lead to this and nobody has ever grown from not knowing something about themself.
There are many kinds of bad people in this world and I have no problem judging administrators and victims for the way they handle things..If whatever Alfa did is so bad that he can't play video games in California, then it is something everyone should know about. If Alfa chooses to harass his accuser after the revelations of the specifics then that is nothing more than further proof that he should be banned and probably from more places than just this dead lan.

I hate the people who won't tell me why they banned me from their DIY music venue more than I hate the guy who molested me in my sleep. Having self appointed authority figures leave you in the dark regarding decisions that dictate your ability to participate in something you're passionate about really fucks with your head and sets precedence for a system ripe for abuse. It is difficult to process your wrongdoings and improve as a person when youre forced to endlessly ponder which one of your mistakes lead to this and nobody has ever grown from not knowing something about themself.
There are many kinds of bad people in this world and I have no problem judging administrators and victims for the way they handle things..If whatever Alfa did is so bad that he can't play video games in California, then it is something everyone should know about. If Alfa chooses to harass his accuser after the revelations of the specifics then that is nothing more than further proof that he should be banned and probably from more places than just this dead lan.
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What can ALfa even do to the person he harrassed anymore? Thats why its not like the school headteacher telling u who ratted u out for bullying. He cant do shit

Alfa clearly has no recollection of any kind of harrassment and him not knoing is not only frustrating for him but also doesn't give him any room to grow and not 'harrass' others.

If he doesn't even kno what the issue is, how can u prevent it from happening again?

What can ALfa even do to the person he harrassed anymore? Thats why its not like the school headteacher telling u who ratted u out for bullying. He cant do shit

Alfa clearly has no recollection of any kind of harrassment and him not knoing is not only frustrating for him but also doesn't give him any room to grow and not 'harrass' others.

If he doesn't even kno what the issue is, how can u prevent it from happening again?
15 Frags +

Thread has derailed enough from the unfortunate BTS cancellation.

Please make a new one to discuss and get to the bottom of what alfa did or did not do and why he got banned from the event in the first place; locking this one.

Thread has derailed enough from the unfortunate BTS cancellation.

Please make a new one to discuss and get to the bottom of what alfa did or did not do and why he got banned from the event in the first place; locking this one.
1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9
This thread has been locked.