if youre in an "18+ discord server" theres a 50% chance youre a pedo and a 100% chance youre a failed human being
gibusif youre in an "18+ discord server" theres a 50% chance youre a pedo and a 100% chance youre a failed human being
what is the other 50%
what is the other 50%
drifta can you please explain this?
aratingagibusif youre in an "18+ discord server" theres a 50% chance youre a pedo and a 100% chance youre a failed human beingwhat is the other 50%
honest people just tryna get e-pussy
what is the other 50%[/quote]
honest people just tryna get e-pussy
denisbit13drifta can you please explain this?
i reply in 11 SECONDS and this is how u repay me
i reply in 11 SECONDS and this is how u repay me
can we just end this anime series? The authors are dragging it on for too long it's getting stale.
i unblocked nursey after she constantly harassed my friends about it. when i said i wanted nothing to do with her she went on a tagent for over an hour of random spew. after i ignore her, she goes and attacks my friends newspeak and aiera, these people are infinitely better than nursey was ever perceived. aiera has never seen more than a selfie from me and what you say about newspeak is just a lie. i knew you were a pedo but i honestly did not know youd be so stubborn and sad to make up lies. honestly everyone should just do nursey a favor and ignore her existence. it is what she needs, or a jail cell.
i would like to see the percentage of how many nonces were once abused themselves
aratingagibusif youre in an "18+ discord server" theres a 50% chance youre a pedo and a 100% chance youre a failed human beingwhat is the other 50%
minors lol why do you think the pedos are there
what is the other 50%[/quote]
minors lol why do you think the pedos are there
DRIFTAdenisbit13drifta can you please explain this?https://i.gyazo.com/3ee9da79c794bc9fa15a456365144f3b.jpg
i reply in 11 SECONDS and this is how u repay me
i have 1928 posts but i still dont have 4 stars im scrounging for every upfrag i can get
i reply in 11 SECONDS and this is how u repay me[/quote]
i have 1928 posts but i still dont have 4 stars im scrounging for every upfrag i can get
hoolii would like to see the percentage of how many nonces were once abused themselves
tl;dr 35% of male pedophiles were abused
tl;dr 35% of male pedophiles were abused
i was abused when i was a kid and u dont see me tryin pedo shit
please if ur over 18 just add me on snapchat im not tryna show me knob honest i just want to get to know cute people