Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ⋅⋅ 128
#110 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization
Danpixed**9/4/2015 UPDATE**
- added diminished med beam particles
- fixed tr_walkway bug
- added mat_viewportscale "0.5" (You win Comanglia)

oh no...

Don't do this, very few people actually benefit from this probably less than 5% of the entire TF2 user base.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Freezes a few times for a few seconds all games in Q/A Help
konrI only really play TF2 and Dota really, so I'm not sure about other games but in every single one of my games in TF2 or Dota I get these really annoying freezes. My PC isn't under load all of a sudden or anything, I just for some reason have the game completely freeze on me (sound and all) for a few seconds and it happens quite often during playing.

It's really really annoying because it can happen in the middle of a fight or an important moment and that shit loses you games. During this time I can still move my cursor. In TF2 I can during this time accidentally drag the cursor to the other monitor and click, causing me to alt+tab when it unfreezes. In Dota 2 I can still move around my cursor (stylised still as the Dota 2 one) during the time and it seems to just be the "actual" game that does it.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Clean your PC, and make sure your temps aren't getting to high.

Update drivers.

All else fails, doing a reformat and fresh install should fix it.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 If Scout was limited to 1 in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoFull time pyro = aids for demos and soldiers
Full time spy = aids for your own team
Full time sniper = aids for the other team
Full time heavy = aids for spectators
Full time engie = aids for everyone

I think I covered everything.

why do you automatically assume they would "full time" any class

I'd know I'd be constantly switching classes.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 superwide desk mat in Hardware
LunacideOnly 12" tall seems a bit too skinny IMO

I've used this thing for a really long time, I've been really satisfied with it.

That mouse pad is absolute shit.

"Mice Tested:
WMO 1.1a
Zowie FK
Logitech M-UAE96

Mousepads Tested:
XTRAC Hammer
Steel Series QCK+
Custom Cloth Mousepad (of the generic cloth type)

With the G400s @400 DPI 1000Hz
Ripper XXL 3.2 m/s
QCK+ 4.6 m/s
Hammer 4.2 m/s
Custom 4.0 m/s

G400 @400DPI 1000Hz
Ripper XXL 2.8 m/s
QCK+ 4.2 m/s
Hammer 3.7 m/s
Custom 3.6 m/s

WMO 1.1a @400 DPI 125Hz
Ripper XXL 0.9 m/s
QCK+ 1.6 m/s
Hammer 1.3 m/s
Custom 1.2 m/s

Zowie FK @450 DPI 1000Hz
Ripper XXL 3.0 m/s
QCK+ 4.4 m/s
Hammer 3.9 m/s
Custom 3.7 m/s

Logitech M-UAE96 @400 DPI 125Hz
Ripper XXL 0.8 m/s
QCK+ 1.4 m/s
Hammer 1.0 m/s
Custom 1.0 m/s

the Ripper XXL did 20-40% slower compared to these other mousepads

Desk protection do to thickness

Poor tracking speeds from a variety of mice in comparison to other mousepads even NON-GAMING pads"

from an amazon review I left on this mouse pad about 1 year ago.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Best TF2 Game Ever? in TF2 General Discussion

Ascent vs Froyotech on Sunshine last season

posted about 9 years ago
#6 FPS Config in Customization
BonafideYes I understand that, but why would people use it if there are already configs that do the exact same thing?

His disables voice, features the Null-Movement script, and is definitely more concise than your typical fps config.

This also has a lot of new user friendly fps commands; a lot of map details are still enabled that actually somewhat helpful to newer players ex. This FPS config doesn't disable the spots on the map directly below where health/ammo spawn. ex2. Also doesn't disable 90% of the directional signs in the game

Matter of fact I might use this CFG as the base of the NewUser FPS config I've been wanting to work on.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 superwide desk mat in Hardware

If you want a super wide with the same material as the Steel Series QCK line look no further

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Acer Z35 // 200hz overclock in Hardware
wonderlandI don't understand the obsession with large monitors when u sit 2 feet away from it, its hard enough to see peripherals with an average lcd. at least for competitive gaming I don't think large monitors help at all. I'd buy a 200hz 24" (or smaller, I prefer smaller monitors than 24 tbh)

this one would be pretty sick for racing games I think. 12ms response time sounds disgusting but manufacturers lie about response time anyway, I highly doubt 24" 144hz asus or benq lcd is 1ms, they could just be telling the truth on this monitor lmao. anyways cool to see this but definitely not for me

& I would not trade the fw900 for this or anything atm pharoah^^

Typically speaking the 1ms gtg is measured at the top of the monitor and the gray level used vary heavily. That said both the asus and benq 144Hz montiors can get under 1ms gtg with some really low gray level to a very high gray level in the top 1/3 of the monitor.

Also this thread reminded me to post a question to the blurbuster forums about monitor overclocking. If anyone here happens to know.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Remove Killstreak Count in Customization

cl_hud_killstreak_display_time "0"

pretty sure that's it

posted about 9 years ago
#514 ESEA-IM S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Tery_ you bastard!

posted about 9 years ago
#179 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulWhen are you going to get home? Or did you just not have the time yet?

I didn't have time. I tried this morning, but the benchmark demos appears to have broke slightly.

Instead of having the static position on the back right, I start close to the little battlements accross from the point, and eventually start following an engineer.

We may need a new benchmark demo.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Which of these mice would you reccommend? in TF2 General Discussion
phraxI bought a g303 a few weeks ago and it rattles to the point where I can actually feel the sensor and shit shaking around, would not recommend. g100s is a great mouse though

Don't have this issue, and I own 2 of them that I use basically every day. 1 at work (sees probably 30-40hrs every week of use), and 1 at home (sees probably 30ish hrs every week of use). Had both for 3 months now.

posted about 9 years ago
#151 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
Sheoriricky815remove the -dxlevel 81 for better stability with ALT+Tabbing <------this one when do i do that?after launching the game every time?
After you launch the game once with dxlevel 81, it puts the game into dx8, so you don't need to re add it whenever you launch.

So no, just do it once, launch, then remove it.


posted about 9 years ago
#379 Insomnia55 General Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonElepimpDoes anyone know what that thing that war was using before the maps on the grand finals where he was like drawing where the classes where with the arrows etc.? I think he called it a map analysis tool which is pretty vauge but yeah does anybody know where to get it it seem really cool.If there's enough interest I might make it good enough for general use, it's pretty rough and ready at the moment but it could probably have some value analysing a map for/with team mates.

Yes, please!

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Ping increases when someone uses wireless in Q/A Help
Network View I Wireless I Mac Filter (The action button only lets you type the mac address)
Basic Menu
LAN servers
Advanced Settings
General I DMZ Host I Advanced Filtering
DHCP relay configuration I DNS & default gateway configuration I Routing I Dynamic DNS
ADSL Statistics I DHCP Statistics I Interfaces I Traffic

Shall I put those settings in both input and output ?

Alright so, a lot of things.

1. You should speak with your ISP again to see if you can be put onto Line Path "Fast" instead of "Interleave" (should lower you ping times anywhere from 5ms-25ms)

2. You can get better speeds with the line you have upon switching from interleave, but this dependent on what your ISP is willing to sell and how much you're willing to pay.

3. When setting up QoS cap your upstream to 512Kbps

also don't change the protocols.

posted about 9 years ago
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