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Last Posted June 6, 2022 at 2:28 AM
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#24 Koth Product (former pro viaduct) in Map Discussion

I'll just make clear that I have expressed my stance on the map name and that I don't care nearly enough to carry this conversation any further. Fortunately for those who disagrees, it's not all bleak, you have options:
-Anyone is free to go back to koth_viaduct_pro7 if it makes them feel any better (even if we know it has gameplay issues).
-Also, The perks of being in a free country means that anyone who feels like they can do a better job than we did is free to do so.

so, again, sorry for any confusion.
now... whatdayasay we get to the valuable feedback? uh?

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Koth Product (former pro viaduct) in Map Discussion

Part of the reason the name was changed was because we felt that viaduct_pro had developed it's own identity and design goals over time. Also, the pro tag is elitist and pompous. koth_product has an appeal for all levels of play and plays well in just about any format, professional or not. Sorry if there's any confusion for the name, we think it's for the better.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Koth Product (former pro viaduct) in Map Discussion
BumFreezeHow do I launch workshop maps? They don't appear for me using the regular "map" console command...

from what me and other mappers understand, launching maps from the console is a no go for now, but we "think" it will work if you connect to a server running the map.

if you want all the details:

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when you subscribe to a map, steam downloads it and stores it in a folder named "SteamApps\workshop\content\440\<mapid>". Now of course that folder has nothing to do with tf2 game files.
To get the map in tf2 you need to run this new command : "tf_workshop_map_sync <mapid>"
This will get the map in the tf\maps\workshop folder, but will rename it with its mapid in the filename (something like koth_product_rc8.ugc454272353.bsp).

now you can run the map with the map command "map workshop/koth_product_rc8.ugc454272353.bsp"
The problem is that the map command does not auto-complete so it's a real pain.

the current theory is that all this gets done automatically if you're just connecting to a server. If you want to run the map locally, well, that process clearly didn't get streamlined yet
THEBILLDOZERim not sure how valveis gonna feel about renaming their maps

well there's viaduct, eyeaduct and now product. I'd say it's quite in line with valve's strategy at having multiple versions of a map.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Koth Product (former pro viaduct) in Map Discussion

We're celebrating the new era of custom maps by renaming of koth_viaduct_pro to koth product.

you can find the map on the workshop here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454272353

a few things have been updated:
-minor clipping
-broken announcer is fixed
-blockbullet between fence gaps
-lowered panels on each side of the control point to prevent shooting under

I'd like the workshop to be the way going forward but we're not 100% sure that it's a reliable distribution platform just yet. so here's a mirror just in case: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/product.1063/download?version=12842
(feel free to subscribe to the map regardless)

posted about 9 years ago
#48 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

Okay, there's been an ongoing discussion about the naming of the map. We've gone from pro_viaduct to viaduct_pro and with each versions, it has been debated if we should name it as final or not some day (which I'm still reluctant to do). regardless, when we look back, the map really came a long way over time, so much so that you could say that the map has developed it's own identity.

So we've been pondering, do we want to keep calling it koth_viaduct_pro? hell, koth_eyeaduct has it's own name. At this point, the map has grown into more than just a pro version. It is a legitimate alternative map with its own design goals. I also feel that calling it a pro version is not entirely accurate either as I believe the map has an appeal for all levels of play, competitive or otherwise. not to mention that "pro" may sound a little elitist and pompous. There's been a lot of talk about bridging the gap between pub an comp, so I figured...

Do we want to reconsider the name of viaduct_pro? Some of the punny (yet quasi serious) names that have been thrown around are koth_product and koth_viable.

P.S. yeah this post really wasn't meant to be this long but there we go... that's just how I feel about it I guess, curious to see how people feel (I'm told that's how discussions are made). Either way, the final touches are being looked at and yeah...

posted about 9 years ago
#44 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
HyceDid you func_detail them? That was an issue I had when I had a shit ton of them and they wouldn't compile. They're still world brushes unless you func_detail them.

yeah I did func_detail them to prevent cutting visleaves as most of them have pretty irregular shapes. the cut faces contribute toward waterindice as well so either way it's a bit of a pain.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

Believe it or not, so many block bullets were added that the map won't compile anymore. I'm gonna do what it takes to get this version out (there are painful workarounds) but I'll most definitely be closing shop after this.

posted about 9 years ago
#30 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
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Inconsistent with the other boards/platforms recently changed. Would be nice if it was solid as well so projectiles don't fly under there.
fubar didn't want this for his own reasons and I didn't think it mattered enough to make a big deal about it, so it's up to him

my reasoning for it is that if a rocket is going toward the spawn, it probably deserves to be missed and If a spawncamping rocket is eaten, I really won't shed a tear about it.

as for visual clutter, I think there's a fine balance between what is useless clutter and what gives the map character. I wouldn't want the map to become completely sterile but I'll think about the various suggestions.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

yes it will most likely be pro7, I will not make the mistake of calling it final. but yeah, the intent is just to be able to call it done and move on to other stuff.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

so we're looking to get an other version out asap (likely final). If you have anything to suggest, now's your time.

rocks at mid have been fixed, secret easter egg room is gone :o) and a lot more minor visual fixes + some clipping, and that's bout it.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
ComangliaBenroadsFew things I've noticed looking over the map

Still kinda unsure why these are solid, I guess you could use it to jump off the wall but seems pretty strange since there's like 1 other window thing you can stand on and the rest are decorative.

PLS NO.... I've gotten so many good picks from that completely retarded sniper sightline that basically everyone overlooks...

Also a nifty spy spot

yeah, normally I would remove it but my reasoning for this spot is that it's not only good for soldiers. Many classes benefit from it and I feel like it's a valuable part of the map.

yttriumjust played a lobby on it
etney spent the entire fucking lobby jumping around as soda popper scout capping the intel

glad to hear that scouts are now more valuable to the team. kappa

posted about 9 years ago
#18 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
GiraffeI don't understand why you spent time adding secret rooms with a frog as intel that can be captured in the enemy team's basketball hoop rather than fixing actual problems with the map.

You guys found that thing quicker than I would have imagined. Let's just say I wanted to have a little fun :p all work and no play makes fubar a dull boy

bubblebobblerclipping on the rock is kinda messed up for some reason

I might fix this, but know that it's really painful to do

posted about 9 years ago
#9 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion
JackyLegsfubar mentioned in his stream that this lighting issue can be fixed, but it wasn't?

so the thing is that those metal sheets are using the same triangles for the front and back faces. in theory that's great because we get half the triangle count BUT a triangle cannot have different lighting for each of its sides. so the same lighting is used on both sides of the model. that's why they look really off. it can't be fixed unless I replace the metal sheets with something else (which I might do at some point).

JackyLegsyou can shoot through the rock here:

so the thing with those rocks... while the rocks are not symmetrical (it would look sorta odd if they were) their collision IS symmetrical, which leads to some oddities in solidity. I think symmetrical collision is preferable but there's no perfect answer for this area. I could try and make it a little better in the future. but yeah, there's also the issue of hiding stickies in there.

as far as everything else goes, good finds

posted about 9 years ago
#22 viaduct_pro5 live event in Map Discussion

just to confirm that this is going to happen today at 2pm eastern (assuming I can get myself out of bed), on this channel http://www.twitch.tv/fubartv see you there

posted about 10 years ago
#5 viaduct_pro5 live event in Map Discussion
phraxcan it be called viaduct_pro instead of pro_viaduct? I always forget

I've never really been too hot on that naming convention either, we'll see about the name. might make it straight out viaduct_pro, not even _pro5 (if the version is deemed worthy enough)

posted about 10 years ago
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