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Last Posted July 12, 2016 at 6:05 PM
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#28 9 team invite in TF2 General Discussion
FogOne thing that we have to consider here though is that with a nine team invite, the prize pool for TF2 shrinks. Perhaps instead of asking for a nine team Invite, we have the Invite matches work the same way as they currently do in IM and Open where the first four weeks of the season per-determined. Then once the second half of the season begins, we have it make a schedule based on record.

How much is "shrinking"? Are we just talking about the difference between having 7 paid players in Invite vs 6 in IM or is there something else I am missing? I mean even if the difference is a couple hundred dollars, we would still have much more than we did season 13.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 9 team invite in TF2 General Discussion

For those who don't know, a nine team invite means that each team plays each other twice. As in, its removes the random element of scheduling so the deciding factor for a team to go to lan is based on how well they did against the other teams instead of which teams they happened to face. The current Mad Men and AG "whose going to lan" is an example of this. Not saying that one is better than the other but the words "but AG has an easier schedule so they are going to lan" shouldn't come up.

Post in the ESEA thread, show your support and hopefully we can get it fixed for next season.

posted about 10 years ago
#101 YouMustShowUpToMatches in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#16 o my esea in TF2 General Discussion

Speaking of that, whatever happened to that "unauthorized individual" that did those "unauthorized actions" that "disappointed and concerned" ESEA so much that they are in the "process of taking all necessary steps internally to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again"?

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Embed twitch chat on stream in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry for bumping an older thread.

Atmo, have you looked at the experimental version of the program the guy made to integrate twitch chat?

I don't know much about the program or CSS so I am at a bit of a lose on how to test it and to actually set up the chat.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Embed twitch chat on stream in TF2 General Discussion
atmowait so it doesn't work? heh. Well it looks like twitch are on the case.

I mean I may be in the minority. Has anyone else actually tried it yet?

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Embed twitch chat on stream in TF2 General Discussion

Some guy in the OBS thread is having the same problem as I am, that the chat never actually loads. It seems as if the plugin is having some problems/being non-optimal with loading some types of websites.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 General Caveman's Stream in Requests

For a less trolly post,

I play on the team Friday Night Bingo in ESEA Open. I currently reside in the USA and can be seen playing video games here

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Newbie Mixes in Events

I would like to apologize if anyone, including newcomers, were put off by the toxic atmosphere I created at the tail end of this mix. I was having an issue and it was in no way related to newbie mixes or indicative to how newbie mixes actually are.

Newbie mixes are how I started to get into competitive TF2 and it is thanks to the countless hours that people like VickM and Noona put into running it, along with the coaches who were more than happy to correct the countless things people were doing wrong (me in particular). It is a testament to how much the admins and coaches really care about getting people into competitive TF2 by continuing to help newcomers in the face of me being a massive prick.

I am not sure if I can make it to the next mix or, if I could, how well I would be received. However I can be certain that the atmosphere will be supportive as it always is and there won't be any toxicity due to the great admin and coaches.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Schedules are out in TF2 General Discussion
lanskyThere are obvious flaws with a merit system, considering that most teams change their rosters heavily between seasons. Making LAN with a "roster" doesn't mean anything, and trying to compare brand new teams together doesn't factor in how well they play on LAN or how rusty they are at the start of the season.

When I say merit, it is more to reference to being able to understand the decision and not a suggestion for a merit based system. I agree that it would be a shit system but I would at least understand the decision (Which I don't here). Or maybe you meant to reply to LKincheloe.

What I am saying is that the current system adds a random element to who goes to lan which I do not want and don't understand why it is there.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Schedules are out in TF2 General Discussion
LKincheloeI kinda like it as it stands now, this way there is some benefit to making LAN the previous season, since Top Guns played LAN and Mad Men were in IM.

I can see the the merit in it if that was how the schedule was decided but I am pretty sure it is just random. The main problem with your sentiment is that the exact opposite can happen next season with the IM team having an easier season than the team that went to the previous lan.

It isn't that ESEA is under a time crunch like a MLG tournament over a weekend (Where having a hard bracket is more forgivable), there are months to make this round robin style schedule to be as fair as possible and I just don't see why they allow this random factor in.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Schedules are out in TF2 General Discussion
ninjanickSince there are 10 teams schedules are harder for some teams than others. Here's a list of who i think has the toughest/easiest schedules. Starting with the toughest.
1. Root plus 6
2. Mad Men
3. tri hards
4. Solace
5. Vector
6. Top Guns
7. R5
8. HRG
9. Mixup
Each team plays 7 teams twice, and 2 teams once
Interesting fact, HRG and Mixup only play each other once :(

This is why the move to 10 teams was confusing to me, sure it is cool to have more teams in invite but why not just increase it to 9 so each team plays each other twice. With 10 teams, now the deciding factor for lan able teams like Mad Men and Top Guns could be that Mad Men only play Vector once while Top Guns only have to play Mix^ once.

Of course I am still excited for the season, I just hope that when the lan teams are decided that it is based off merit and not by chance.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Twitch Dashboard Lite in TF2 General Discussion

For anyone having problems with the twitch chat loading, try going to twitch using internet explorer and seeing if you have any problems there. The twitch chat in this program is a modified internet explorer window so if you didn't install adobe flash for ie (installing it made it work for me) then neither will this program.

posted about 11 years ago
#242 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
RikachuHe just showed up in seanbuds stream and said he might stream or something

Oh damn, I want to believe but he has made promises before and I have been hurt.

but... but.... I want to believe.

posted about 11 years ago
#240 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Wait, huh? What did I miss?

posted about 11 years ago
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