Hey guys, Hyce here.
You might know me as the maker of logjam; I also really like playing 6's. I haven't played seriously on a team for a few years (lived in an apartment with shitternet, lost interest, got really involved at work), but want to come back to TF2.
I've mained demo for 5 seasons previously in 2013-2014. I also used to main call for a few of those teams. I'm trying to remember exactly what the teams and seasons were; I think these were it:
UGC Steel 6's S11, HOBOSTIX
UGC Steel 6's S12: HOBOSTIX
UGC Silver 6's S13: HOBOSTIX (might have been BLT?)
CEVO-O S1: Bacon Lettuce and Testosterone
CEVO-O S2: Bacon Lettuce and Testosterone
I don't remember the records but they weren't that great. Haha.
I am looking to play pocket, roamer, or demo in that order of preference, for a low-mid open team. I want to learn and have some fun.
My steam username is hyce777, shoot me a message if you're interested!
P.S. if logjam gets voted in I can give you all the sweet strats.