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Country Israel
Signed Up February 17, 2013
Last Posted September 2, 2024 at 6:48 AM
Posts 481 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad LGG Saturn Pro
Headphones 7Hz Salnotes Zero 2
Monitor BenQ XL2540K
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#29 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

I really think over the top kritz or soldier jumping and getting a spam rocket is just dumb and not needed at all, can't see it making the map more dynamic nor improving the gameplay

that sightline, was never a problem, honestly I've never ever came in mind that that certain angle is too strong, because it was never an issue, blocking the sightline will probably be a good idea but it was never a problem to me atleast

posted about 9 years ago
#68 cp_metalworks feedback thread in Map Discussion

figured that would be the case, I understand though, also thank you for updating the map even though you don't play the game much anymore.

the spawn door clipping through the top is just a case of an aesthetically unpleasing aspect of the map, it feels like it's not supposed to do that yet it does and makes it go in an awkward way, I can't seem to think of a possible fix for that without you needing to re-think this, although if you're pleased with the way it is I am by no means here to judge that.

thanks again scorpio

posted about 9 years ago
#66 cp_metalworks feedback thread in Map Discussion


any reason why you didn't change this?

oh and your playerclips on the fences and roofs are missing



posted about 9 years ago
#8 ESEA S18 LAN - Day 1 in Events

if cbear can't make it, my vote goes for gecks, I love that guy

posted about 9 years ago
#53 ESEA Map Poll in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoMetalworks had optimization and lightning issues and the color palette of the map wasn't the best for a game like tf2

if metalworks had optimization and lightning(?) issues you are more than welcome to post them in the feedback thread since scorpio is updating it to rc6

posted about 9 years ago
#24 ESEA Map Poll in TF2 General Discussion

just gonna put up my opinions on the subject, even though I play on ETF2L, hope it doesn't bother my opinions too much

I'll start off by saying ESEA's map pool is near perfection with really upcoming maps in the pool getting updated (sunshine to rc6, metalworks to rc6) with granary being the kind of less liked one with the recent departure of it on ETF2L

for the past 2 seasons we have played logjam and quite frankly it wasn't ready then, and it's not ready now, there is so much work that I just don't think that map is qualified to replace any of the current maps (maybe granary, but even that is a strong question)

ETF2L took out granary the last season and added in sunshine, which was a great decision, some people missed granary without realizing it's one of the only maps that really require work, I mean, check the granary_pro thread, so many suggestions on how to improve it, it's mind blowing, i would say granary_pro needs some more work and testing before really proving to work, i think that the only ones who can really fix the map are Valve but...they probably won't lift a finger to do it.

my question is, what happened to koth_coalplant? i checked the thread the last feedback on it was a year ago with minor stuff to fix, I remember watching games on it and it rather enjoyable, but never knew what was so bad about it

maybe I am a bit biased but I really believe that a map that wasn't given a spotlight yet, with not much testing, is koth_sandstone, I think it deserves a shot atleast some playtesting on it would reveal good or bad.

I don't see any 5cp map currently being able to replace granary other than granary_pro which I'm unsure its ready yet.

edit: totally slipped my mind, seeing that a bunch of people want gpit back, wanted to add that cp_edifice is also being worked on and will be updating to rc1 soon, so maybe a try for a new A/D 3cp map?

sunshine and metalworks are getting updated to rc6 both, some nice improvements, keep that in mind.
logjam isn't ready
granary requires work that maybe granary_pro can fix
what happened to coalplant?
koth_sandstone deserves a shot
cp_edifice (the 3cp A/D map, similar to gpit, made by Phi, the creator of sunshine) is being worked on for rc1

posted about 9 years ago
#8 ETF2L Ultiduo Cup #5 Powered By: Tt eSPORTS – Finals! in News
SideshowI reckon those four teams are stronger than the other four, I mean the quarter finals are gonna be insane - just means I don't know which match to cover!

AMS & Zebbosai vs Kaptain & Raptor

winner of that vs the next team

3rd place match

grand finale

mike can wait to be casted in the finales ;)

posted about 9 years ago
#7 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster

when top posts are gifs of someone getting an airshot in a pub

posted about 9 years ago
#392 Saloon.tf in Projects

teapot sure is a happy man now, goddamn what a profit

posted about 9 years ago
#378 Saloon.tf in Projects

cherry is offline atm, will probably return in the morning to fix your problems

posted about 10 years ago
#1 What happened to the old TFTV score layout? in TF2 General Discussion

So this scores layout was used back when the TFTV stream hud was based on OMPhud


But for some reason ever since you folks switched to bxhud layout, the score tab changed to this old VanillaTV score tab layout which looks way worse and professional than the old one.


I can see that the VTV score tab layout works a bit better for bo3, but I really think a better looking, layout similar to the old one can be done.

Stuff like this show you that a layout can be made minimal but also can correlate to the hud and look good.


posted about 10 years ago
#8 ETF2L Highlander Season 8 Week 1: Highpander vs. Tourettes Chessclub in Events


thank you chess fans

seriously though, it was hell of a match, was super exciting

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Top 10 TF2 plays of the year 2014 in Videos

to me harbleu's play is the top play of the year by far, most tense situation to be in and he clutches it amazingly,

nontheless it was a lovely top 10

posted about 10 years ago
#26 ETF2L season 20 democall in Videos

ask kaidus for this one ;)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Vox Eminor lose topguN in CS2 News

sheep time

posted about 10 years ago
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