cheap breakfast food > cheap any other kind of food
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198027325929 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:67060201] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:33530100 |
Country | Rainbow Nation |
Signed Up | May 18, 2013 |
Last Posted | January 11, 2025 at 12:45 PM |
Posts | 2127 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Windows Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Raw Input | |
i'm bad dw about it |
Resolution |
i'm bad dw about it |
Refresh Rate |
i'm bad dw about it |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Viper (Wireless) |
Keyboard | WASDKeyboards v2 w/ usb-c port |
Mousepad | ltt deskpad (the big ass one) |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 598 Cs |
Monitor | LG 32GK650F-B 32" QHD |
Just a quick update: We got a bit of feedback on both this post and the steam discussion that some people would prefer a dark theme, while others liked the white theme. Well, while our backend devs are chugging along with making everything work, our resident graphic designer Capu has created a dark theme so you can game with your fragile eyes upon release.
We plan to always be listening to your feedback! There will also be a blog post on our developer blog within the next few days explaining all the technologies that are going into the site, so stay on the lookout for that.
Also, like schalla said, if you have anything you'd like to read about on our blog, please tell us so we can write stuff that is actually relevant. See schalla's comment above for info.
lanskyblinKFroyo lost their long time pocket soldier prior to this tournament. Imagine how much stronger they'd have been with lansky.
b4nny had an incredible performance this lan and ash played amazingly throughout the tournament, single-handedly winning a few key rounds. i think they were better off with this lineup; b4nny's pocketing is unmatched and really brought the team together.
not saying i disagree with you, but this doesn't mean you're allowed to leave ;-;
We could really use some coaches tonight since a lot of people that usually help out are involved with/ at i55. Thanks!
that last team looked VERY confused
Elepimplast year i stayed up all night to watch the early as hell pst times but then i accidentallly fell asleep for the grand finals
you didn't miss much
technothug_1821/812 k/d
That'll do kevin, that'll do.
it's really hard because everything 1-hits you. i had a solid 3:1 the first few hours but after that it's just really hard to care.
if anyone needs help learning the 16v16 all-demoknight metagame, hmu because i am now an expert
really though, i'm selling a 180 dollar cpu water cooler for 90 dollars w/ free shipping. tftv message me.
I'd also like to point out that the event (despite being a terrible, unfun clusterfuck) was very well run. eGO may not have the best rep for their pub/forum communities, but their events are pretty darn good.
i didn't want to do it but i had to do it. 8 hours later...
anyone need a cpu cooler?
Just finished moving the last of my stuff into the dorm after taking a (really long) break to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1 & 2 with awesome friends. Winding down with some tf2 on internet that is literally 10x better than what I had at home, and classes start monday!
I missed this place and I'm glad to be back :)
EoNThe other day I found the etf2l season 3 trailer
I would encourage you (or anyone else who finds what appears to be rare-ish/ old/ forgotten tf2 footage to message me or post it here. I'm PMing those who have offered help now.
Thought it was stupid the first few minutes of playing, but it was actually surprisingly fun by the end. I'd love to play a more serious game on it once a few things get tweaked. My list of recommendations would be:
- Make spawn times longer. An early frag on the demo meant nothing one of the mids because he was back in the fight before I had died. Other times it felt like I hadn't even died because the fight had transitioned very close to forwards by the time I came back up.
- Please raise the skyboxes. It's currently similar to dustbowl. If you rocket jump straight up, you don't hit it. Anything more and you'll bop your head, though.
- The light under catwalk needs to be able to be jumped through.
- The sightline from the crates/barrels at second into mid NEEDS to be covered.
- The catwalk itself could use some work. Not sure what, but it was very broken on roamer to just hop into second for free, do 300 spam damage, and hop out. Perhaps making it thinner would make it more easily spammable for the defending team.
- Dropdown at second was very fun. It's not like a traditional long-passageway that leads to a dropdown, and I like that a lot. I would, however recommend making it possible to see the player a second before they drop down, because currently they can pop out and deal 600 damage to the point for free.
- Lobby between second and last is bizarre. It's the only map I've played on (that I can remember) that has two completely separate lobbies. I'd do my best to try and link them somehow.
- The mid is SUPER soldier oriented, almost to the point where the other classes weren't as fun. Giving scout/ medic a direct path to the highground platforms could help fix this. Also, giving scouts a prop to hop around on would be very good. Because the map is so small, it feels like you're playing inside all the time on scout, which is not fun. Some props could alleviate this feeling.
Don't let this list get you down, though. I seriously enjoyed playing on this map. It was something super different from the standard 5CP maps that have been played forever, and I respect that a lot. It may have just been the fact that it was a pug with players of pretty varying skill levels, but it played much better than any of the other "new map pugs" maps I've played on. Good luck, man!
Have you
- verified your game cache
- reinstalled obs
- updated your drivers
DarkTechNoSo is this a KevinIsPwn internship opertunity?
I guess you could say that haha
I sent people who offered their time TFTV PMs. Please respond ASAP.
Also, if you're interested in helping with this project, there is still a lot of room. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Stealthy is good, would do well on a bubble playoff team if he gets back to where he was before his break.