Hello, tftv. I’m going to be as blunt and honest as possible in this post. It’s been rough getting high level coaches to coach newbie mixes over the past 8 months or so. I (along with the other admins) am very grateful for the mid-open (ish) players that have stepped up over the past few months and put newbie mixes on their backs. A group of roughly a dozen coaches has been showing up pretty much every week, and the work they put in is not unnoticed by the newbies or myself.
That said, they aren’t what newbie mix coaches have historically been. When I played in newbie mixes over two years ago, the coaches all had some sort of IM experience or more. It led to more in-depth discussions with the absolute newest of tf2 players, and the overall newbie mix experience was a much better one.
I’m not asking for everyone to show up to every newbie mix. I am, however, asking that you invest a very small amount of your time in the longevity of this community. Alongside this community-based motivation, we’ve been given the opportunity of giving a monetary incentive for coaches by dedicated community member ShdSteel.
Starting with the newbie mixes tonight (and continuing with all newbie mixes in the foreseeable future), all coaches with IM+ experience will be entered into a raffle to win some valuable tf2 items (ie unusuals, australiums, bills, buds, etc). You will get one entry per mix you coach.
If you’ve never coached before, it’s super easy. I’m more than happy to explain the basics of it. This isn’t meant as a means to phase out the current open coaches but more as a way to increase the average skill level of our coaching pool.
Thanks for the help, and as always huge shout-out to tragicservers for providing all the newbie mix game and mumble servers.
NA 6v6 Newbie Mix head admin