Happy b, tony!
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Signed Up | June 2, 2016 |
Last Posted | August 31, 2020 at 8:26 PM |
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No. Not only because of playoffs ramifications, but also because of how it affects the low open teams. Every season there's a handful of them and I'm sure they'd love to be able to actually play their scrim partners in matches to have a close fun match. Instead they just get to wave at each other from across the conference wall and get pounded by the top team in their respective conferences because they ran out of teams to play. Which means that they're more likely to die and/or have such a demoralizing season that they won't return for the next one.
That was one hell of a ride. Congrats to both teams for running such a close tight game. Thanks to Jojo and Quartz for the drinks in the first bo3, was a lot of fun.
Brimstonei envy bdonski's future children who will have the privilege of calling him daddy
His children would also be demigods because no mortal man can pound that hard for 7 hours straight
I had the same thing in college. I sat in my room all day, would go days without eating because I couldn't be bothered, and slept for 16+ hours a day. Kept thinking I was lazy, and I was sabotaging my future by skipping lectures and not doing assignments. I struggled with it all through college and kept telling myself "oh it'll get better when I graduate because the stress will be gone"... I stayed home all day and did nothing and it was just this bleak, static-y stretch of existence. Eventually I went and saw a doctor and got diagnosed with severe clinical depression. I've been getting treatment for it for the past few years.
On top of all of the other good advice (talk to your parents, consider the root of your feelings, etc) what really helps with depression is having goals. A lot of the time you just feel like you're stuck in a cycle of something that doesn't end and doesn't change; it leaves you unfulfilled and unhappy and makes you feel like you have no control over your life. So consider setting a few goals accomplishing which would make you happy. They don't have to be HUGE GOALS (in fact, don't make them huge goals). They can be anything as small as "every day for 15 minutes, I will walk around my neighbourhood/lie in bed/finger-paint and listen to my favourite songs". It seems trivial but you will feel like a champion every time you do it; and you will find tons, and TONS of reasons not to do them. Be kind to yourself; be honest about why you didn't do it - don't do this thing of where you make yourself feel guilty to punish yourself for not doing something. Just be like, "I am engaging in an act of self-sabotage, and this time I succeeded - but tomorrow I will make sure to set the time aside in the evening to listen to music". And then, well. Do it. Stop thinking about it. Either do it, or don't, don't waste an hour thinking about your daily 20-minute goal. When you start getting into the routine of meeting your tiny goals you will feel so much better because you'll feel like there's at least one small portion of your life that you have full control over, like a little sanctuary of happiness; and from there, it's "just" slowly inching your way back up.
In conjunction to that, consider taking a semester off. Don't take it off just so you can sit in your room some more and go even more insane. Find an internship, or a part-time job, or even a volunteer position that you either enjoy or are interested in. Having a job puts a responsibility on you that YOU chose to uptake (you may have "chosen" to go to college but let's be real, for a lot of us its not exactly a choice), changes up the scenery a bit, and makes you feel like, again, you have more control over what you do in your life. It can also be very valuable for your future by providing you with an insight of what you might want to do after college (again, giving yourself a goal!) or even by just making you realize that you never want to do anything with that job again.
So, my team didn't really expect to make playoffs so we disbanded after our last match. Two of my players went to make their own team and basically don't want to do anything with our old team anymore.
I like video games, I'd like to play it. I can muster up enough people between the remaining 4 and subs who do want to play but it depends on whether Degenerate Slayers actually want us in the server. So uh, let me know I guess. We'd like to play just as an end to the season, but ultimately the team is already dead + I'd have to pay up for one of the subs, so we're fine either way.
pizza_fartMallory tilt-free gamer.unfortunately this is simply untrue. MeWise has good dm but anyone who has played with him would know that he has a bit of a tilt issue. When playing with MeWise it wasn't uncommon for him to tilt off, stop trying and go full time sniper/spy. This being said his dm is very strong and surrounded by the right people I'm sure he will be able to keep his temper under control and become the big pounder he is capable of being.
Ah. My apologies then. I was basing it on my own experience of playing with him while getting rolled, but it wasn't a season's worth of experience which would be different.
Good DM, fun, tilt-free gamer.
Lead a team with him on it for a few seasons now, first when he was on medic and then when he was on scout. He's very dedicated to improving at TF2 - when the season started his scout DM wasn't amazing and he recognized that and set aside hours every day to grind DM and fix that problem. He's also a rare breed of a responsible university student who gets his shit done on time so he'll never bail on your team because he has a test he didn't study for.
Nutty duo, I hated playing against them this season because they are good with the hitscan clicking on enemies thing. Definitely deserve a playoffs open team and hey, you get two good scouts for the price of one tryout!
Hey man, welcome to competitive! This is indeed a place where you can look for a team, but keep in mind that this recruitment forum is for a paid league that generally has more dedicated players and a higher average skill as a result. That's not to say you are not welcome to play here or throw your hat into the ring! Just keep in mind that if you do choose to play your first season in ESEA it will be a very challenging season where you will likely make a lot of mistakes, lose a lot, but also improve tremendously in the process.
Some things you can add in your post is what sort of experience you have (even if it just watching a lot of guides or playing some newbie mixes...) and what nights you are available to practice with your team (generally this will be in the evenings between 8:30-11:30 EST, depending on what your team prefers).
There is another league that also does 6s called UGC, it's free and generally has a lower skill average and more new players because it's free. Their recruitment section is here - but again, the choice is yours, you're perfectly fine looking for a team here as well.
I had carpal tunnel develop in college from typing papers with bad posture (a slanted keyboard on my bed). Carpal tunnel doesn't happen in three days, but poor ergonomics can cause a pinch or muscle fatigue that makes you feel numb or weak in a span of a few careless days, which is probably more likely.
That doesn't mean you're off the hook because chances are if you're developing these symptoms now you are probably at risk for other related injuries. Get a wrist (and/or elbow) brace to sleep in to ensure your arm and hand are getting rested at night. Look into your ergonomics to make sure everything is positioned as necessary, this will do more than just fuck up your ability to play video games.
And if you're curious: I caught my carpal tunnel early in its development and my recovery took 6 weeks.
Whoa dude who said you're allowed to say you're on my team!!! Playing half of the season's scrims and stepping in for matches doesn't count!!!!
Tony and I go way back. I've lead teams he's been on, been on teams "led" by him, spent seasons on separate teams, roped him into helping me out with some last-minute community event. He's always extremely positive, reliable and willing to go out of his way to help and has just been a great friend. teammate and mentor. Others have already talked about his fragging potential so I'll just say that this is someone you want on your team because of their attitude and willingness to work with other people and help them through their issues, be it teamwork, or tendency to tilt, or lack of confidence.
Fantastic, smart gamer, funny guy and a constant source of positive attitude in mumble. He pounds on every class and isn't afraid to take initiative and own it. Get him to IM finally, he belongs there, but he's way too nice and keeps rostering on open teams to help them out when they suddenly lose a player.
I think it's funny people are calling Fishy Fishes shit when they've managed to pull their team together after getting pummeled by first a shitty freak accident right before the season started and then having to take loss after loss in the wake of that. Respect to them for trying to stick together and finish the season instead of just dying, which is always the considerably easier option.
gg to Serendipity's Frag Movie, sorry about the pauses, our roamer was crashing and our medic's mouse was past its fragging days so they would periodically go still or not be able to communicate/heal.