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Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted July 4, 2015 at 6:43 PM
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#23 MorgHUD in Customization

Holy shit this post is old as f***, I updated the HUD today for the Gun Mettle, funnily the stuff that’s broken is cos Valve broke it, not me

posted about 9 years ago
#196 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

I love how the cave looks now, but it's gonna make demo/soldier mains(like me) sad with all the splash bug, and with all the hiding spots on the top it makes pushing cave to mid really bad

posted about 10 years ago
#21 TF2 update for 11/13/14 in TF2 General Discussion
iridescentFUZZAt this juncture in time, I wonder what hardware setup, if any, can actually run TF2 at 125FPS+ on high to max settings in a fully populated pub server.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 hitsounds in Customization

posted about 10 years ago
#39 TF2 update for 11/4/14 in TF2 General Discussion

Hey Valve have you ever heard of a thing called playtesting? Betas? Quality Assurannce?
Stop breaking a perfectly profitable and functional game FFS

posted about 10 years ago
#159 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
bubblebobblerMorgusValve: Hey how about a weapon that goes through players and denies uber and dead ringer?
Comp: Nope

the pomson hasn't penetrated players for over 2 years and I think you citing this example is indicative of a lot (not all) of the attitudes towards banned weapons in general

It still denies uber and dead ringer without much of a downside

posted about 10 years ago
#154 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
Frost_BiteRuskeydooMorgusRuskeydooWe (the comp TF2 community) equally rejected their ideas.Valve: Hey how about a weapon that goes through players and denies uber and dead ringer?
Comp: Nope
Valve: Hey let's have a heavy get to mid at the same time a solly does but without any downsides in comp would you like that?
Comp: Are you for real?

Looks like we agree :)
The point was that valve's "ideas" for weapons are often moronic.

To which he agreed

posted about 10 years ago
#151 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
RuskeydoodashnerNightGoatLets just hope its 6v6 and/or highlander and not some weird shit they made up.
It will be their own take on competitive, you'd be a fool to think otherwise. Beyond the meeting with Sal/eXtine, we've literally had zero contact with Valve on this, and when we did they rejected our ideas.

We (the comp TF2 community) equally rejected their ideas.

Valve: Hey how about a weapon that goes through players and denies uber and dead ringer?
Comp: Nope
Valve: Hey let's have a heavy get to mid at the same time a solly does but without any downsides in comp would you like that?
Comp: Are you for real?

posted about 10 years ago
#406 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Hello, I can't fix the targetIDs, I want the healing one to be aligned east and close to the text and the main one not cut off, but I just can't find how to, any ideas?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 5 seconds lag at the start o every match in Q/A Help

I have no idea why this is happening but it's a real pain in the ass to start every first rollout 5 seconds late, in case it might be cfg related I uploaded everything, most of it should be on the custom folder
My cfg
Thanks in advance

posted about 10 years ago
#22 MorgHUD in Customization

Added the new NEW backpack tag and a new chat by Camus

posted about 10 years ago
#3070 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
CamusCustom Rayshud


- Custom fonts: Roboto Condensed Bold and Regular (bxhud font).
- Chat Style
- Control Points
- Smaller net_graph

Can i get that chat for my HUD?

posted about 10 years ago
#172 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

This feels too much like an afterthought liked it more how it was before, other possible spawn places would be:

Also what I meant about the shutter on last was moving the entrance back here:

At the moment there's no way to surprise the defenders on last.

The cave rollout now gets you here when the demo is already on mid:

If you smoothed out that wall and made the last ramp a rock ramp that was easy to slide off once you finish the first rampslide roamers would love you forever

Also, when I'm trying to do it myself I just keep bouncing up off the left side of the cave around here, don't know why, might be just me being bad at it:

posted about 10 years ago
#166 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

I don't know if this will work because now you have only one way to transition from the spam stalemate all mids begin with into a closer fight, and it's through a very narrow bridge, still want to try it out see if it can be worked around pushing close to your cave into the height, with all that said I think this is better than before

posted about 10 years ago
#258 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
MorgusWhat does hudarenavspanel control?


posted about 10 years ago
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