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Last Posted November 23, 2024 at 7:21 AM
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#383 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games
KonceptAny idea what format it's being played in?

There will be duel, but we have no idea if it's going to involve the champion selection thing that's in the beta or if it's going to be a different system. The team tournament for this year(it's been a different game mode almost every year) is going to be 4v4 Sacrifice, which is the new CDTF(capture & defend the flag) mode where you get to pick which "base" you want to be yours at the first "flag" capture.

BethesdaWe have too much money and not much patience, so let's throw $1 million at a product which is still in beta in a waning genre and has not seen a single professional tournament yet!

I hope the players enjoy lobbing wet toilet paper at each other, because that's what shooting rockets feels like in Quake Champions at the moment. That game is still very far from being in a competitively playable state with such high stakes. And what's worse is that they've now given themselves a deadline to release it this month so the players can get some practice in(Quakecon is end of August this year). That gives them about three weeks to fix some relatively major technical problems. Yikes²

posted about 7 years ago
#65 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
yerbthe people who make up the actual tf2 community are people who play pubstraders and never had a competitive thought in their life.

Fixed that for you. I wish I was kidding.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Freezing problem in Hardware

In case none of the above help: When I had this problem(exactly as you're describing it) my mouse cord was broken and it disconnected and reconnected my mouse rapidly if I bent the cord too much by flicking too far or too rapidly. After a few weeks of this I started to BSOD with a message that my USB drivers had crashed. I put a new cord on my mouse and I haven't had the problem since.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Fun Facts!! in Off Topic
drshdwpuppetIn (healthy) people, the primary urge to breathe is not due to low levels of blood oxygen, but instead elevated levels of blood CO2.

Bonus: Usually when blood levels of CO2 are diminished, breathing will slow to compensate. However, when levels fall too fast, this causes the blood to become alkaline, which in turn causes the haemoglobin in your blood to hold on to the oxygen it carries instead of releasing it to the tissues that need it. This then causes your brain to prioritise higher tissue oxygen levels over acceptable blood CO2 levels, which causes the person to breathe even more quickly and deeply, thus exhaling even more CO2 and starting a vicious cycle. This is hyperventilation; not caused by a lack of O2, but a lack of CO2.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 whats your favourite alcohol in Off Topic

Didn't expect to see it within 11 posts, but that would be my answer too; I applaud your taste buds, sir. If price isn't an object, Yoichi goes top of the list for me.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Online demo playback at demos.tf in Projects

It boggles the mind how a volunteer can create something this sophisticated while Valve can't even stop their demo recording tool from recording pre-game.

posted about 7 years ago
#2108 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#94 Mapchamp by Champ.gg in TF2 General Discussion
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Call me biased - but I think either mapchamp should be split into 2 styles or be changed for the sake of better feedback.

It seems to me that the alpha/early beta maps get a lot of feedback, as they are early in dev cycle. Some things are blatantly problems, or just seem wrong - these maps are easy to give feedback for, and you could have a day where you run just these maps and lots of them as is current.

I've noticed that bagel/logjam/cardinal don't seem to get much feedback post mapchamp, as they're further along in the cycle, and it might take more time to make the nuanced feedback that they require. Either that or people don't want to give us feedback or whatever.

It might be smarter to have a "very new" maps day and a "up-and-coming" maps day; one with lots of alpha ish maps and one with a few maps further along. Or perhaps limit the amount of maps in the pool. I played 4-5 games of mapchamp and didn't play cardinal or logjam the entire time.

Could it be an option to just add one or two of these maps(like Bagel/Cardinal/Logjam) at a time to regular pugchamp and mixchamp for a few weeks? You could even add map1, leave it in for three weeks and then remove map1 and add map2. Then add back map1 and remove map2 when map1 receives its next update and keep doing that until the maps are ready for league play. Then you can use mapchamp as a feeder for that system or even to test an update to a map before adding it back into mix- and pugchamp rotation.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Improving at languages in Off Topic
f2s4x1odrastically improve [...] in a short amount of time
i'm very lazy

Go to a country where the language is spoken natively for a few months. You will be constantly immersed in the language and you will not have the option to be lazy, because you must speak to get things done. If this doesn't appeal to you then you don't really care as much as you think.Accept that some things in life take longer than a year to learn and prove to yourself that you can stick with it and that long term goals can be rewarding. It might take longer, but it will be just as, if not even more, rewarding.

As for English, you can actually immerse yourself in it without going to England unlike any other Western language, because so much source material is in English. You just need to make sure that you regularly listen to native speakers and practice your speaking; don't just read and write.
Change the system language on all your devices to English, watch English-language films with English subtitles and watch the BBC(they have a lot of very interesting programs), use English information sources(don't go to your native language Wikipedia for example; always use the English one), voice chat with native speakers and make sure to listen to them while you practice speaking to them.

By the way, don't try to learn two languages at once unless you can decently read a newspaper without using a dictionary and watch a TV show without subtitles in at least one of the two languages. You will give up on one, or even more likely, both of them within half a year.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Starkie - The Rise To Sublimity in TF2 General Discussion

Half my memory of watching Starkie consists of amazing TF2, the other half is this gem. The only time I laughed harder watching TF2 is when Skeej shouted KANKERZOOI.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News

For some reason this is making me sadder than when other all-time great players quit. Thank you Starkie for the years of entertainment and being a connoisseur troll boy from time to time.

On the bright side, Kaptain is an all-time great too.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion
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MenachemThey literally want(ed?) competitive to be the exact opposite of what I think everyone is here for. They want wins to have more to do with the weapons picked than the skill of each player and team. Un fucking real. What is with this mindset!?!?What they really want is for the items they release into the game to be used by competitive players so that they can see what they do with them, what strategies emerge, etc, and then use that to decide on the next set of changes. Most similar games have a moving metagame stimulated by dev/player interaction in this way that can result in very big changes in the modes played. Look at Overwatch, the Tank meta lasted for a few months there, that was like multiple Heavies in a 6v6 TF2 game. There's not a lot in it for the devs to see players ignoring new items en masse, but it's their fault (well, Valve's fault - I doubt the dev's are the same now as then)

If they hadn't introduced whitelisting then we wouldn't have the situation we have now, but at the same time that was a tacit admission that they had no intention of listening to competitive feedback. It said: we'll let you play the game you want and stay stuck in a rut, but we're doing our own thing.

I honestly don't think they have much focus on what happens in the existing competitive scene at all. I'm sure they're much more interested in what goes on in their MM games and how they can improve that mode over time. The thing to bear in mind is that their timescale is completely different to ours. They have all the time in the world and surely they intend to use it.

The problem is that in order to have any semblance of strategy, you first need to have an objective. Valve doesn't have such a direction for the competitive game, or it at least doesn't befit the game engine on which the game was built(e.g. stun weapons in a game in which the importance of movement is baked in at an engine level). Valve's TF2(no class limits, no weapon bans) is a mess of conflicting design philosophies which make any attempt at strategy a futile exercise. This also makes it really hard for new players to be attracted to the game, because they might for example notice that the game has fluid and creative movement, but then another element like the Natascha or stun-locking Pyro reflects do a full 180. There is no use in periodically introducing "a new meta" to a game which has no basic design objective; you will need a game before you can create a metagame(which is what the competitive community has done where Valve has failed). And if their idea of a design objective is a lottery of item and class selection, they have no clue what the word "competitive" means and are utterly incompetent.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Why do United Kingdonians get special flags in Off Topic
sage78i thought the united kingdom was a single country, with the same PM and president in all the subregions
spain also has 17 autonomous communities whats the difference with that and England, Wales, Scotland, North Ireland ?

The United Kingdom is a sovereign country(it doesn't answer to any political entity), just like Spain. England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and for example Cataluña are all countries as well, but they aren't sovereign because they answer to the constitution of their respective monarchies. Cataluña could be called a country just like Scotland could be called an autonomous community, but because humans like to make things simple they use many different terms to describe the same thing.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 metal / hardcore / punk / heavy stuff thread in Music, Movies, TV
KratataI'm not sure why, but I can enjoy every kind of music except these genres. It just doesn't sound good to me. Not bashing anyone, I just don't understand the appeal

Maybe it's that you just don't like the timbres used in these genres(do you like this for example? It's metal but played using different instrumentation). Maybe you don't have the listening skills needed to isolate the parts of it which other people love(and they naturally have these skills in their brain); either because you've always heard very different music as a child or you aren't interested in listening in that specific way because of your personality. Maybe people have pushed it on you too enthusiastically and now it has a negative connotation for you. Maybe you've always heard specific bands which just don't sit well with you and you've never heard a band which does suit your mood and tastes. Maybe it's too high energy or is too insistent on draining your energy from you. I could think of a million reasons, but in the end it just comes down to the fact that your brain is not my brain. I get an aneurysm listening to contemporary rap music and 99% of current pop music "singers", for example.

The reason I think most people who like these genres like them is because they are what they are, and that is that; the phrase unashamedly metal describes this perfectly. It encourages you to be yourself and be confident in doing so.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Rocket spawn location while crouching in Q/A Help

Can anyone explain why rockets fire from above your crosshair when you're crouched? Ive been looking for the answer to this one for a while, but I can't work it out or find an answer on the Internet. Thank you in advance.

EDIT: I guess a video might help explain what I mean


posted about 7 years ago
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