yukiHow many games do you think take into mind what the spectator thinks, let alone values it higher over competitive players' opinions? Lets say I were bored of seeing Batrider, Dark Seer, Kotl, the usual suspects in Dota 2: If I messaged valve and were like "Hey, you should remove these heroes from the game because they make the game boring for me as a spectator", how do you think they (and the players) would respond? It's not the most ideal analogy, but it should clearly show why spectator's opinions should not be considered in games/sports/etc.
Bad example. Valve would nerf those heroes into the ground, and buff new ones that havent been a part of the meta. Case in point, Kotl was pick/banned constantly, so he got nerfed. Now we dont see him as often.
Shadow demon was picked every game, so he got nerfed. you see him a lot less now.
Batrider nerf is incoming.
A LOT of dota changes are made with the spectators in mind.