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Last Posted December 3, 2017 at 7:38 PM
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#103 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
PhiKevinIsPwnBenroadsya thats cool but does the bell ring when you shoot it
I still say it should ring after mid fight cap. Gimmicky? Yes. Awesome? Absolutely.

if someone could find me a nice, clear sound file of a bell ringing i'll definitely make that happen

CS:GO has one for de_inferno

posted about 11 years ago
#33 koth_coalplant (koth_ash redux) in Map Discussion

I went ahead and fixed the clipping error in b2, b2a is the fixed version of the map that will probably be used after coalplant week. Sorry for screwing the pooch on the clipping, was one very small brush that I forgot to expand after a week of changes and iterations.

I haven't made any adjustments to capture time in this version, as I don't want teams to have to readjust to the map mid season, but I have a bunch of changes planned for b3 which should come out after the season is over.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Coalplant best map in Map Discussion
london_callingScorpiouprisingWill be fixed next version.
while you're at it, might be prudent to adjust the amount of time it takes to capture the point. it feels like it takes forever to cap, not sure what the thought process was behind it being so long. i think it promotes a lot of weird passive play from teams holding the point, and makes it really easy to just constantly push the point for teams with better spawns. two rounds in a row my team lost our med and demo in the initial fight right away but we weren't really punished for it because we just came back and fought before the point was capped.

i wouldn't think its a giant issue but its something to ponder. :)

Yes, that is also being adjusted. Koth_ashville had a flat capture value (11 I believe) but pretty much every other koth map uses Viaduct's value, which is 3 but requires 2 players to capture at full speed.

Its a very strange setup, but it works really well, so Coalplant will have it changed next version.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Coalplant best map in Map Discussion

Will be fixed next version.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Call of Duty Ghosts Min Requirements in Other Games
etherKanecoI'm really glad they used the 50Gb wisely for high res textures



posted about 11 years ago
#39 TF2 Questions Thread in TF2 General Discussion
PwnyPowerofTowerAlso, whats the reasoning behind banning the reserve shooter and the whip in ESEA?
Heavies to mid.. reserve shooter I don`t know

Reserve shooter is banned because it mini crits medics who jump a foot off the ground. You don't actually have to shoot an "airborne" target for it to completely wreck someone, essentially.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Can you shoot a sticky in the air? in TF2 General Discussion

There was a bug in a patch a couple of years ago that let you shoot stickies in mid air. Heavies had fun.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 so this chick i know in Off Topic

Pizza Daddy represent.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 GTA 5 coming to the PC at November 22th ! in Other Games

I'm actually kind of hopeful that the pc version isn't totally busted. Seeing as how both PS4 and Xbone are basically just malnourished pc's, it can't be too hard to port to a regular pc.

I say that, and we'll get the game and have 25fps throughout, buildings warping in all over the place, and cut scenes that jitter like a mofo.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 koth_airfield in Map Discussion
breloomi dont see tim nordlund

Lost the jpg :(

posted about 11 years ago
#69 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
PhiSadly I won't be releasing the map tonight as an unknown error has plagued me for the last 5 hours straight and I have NO IDEA AT ALL how to fix it. I'm probably not working on this for the rest of the weekend cause I'm so pissed off at hammer for being such a dork. GG SOURCE ENGINE, GG.

(Basically my map won't light and is pitch black no matter what. I know that somewhere in my map there is ONE BRUSH that is causing this issue, however neither the compiler nor hammer is helping me at all. I've trial-and-errored it for the last 5 hours and I can't find it. I might just delete everything I made over the last day and redo it. I have no clue.)

Check to make sure you don't have a brush with a light texture on it stuck inside of some geometry. Or a prop that is stuck inside a brush. I've had that happen before and that tends to be the culprit. Turn off props and compile to see if that resolves the issue, if so that's probably what is causing it.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 koth_airfield in Map Discussion
mage24365Because of the massive number of rocks, I had to check for texture glitches.
And seriously, kudos to you; there are almost none.

This trap is completely invisible and has a huge splash radius.

Here's a spot on the same rock. One of the stickies is inside the rocks, and will splash on both sides. The rest were fired through the gap. Rockets can also be fired through. This definitely needs a fix.

Lastly, here's the worst of the three glitches. You probably still want to fix it though.

Thanks for that. Unfortunately, those are mostly model related so there is no easy fix outside of manual bullet block brushes to make the collision match up with expectation, which I'll probably end up doing, but its a pain in the butt for sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 koth_airfield in Map Discussion
prestigei really like how you made the quickest way out of spawn at a height disadvantage, but the other staircase down out of the building (6th pic) puts you in a pretty shitty place and i dont see myself taking it basically ever but who knows.

interesting how theres basically 2 routes when you go into the building(s) out of spawn, could probably do some cool forward holds with that vent window thing and whatnot.

Good point about that lower exit. I imagine it as mostly a way to get back up top, or to sneak a scout/roamer out in order to support a regular push through the ramp room, but the disadvantage associated with it is definitely something to think about.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 koth_airfield in Map Discussion
diplodicusAfter taking a quick look through it, I noticed a fairly major design flaw that may be a problem for competitive (or not, I've never played the map).

As you can see here, almost all of the warehouse circled in red is dead space. At the beginning of a round, that area seems like an ideal place to go through during a rollout. as it exits right in front of the point. However, the only ways to get through to it from spawn is in that tiny little window jump maze that Bereth pointed out. The other (three, I missed one by the D in dead) entrances are either exiting onto the point, or are from the other team's flank (with the one by the D, it is in a spot where going through the warehouse is a ton longer than just walking near the bottom green arrow).

Because these are "blocked off", you're forced to go to mid via the green arrows, meaning that you either walk up right next to other team will be, over the top of the point which is impossible/helpful for anyone except maybe a bombing or aggressive soldier. I would try and fix this by either opening up this shutter door into another little route to the blue entrance to mid, or else putting a staircase through here

Other than that, it looks like a really fun map to play. I'm looking forward to what the 6s test-puggers have to say about it.

I'm not sure that area is as dead as you seem to think. It has a medium health pack in a pretty concealed area, so I can imagine players rotating back to acquire the health fairly frequently. It may not have a large role to play in an initial roll-out, but I think that's okay as it works more as a flank or fallback position anyway, allowing scouts and roamers to go lower and get behind combos defending the middle.

As far as adding extra paths to inside the warehouse, I'm not sure I like that much. The issue with the shutter is that you add this third pathway on the right side that is much closer and more concealed than any thing on the far left, thus leading to it being the primary path to middle the vast majority of the time (this is especially true given how concealed the warehouse near point can be, the major tradeoff being that its usually slower than just walking up past the rock to the point).

The stairs to hallway solution seems okay, except for the fact that it makes that roll-out room into a pretty significant deathtrap if the enemy team controls middle. If you walk into that room, a roamer could be sitting right up the top of the stairs ready to rain death down on anyone who walks in, while at the same time watching the vent for people to walk towards middle. Or, you could get simultaneously flanked from both vent and stairs as you try to push through.

Obviously, both options are doable, and could be a better solution after testing, but for right now I don't think I want to worry too much about the warehouse. I think it serves a valuable purpose as a flank and fall back position, without needing to necessarily function as a full time roll-out option.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 koth_airfield in Map Discussion
cffussslight clipping issue

exists at both spawns

The purple basically indicates that that is clipped correctly. Unfortunately, 45 degree angles have a weird bug where you can strafe and hold your position in space I think. I'll take a look, but I'll probably have to do some wizardry to get that spot fixed.

Edit: never mind, completely obvious spot you can stand on. Clipped for next version.

posted about 11 years ago
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