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Last Posted December 3, 2017 at 7:38 PM
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#13 koth_coalplant (koth_ash redux) in Map Discussion

Final version for this season is b1,


-Map is slightly shorter from spawn to middle (128 units) to make rollouts faster.
-Added cover to block sightline from rear of warehouse to shutter door.
-Capture point is larger.
-Numerous other small changes, mostly visual.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Kickstart Keiji Inafune in the Face in Other Games

Hey, that Megaman game is pretty cool. What if the creator of Megaman wanted to make a revised version of the classic and he wanted to use kickstarter to do it?


posted about 11 years ago
#76 Open to HRG: Legend of Indust in TF2 General Discussion

I guess this is a positive move for Kapoww. Normally, this would be the sort of thing that he would keep to himself, shit talking about someone behind there back and refusing to have anything to do with them.

Now its vocal, and out in the open! Passive agression begone!!

posted about 11 years ago
#96 ESEA Vote for New Map in TF2 General Discussion

*Gets up on chair* "Hey Gravelpit! Thats for stiffing me on the mapvote in season 8 you fucking jackass!"

In all seriousness, you will be missed, pray for A/D if you would please amen.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Mapsmapsmapamspsmspamsp in Map Discussion

Hey, going through some slight changes to second on metalworks. Thoughts?

Changes here:

1) Removed the platform on the fences, you can still stand on fences but you can't just chill up there and dodge all incoming damage. If you move to far left/right you fall off.
2) Got rid of roof over spawn, considering shrinking the door as well to cut off sniper sightlines.
3) Removed awning and platform near the window, put a pipe in instead. You can still jump around as scout, but not nearly as easily.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 VIEW ALL POSTS in Site Discussion
vileTo the six people that -fragged, please tell me what is wrong with this idea.


posted about 11 years ago
#5 B4nny vs AUS in TF2 General Discussion

You are totally not supposed to get into that room, confirmed i49 is a bunch of noclip hacking noooooobbssbs.

posted about 11 years ago
#253 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistYeah I'm quite aware of that problem myself scorpio - I did some new map pugs back in the day, and I remember how leery people were about even cp_process when it first hit the scene (given changes were made, but the core of the map was fine).

I was mainly getting at *at least* a tournament, because just pugging on it won't draw the sort of attention - you'd need wide swaths of the community to participate in the thing and encourage them to play on the map multiple times so they could get a real good feel for it so that either A.) meaningful changes could be made (or at least suggested) by a large number of players as opposed to the typical 5-6 or B.) we'd know just to move onto another map or throw it in the rotation. My other insinuation in my previous post was, out of the previous 4 maps we've tried out in past seasons (unless I'm mistaken) have all been made by scorpio. There's nothing wrong with him being a prolific map maker, but the fact that he seems to be the only one still doing meaningful development means something is broken or could be done better.

I think another helpful development would be for people to get together and partially systematize how maps are made. How many entrances into last is too many or too few and so forth so that folks who get that urge to make something decent don't end up accidentally making cp_obscure. How big is too big how small is too small and so on. You see this sort of thing in star craft where *basically* every map resembles each other slightly,but will be somewhat different in a few important ways either due to size, routing, etc.

You're absolutely right something could be done better. Instead of being a bunch of fucking children who can't handle change, the competitive community could grow a pair and try new things. The reason why I'm the only one whose maps are being picked or put into votes is because I'm the only one with thick enough skin to last under the hateful gaze of "COMPETITIVE TEAM FORTRESS". I'm the only one stubborn enough to persist in the face of dozens of assholes constantly talking shit about me and my maps.

Honestly, if process hadn't been incredibly far along in development when standin was put in rotation, you guys wouldn't be playing it. I can't imagine I would have kept making maps after the way it was received.

The problem isn't some "theory of how maps should be made for comp". It isn't a need for certain number of entrances, sizes of combat areas, etc. Its "LETS NOT BE TERRIBLE TO THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE ARE COMMUNITY A FUN AND INTERESTING PLACE WITH NEW AND INTERESTING THINGS!"

posted about 11 years ago
#245 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistI think the inherent problem here is that we're looking to ready-made solutions like new items to change our game when we should instead be expending more effort into fostering in new maps and map makers. Just the inclusion of CP_Process changed the way some teams play in regards to pushing off of last, the ramp rollouts, and so on that are nice subtle changes that don't obliterate the entire history of comp tf2, while providing us with something fresh and new.

But that requires actual work on the part of somebody (besides whichever guy made the random items valve releases) so it's not a particularly popular option. Especially given that we don't have any particular system for testing new maps - and our selection of new maps tends to be incredibly biased.

If we really want change that badly (CS has been playing on the same maps with only 3 new weapons for over 10 years, quake gets a new map every now and again) we should look into coming up with a system that will encourage people to become map makers, and to test those maps with like weekend pug tournaments or something. If we were in a place where we had so many good new maps that cp_badlands was the map we were talking about cutting as opposed to relative stinkers like GPIT and/or metalworks we'd be a much healthier scene imo (of course, I doubt we'll ever see the end of badlands but I use it here for effect ;) ).

Wow, you want someone to put a shit ton of time and energy into making a map, testing it, and then have a huge pool of maps to choose from? WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD THAT WOULD BE!

Unfortunately, no one is willing to put the time and energy into actually testing them. On top of that, the community's general reception to ANYTHING new, whether its a map or item, is so fucking abominable that the comp community has pretty much alienated anyone who would be willing to make any maps whatsoever. The diehard fanatics who do focus on comp play STILL can't get maps tested by anyone, even with an entire forum section dedicated to new maps, and even if they do they would still get shit on by everyone (WHATS THIS DUMB SHIT! LETS JUST PLAY BADLANDNNDDS!).

An acceptance of new things (maps, unlocks, strategies, etc) is fundamental to getting new things, and this community's attitude is pretty much anathema to any such endeavor.

posted about 11 years ago
#127 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

I mean, the biggest issue with the whole Lan event was that teams were learning the new meta essentially on the fly. We got to see it develop right in front of us, and yah, it was pretty messy and dragged on a bit. But man, when it got to the end things were crazy.

posted about 11 years ago
#125 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

I agree with Platinum and A Seagull. One bad game and everyone shits themselves. Finally something comes in that shakes up the metagame and its gone immediately. The game is so much more interesting and exciting, but nooooooooooo gotta ban it.

Lammeeee, might as well just go vanilla.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 TITTAANNNFALLLL!!!! in Other Games


posted about 11 years ago
#18 russian style in TF2 General Discussion
Khakiwhy is it called russian style

isn't rapha the most well known for playing like this

I'm assuming it originated in Russia, and when Rapha played against Russians he saw them doing it and adopted it. Spreadin that playstyle, don't clockwork and cyzer play like that as well?

posted about 11 years ago
#168 S14 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion
Snowyis there a link to stats of all previous games? click on map names

posted about 11 years ago
#88 S14 LAN clip location thread. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
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