Hello everyone, sorry if this isn't posted in the correct section as I'm still fairly new to TFTV.
Back on to the subject, I have been researching along with huge help from people like Setsul with putting together a PC build in the next few months with the new line of AMD cards coming out. I already have parts and such figured out for the most part, and plan on having external 3x3 radiators with water cooling my gpus and cpu. Hardware specs will center around surround high resolution displays. Quad GPUs that is.
What I would like have opinions are on is themes and ideas for creating a custom mod for this PC, such as modded case options, case ideas, color schemes, looks for watercooling, etc. I've looked into both wall mounted PCs and desk cases as well and both offer unique qualities.
Yes this will be a powerhouse build so I would like to make this as visually appealing as possible.
Thanks for any and all comments.