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Signed Up October 30, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2021 at 2:57 AM
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#34 ALL ABOARD THE ASIAN I58 HYPE TRAIN in TF2 General Discussion
kounterpartsbut thats the thing, donations. This community relies so much on donations, and what happens when the well runs dry?

i'm not keen on the community fundraiser stuff either but we've been planning it responsibly by rostering people we know with strong confidence can pay for themselves - creep, teejay, larky & janus are all paying out of pocket for the flights so don't pull a mattcv please.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ALL ABOARD THE ASIAN I58 HYPE TRAIN in TF2 General Discussion

i literally left asia but there truly is no escape from your shit posting and shit photoshopping

fuck you jaku if i'm going down you're all coming down with me

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Insomnia58: Big things are going to be annunced... in TF2 General Discussion
Lightstriker - snip -

oh since the cat's so far out of the bag

atm it's teejay creep larky janus and flower looking to go but pending visa results, and they're looking to compete yes. the roster is extremely tentative since none of them have definitely sorted out all the logistics + money situation.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Insomnia58: Big things are going to be annunced... in TF2 General Discussion

Cute Beast isn't attending. It's okay anyways since they've tapered off after their first appearance with a bang. It seems in Asia whenever you see a full frag video of someone it means they're going to quit / go inactive because after Fury made his video he quit, and I'm 95% sure Korean MAD isn't returning either.

Don't worry though the secret weapon of Asia is like 80% attending :D

posted about 8 years ago
#165 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

This week we're gonna try out departing from spamming this thread to posting a new thread so it's easier to have discussions there. Link!

This thread will be used to discuss Backcap as a whole or other meta sort of things. Do people like

Bordered / No Greater Than Sign or Non-Bordered / With Greater Than Sign match results?

They're interchangeable btw, so bordered doesn't mean it must not have a greater than sign.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'll likely be implementing these changes next week so get your votes in before it's too late.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Backcap #9 - Week of 9th to 16th of January in Videos

The ninth instalment within the Backcap series is now out. We cover everything you may have missed for the past week or if you were away or absent minded. This week features highlights from the ETF2L Pre-Season Cup finals and the ozfortress Upper Bracket Round 2 between U bad lol? and labracadabradors. News about the many shakeups and team happenings, and we remind you about where to game professionally.

posted about 8 years ago
#162 backcap in TF2 General Discussion (might still be processing?)

posted about 8 years ago
#160 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

status update:

without my prior knowledge SIN has been offline for the whole day today. I've finished my work like usual but I have no idea where he disappeared to. If he doesn't come online after a few more hours I'm just going to upload Episode 8 onto my channel and bring it down when he comes back. Sorry guys :(

posted about 8 years ago
#159 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

more stuff:
making edits based on comments for the match results -
new leaderboards / playoff brackets?

since people like it, i think i'll be implementing the new match results in the coming episode, with some minor fixes for some text centering.

posted about 8 years ago
#153 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

would people like this more? the only objective difference is that it'll allow room for more games and probably neater display of best of 5 or 7s if they ever happen. I can see how I can add in info about it being a semi-final, golden cap, etc as well so people may enjoy that.

If people like this more I'll switch it to this style on the next Backcap episode.

Tomorrow I'll be posting a vlog responding to people's concerns with SIN as a host and making another animated mockup of what it might look like with Osiri's version of the Match Results. I'm also considering taking a look at other parts of the video to spice it up and make it look even better, like the leaderboards.

posted about 8 years ago
#151 backcap in TF2 General Discussion
nataponleaf boy smoking some good stuff there. you guys using nodecg?

no nodecg

OsirisShounicSnipI personally think it would be best to forego the boxes and use the side panel from the first screenshot(as you're doing currently). I would however take out the "Match Winner" header and just grey out the loser and colour-highlight the winner under the "Match Results" header. Put the map scores below it and remove the "Final Score" header, but leaving a large enough empty space between the team names and the map scores. This will also leave you more space in case you get best-of-5 matches going the distance in the future.

It seems fine as it is, though.

like this?

posted about 8 years ago
#148 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

As I promised < Pendji >, I said I'd get back to you when my scheduled cleared up so here's some stuff I came up with.

Not sure how to embed images properly here so just take a look at the short 3 image album:

The first two images are basically the same, except on the second one I cut down on the text. I've left it in to illustrate the issue I have with information density.

With too much stuff on screen, it becomes extremely confusing for your eyes to know where to rest and focus on, which is why it's done the way it is at the moment.

In production I wouldn't have all these things on screen at once though, I think I'll completely remove the bar on the right if people want information presented more up and center, or move the bar to the center. Either way they cannot both exist together in the way I've done in the mockup.

The third image is just experimenting with a different style for the 'boxes' for each map. The first style is way too visually cluttered but I'm posting it to inspire some ideas people may have / suggestions.

Also I'm thinking about making a vlog discussing basically all the issues people have brought up about SIN and so it gets addressed all in one place and people stop repeating the same comments. As well as posting animated design concepts. If you'd like to see these say something. And of course you can respond to anything I've said above even if you're not pendji :)

posted about 8 years ago
#72 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

I think you guys are missing the point that this isn't about hl vs 6s, lolhl and whatever. Its (to my understanding) about keeping things in line and adapting to valve's vision. The worst thing we can do is to ignore what they want to do with mm and keep going how we are. Valve's mm is planned to support (and happens to be) 6s to begin with so it only makes sense we focus on that. If it was hl that valve wanted to support I wouldn't doubt we'd do same thing we're doing right now except for hl.

posted about 8 years ago
#143 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

also sideshow made a post for it on reddit, show some love :D

posted about 8 years ago
#134 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

Merry Christmas!

I've been working on this for a few straight days so I'm damn exhausted, answering comments and questions later.

Have a good holiday everyone!

posted about 8 years ago
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