short video
Mostly to demonstrate centered viewmodels for some of the easy to center weapons (x pos -8 for stock shotguns, flamethrower, smg, flareguns, etc. Other weapons I haven't figured out yet because I'd need to mess around with the rotations)
Also the instant backstab animation is nice (not a game changer but quite helpful)
some feedback
Class settings are currently stored and edited like this, with the variables stored on the far right
This means you can't copy paste xyz values from other weapons (I got some corrupt VPKs at first until I figured that out)
Maybe having one &::original followed by the xyz values etc until you encounter &::shotguns would be more practical? but idk the limitations of the language and the current implementation so you'd be the better judge of that
edit: also for anyone messing around with tf_viewmodels_offset_override x y z to find some configuration, that axis is oriented differently. I believe it translates to
X_position = offset y
Y_position = offset x
Z_position = offset -z