I made both of them. They're basically the same crosshair (at least how I made them). Only difference is ash's version fades from white to black at the edges while dishoap's fades to alpha 0
I've added them to botmode's shock crosshair folder (and probably will keep doing so for future requests so it's all in 1 folder for anyone going through this thread hunting for crosshairs)
if either of you can't figure out how to make VMTs send me a PM (basically you just open another VMT in notepad, rename the crosshair name in there to the crosshair you want it for, then rename the VMT itself to the crosshair as well)
ALSO I'm not testing any of these in-game before posting these. if they look really blurry it's because I messed up a VTF flag when saving. easy to fix, just let me know
edit: Also I was planning on making a standalone thread for VTF requests for when I'm bored. But for now feel free to post requests in here. If the crosshair already exists I might just point you to it or something that's 99% the same thing though
edit2: added 2 variations based on dishsoap's. "greyfade" fades to alpha 0 but has also has a grey gradient. "shadow" has a shadow around it. will post imgur preview later