RejfylWHEN? :3
Zimmybut hopefully it is ready by the end of the month.
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Last Posted | April 29, 2015 at 6:03 AM |
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RejfylWHEN? :3
Zimmybut hopefully it is ready by the end of the month.
I'd listen to weekly/biweekly (or other semi-regular installments) 30 minute podcasts, and I'd donate if the quality was good enough.
La_maisonI replaced the old mainmenuoverride.res with the new mainmenuoverride.res. How do I get the link to appear? D:
You also need to have the stuff setup from sezco's thread. Go to his thread and get the files and such.
Ericthe target id and control points look really cool, but since you cant actually have them in a hud, why use them in a mockup?
Can you please explain why not? The target ids are extremely simple using a .vtf or even just imagepanels. Control points are trickier but again, custom .vtfs can be used.
collycatmessing with my scoreboard, still unsure what to do with it
Just leave the scoreboard alone. You pretty much perfected it 2 versions ago.
However, how do you get the avatar to show up only for you?
Great job as always! #2 is amazing
SezcoI'm trying to find a solution that minimizes the motd and makes the window lose focus OR make the motd fall back to the main menu. I would like to have this up and running as soon as possible, but a job slows me down. If anyone wants to help find a solution or optimize this rough draft, just post in this thread. I'll make sure to credit you.
I'd be interested in helping make this more viable. Do you want people to just work on this on their own and post results in the thread?
He says he has to disable it before he installs windows but that's not possible, so there may be some confusion about that he is talking about.
omnitstmTo be fair, we're still "arguing" about the tables. Not every HUD has different versions. I've been secretly trying to design a new table that tstm can't deny liking instead of him disagreeing with me on everything ;)VoloderCan you please explain the repetition of "Version" on the features table? I don't really understand it.
Version - Centred, Spec, Lower, aspects like that!
Do you guys have an expected date for public release of the new site?
Wow guys, that's amazing. Is the official domain now?
EDIT: Can you please explain the repetition of "Version" on the features table? I don't really understand it.
omniYou can't hide the panels in the HUD files either, because you won't see the item notification panel otherwise.
Um, no that's wrong. See my TFTV hud. Or more specifically, the code for mainmenuoverride.res (Lines 392 to 844).
omniTreshIt looks really nice, but I don't think you can make the labels look like they are on an angle.
Not even with custom materials, either. You wouldn't be able to correctly place the links.
whayay is right. I am currently working on trapezoid buttons in my hud. I am going to make a lot of 2x2 or even 1x1 buttons, but it can be done.
sfan, if you are intent on doing this, you have a couple options. The first one is easier and involves just using regular buttons. This will not let you change the color of the buttons as they are moused over, however, so if you want the user to have an indication like that, you'll need to use the method I am using, which is quite a bit more time consuming. The first method involves juts making .vtfs of the text and putting them on the main menu, then making lots of buttons (I suggest start with generic squares and make them smaller as you get closer to the edges) to fit the text.
I plan on having several different trapezoids of various colors that I want to invert colors when moused over. So what I have is a set of custom .vtfs ad I'm going to put those in, then make image buttons with a transparent image as the .vtf. So making each button (and there will be a lot if you want it to be pixel perfect) will take quite some time, but after the first few the code will be pretty reusable.
EDIT: For the console, I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that you can put that blue background in yourself, then customize the source scheme to be transparent and change the font color to something readable.
vanillaFor some reason the fonts in gunblade's recent (march) update of the garm3n QL hud are not working for me:
I'm playing on a mac, so I feel like that's probably why. I made sure to install all the fonts, is there something else I need to do to make them work properly?
Fonts on mac are really weird. You either need to edit them in a font editor or use a different font that you know works on mac.
JarateKingVoloderSo, here's how I have been doing buttons:If this isn't what you're already doing there'd probably be no way to get it to work except for making a lot of buttons with the same command and having them line up to make the shape you want sort of like pixel art. Diagonals don't really exist in tf2 so the best you can do is set things up with rectangles to be as close to that as you can.
Placing an imagepanel where I want the button and then defining the button separately in the same location with the same wide and tall values and with no image. This allows me to click on the button and give the impression I am clicking on the image panel. The issue is, I want to use trapezoidal buttons (with .vtfs) but afaik, buttons can only be defined with tall and wide values.
My question is, is there a different, better way to create buttons in TF2 that would allow me to do this?
Using CExImageButton tends to be more elegant for, well, image buttons, but for what you're doing they'd only make it harder.
So I looked at fluxhud's source since I know it uses custom vtfs. It seems simple enough to define images in gamemenu.res and then use them in mainmenuoverride.res. If using these would allow me to make buttons better for the custom vtfs I will be using, why shouldn't I use them? You mentioned that it would make it harder? Can you elaborate on that because it seems to make that making lots of smaller buttons in a sort of pixel art would be vastly more time consuming.
Wow, that's pretty scary... 5:47.
If I were him though, I'd try to take off the pants, tie them at the legs and put them over my head with the waist in front of me. Then I'd blown as much air into them as I could and fold the waist over, making a make-shift life raft. Although I'm sure pants aren't airtight so refilling with it air would eventually tire you out.