quintoshHaxydroIn my opinion , Baud is not hacking at all and I think that the admin's decision can be questionned. Indeed , according to the plenty of mistakes that the etf2l admins have made in the past ,stop saying that they always hold the thruth. Moreover , banning baud for using an "aim assist" is an other way to say "we ban him because he's good but we haven't got any valid reasons to ban him". On the etf2l website when the "ban article" was realised , I read a lot of people who were saying in their messages, after watching baud's videos, that his crosshair was shaking a lot (don't really knwo the exact word to say what i mean :D) (+ the stereotypes about french people were also pleasant to read :)). This is due to his high sensitivity. Furthemore , Baud went to a french lan with e-shock before his ban so , please stop saying "come to a lan to prove that you are not cheating".
Also this ban reminds me of quad/nico/tviq'one :)
Refer to my post about aim assist before you make up assumptions. Also, TviQ was never banned?