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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted April 22, 2020 at 11:40 AM
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#114 AdvSpec in TF2 General Discussion

This has now been merged into StatusSpec, in an effort to create one 'ultimate' spectator plugin, and StatusSpec is a much better base for that goal than AdvSpec.

Thanks to everyone who gave feedback, and for posting various ideas in this thread. A fair few of them have been implemented in the other plugins, and some are still being worked on for future releases.

I'll be updating the various medic info styles for StatusSpec, then back to being mostly silent until there's something cool to post about again.

Any future requests & feedback can go in the StatusSpec thread.

Locked by request.

posted about 9 years ago
#53 E3 2014 in Off Topic

rest in peace kinect

thank god

posted about 9 years ago
#42 StatusSpec in Projects
AndKennethOn a related note, we should get you guys all in a room to make the ultimate combined plugin. SOO MANY PLUGINS.

I'm in favour of merging these together if you two are, 3 plugins is silly

posted about 9 years ago
#29 StatusSpec in Projects

Haven't had a look into how it works, but does the medigun info's charge meter also fill vertically?

If so I'm 100% happy to remove it from AdvSpec and focus that plugin on 'behind the scenes' things again, like #28.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 StatusSpec in Projects

Ooh, it'll be interesting to see if this works for the pause bug. Never looked into VGUI's message system, good find.

e: This SendMessage is actually really cool, gonna update advspec to use it for at least the gun name, charge and advantage labels

posted about 10 years ago
#1 serif font on forum posts in Bug Reports

missing sans-serif on .post-body

new install of ubuntu + chrome defaults to some serif font and posts look bad

i'm a little amazed verdana is missing on this system though

edit: fixed thnx

posted about 10 years ago
#693 yahud in Customization

Oh I'm well aware it's a disaster. The reason I pushed all that code yesterday is because I started work on the refactor recently, so I need a backup for any updates in between.
It'll be based on .res files, though the className parts will most likely be different.

The offsets gets scaled like regular HUD elements, so on a 640x480 screen it would be 17 pixels, but higher resolutions get bumped up. I'm considering dropping this idea and letting people say xpos 5%, for 5% in from the left, then any other numbers are treated as "always this many pixels".
Interesting that it's bugged for you, since I tested at 720p, and I think TotH was 1080p, so scaling should work. Though I haven't tested it since then, that's the exact file I sent Lange.

But anyway, don't want to go off topic too much, if you want to discuss it more you can drop me a PM

posted about 10 years ago
#684 yahud in Customization


As a small note to other HUD makers that want a custom style, this was done as a one-off for TotH; the lack of updates from me has been because I'm trying to find a way to avoid adding more crap to this file.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 SourceRes in Videos

Quick update, switching to an unsupported resolution in fullscreen just causes a black screen, you can alt tab back out to windows and close the game.

I'll see if I can make it switch to windowed automatically.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 SourceRes in Videos

Not sure why the fonts are small in one HUD, but the extv one was fine. I'll see if I can find another HUD that people can use to compare against and try to figure it out.

Luke, yeah, this was put together with POV/scripted recording in mind. Moving the window to different corners shouldn't be too hard, but I'll see what else I can do to help being able to see the full screen & keep the full resolution for recording.

flatline, I forgot to mention it in the OP but yeah, HUD editors can get good use of this. I can finally test extv medic info at 1080p with this too :D

Forsak3n, CS:GO is currently fucking me, but it's first on the 'next game' to-do list.
As an example, when I do 1080p, this is what happens. Window stays 1366x768, console & other UI is at 1080p but scaled down, and where you see the cursor there is as far down as I can move it.

Edit: Does GOTV not allow insecure spectators?

posted about 10 years ago
#42 Spec Tools in Projects
yttriumRaw pixel offsets with anchors is honestly the best solution. Every decent GUI framework out there, even WinForms, uses this method.

welcome to the valve gui framework, designed in 2004

valid point though, something to look into

posted about 10 years ago
#1 SourceRes in Videos

SourceRes is a small plugin that lets you force a Source Engine game to run in any* resolution, including larger than your screen size.

Here's an example 4k (2160p) video I recorded on my 768p laptop: (thnx huhy 4 good demo)

Lange comes up with fun challenges
This is mainly for video producers who want to record at a higher resolution than their screen supports, and don't want to record at a smaller resolution and then upscale.

Which games?
TF2, of course, but because it just fiddles with the engine, it works on any game using the same engine.
Currently, the plugin supports:

  • Team Fortress 2 (Crashing? See #29)
  • Counter-Strike: Source
  • Portal 1
  • Half-Life 2

Not working yet:

  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (partially working, though not with this download)
  • Portal 1 (Pre-SteamPipe)
  • Half-Life 2 (Pre-SteamPipe)


  • HL2 Episodes, probably works
  • Source 2013 mods, probably works
  • Any game/engine not mentioned probably won't work


  1. Download using the link below
  2. Copy SourceRes folder to your game's custom folder
    - If the game doesn't have a custom folder (Portal/HL2/CSGO), make an addons folder and copy SourceRes/addons/SourceRes.dll & .vdf to the new addons folder
  3. Add -insecure to launch options
  4. Mac/Linux not supported right now, sorry!


  1. Add -insecure to launch options (Lawena has an option to do this for you!)
  2. Launch the game in windowed mode, resolution doesn't matter
  3. Open the console and move it to the top-left, so you don't lose it after resize
  4. 'sr_forceres [width] [height]', example 'sr_forceres 3840 2160' for UHD/YouTube 4k
  5. playdemo and let your VDMs handle startmovie/endmovie


  • Fullscreen mode. If you switch to an unsupported resolution in fullscreen, you will get a black screen. Use windowed mode.
  • I don't know if there is a limit on how high it can go, or if it depends on hardware limits. I have only tested up to 3840x2160 on my laptop's GT525M.
  • 4k TGAs are 27MB, so if you want to use that resolution make sure you have enough disk space, or use SrcDemo to convert to PNG, which usually cuts off more than 50% of the size.
  • The small font in that video seems to be a HUD problem, here's the eXtv HUD at the same resolution with working fonts:
  • Dunno what happens if you give it something that isn't 4:3, 16:9 or 16:10.
  • See #22 for a method of seeing the full resolution scaled back down to your screen size, while keeping full resolution startmovie
  • Is Videos the right subforum? I dunno.

Current: SourceRes 1.0
All releases: GitHub
Source code:

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Spec Tools in Projects
NusemanAlso, does this break during pauses or is it like the medic charge bars?

Haven't checked, but I imagine it will still work. The pause break is a bug in Valve's HUD code.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Spec Tools in Projects

Great to see this released, fantastic work man

posted about 10 years ago
#16 itt i make you feel sympathy for a heavy main in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
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