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#44 I'm mad at misconceptions (about TF2) in TF2 General Discussion
PokemonAdventureYeah but tf2 wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a casual, trollish joke game. Imagine how lame it would be if it had the same olive drab military visuals of every other team fps out there (and how the original design iterations had planned).

Nah. It doesn't have to be the next CoD to have a more serious feel to it. Quake graphics are not realistic in the slightest, but the company supported the game as a competitive FPS and not just a cash cow for cosmetic items. I think the graphics itself in TF2 are fine, but as the comment you replied to stated, Valve did not intend this game to be a game like Quake. Not that it isn't possible to play it competitively, as we all can see, but rather that you have to overcome a lot more to get the same feeling. And as an earlier comment stated as well, the game definitely is "slow" if you compare it to other Quake-esque games, including Quake itself. There seems to be a polarity for a lot of FPS gamers in that they either enjoy Counter Strike or Quake. There have been a lot of players who played both at one point, but most people like to stick to certain styles. For players who loved the Quake games, going from those to TF2 (the logical choice considering TF2 is most like Quake compared to the other shooters out there) must have been strange. The game is much slower in that there are classes like Heavy that move like a slug, with absolutely no way to increase movement speed, other than a 10% speed increase from bhopping perfectly. It's just a different game. You'd see a lot of TF2-cons and clout surrounding top players of this game if it were respected by the players and past sponsors/partners of games like Quake.

For the game to be respected and seen as a rival of games like Quake, Valve needs to step up and shine a light over the competitive community. But for them to support the game competitively, a lot of things could be made less random, and would hurt the current pub mindset of the game. Simple things, like each pipe having differential rotation, where each pipe can have its own distinct rotation and thus roll differently and hit boxes or objects when other pipes fly right past, is an easy thing to change. Will that ever be something that's changed? Of course not. The competitive community has been in an eternal struggle with Valve for a reason -- every update, save the ones that added crosshairs and standardized damage/spread, is counter-intuitive to competitive play. Breaking HUDs, affecting players' frames, adding cosmetic items that cement the game further into its roots of pubsmanship.

That being said, it's not impossible for the game to be a really competitive shooter with a lot of money. The only problem is we're the only ones who know that. Look at shootmania. The game is the most shallow, hilariously simplistic game I've ever played. It has probably the most apt title of all time. ALL you do is shoot. Within less than a month of playing the game competitively, only scrimming by ringing for phelon's team, I was able to take a map off of SK with whaz and dummy in a scrim. That's like a few Quake players or CS players coming over to TF2 and in less than a month, practicing only like 10 scrims in total, taking a map off of Mixup. Never going to happen. But it's possible in shootmania, because there's so few things you need to keep track of. And yet it's heavily supported with LANs in Vegas for a 100K prize pot. The sponsors and, most importantly, Valve, need to support the game if you want to see something like that with this game. Or ESEA could somehow work magic.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 I'm mad at misconceptions (about TF2) in TF2 General Discussion

6s is "liked" for sure, but I think there are a lot of reasons people tend to like it. Of course, at this point it's simply become habit, but reasons such as stressing individual skill, minimizing spam and "chaos," and making teams of fewer players are very competitive-minded outlooks. I'm definitely no expert on highlander, but when I messed around with it on gorgeousgamers last season (merit pending, considering most of our players didn't care at all) it was pretty difficult to do anything as a single player unless you were demo or heavy. The capabilities of any given class in 6s are much higher, and it's good for spectators. What keeps a lot of people interested in games is being able to watch a good player and follow him, and when a player's influence is taken away it's harder to find that key player you want to follow, like banny. Highlander also seemed sort of chaotic to me, but then again I seem to not be very good at it. It's just there are a lot of things that can happen, with a lot of different unlocks, in so many different ways. It almost seems unmanageable. Then again, maybe I'm just bad. Also keeping teams to a smaller player count allows teams to go to LANs and such with more ease. Imagine sending 4 9-player teams to ESEA LAN instead of 4 6-player teams. A lot more money and chance for some players not being able to attend.

So yeah, while it's not inherently better, when taken into a biased view of "What do we want to see and play at a e-sport level" 6s seems to take the cake over highlander. Not that that's a good thing or anything, just how it is.

posted about 12 years ago
#228 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 12 years ago
#9 TLR Banned? in TF2 General Discussion
anjirocoolyeah any doubt i had that bp will win lan is gone

i guess either moose is going to pocket or they'll pick up someone from DT that isn't tyrone

Funny you say that as I am the new pocket soldier for mixup

posted about 12 years ago
#9 TeamfortressTV Cast: BP vs FT tonight at 11:30 EST in TF2 General Discussion

great match

posted about 12 years ago
#15 i-46 Documentary? in TF2 General Discussion
eXtine#8 - I was thinking of just giving the item's to Sal so that he can use them for Fully Charged give-a-ways.

$$$ donations at this point would either go towards Sal's compensation, or funding Lucky Luke's Life. He's fairly focused on the documentary, but a little financial motivation never hurts.

I'm sorry, I don't think I'll be donating any time soon. And it's actually pretty insulting that you even jokingly asked the community to donate for the completion of a documentary that you had promised in the first place. I'm indebted to Sal for finding a place in his heart for tf2 and funding our team over there. That will never change. Financing him is paramount. But the progress on this documentary and frag video is a joke. So much time was wasted that the demos from i46 broke with recent updates. So now, instead of playing a single waiting game, the community is playing two waiting games, one with extv, and one with Valve. Donating money to luckyluke won't fix demos.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 i-46 Documentary? in TF2 General Discussion

Frag Video? Status? Still happening? Updates? Hello?

posted about 12 years ago
#16 why in The Dumpster

I never try in this game because if I did and lost I'd be really depressed. Fun ways to make sure you never look like you're trying:

- always hit w
- pull out your bat and try to get bat frags
- listen to music
- blame tyrone

posted about 12 years ago
#3 rip tf2lobby (maybe) in TF2 General Discussion

My favorite is decorative background that ensures you are in fact looking at a site that was seized.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 ESEA and Europe in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, why would euros want to stop winning mousepads and instead win some money?

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Looking to ring in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 12 years ago
#27 apex 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

m2k marth going off

posted about 12 years ago
#26 apex 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

Armada is the man. Only Peach besides PC and Vidjo's that I ever enjoyed watching

posted about 12 years ago
#59 LIST OF USEFUL TF2 TIPS in TF2 General Discussion

Watching top players' stv/pov demos helps to teach you how to play the game better than any amount of mentoring. Don't wait on an invite player to accept your friend request to ask for tips and tricks, but instead go onto esea and download stv demos. It's essentially a video representation of everything they could tell you to work on.

Also tune into streams when players like pure analyze demos.

posted about 12 years ago
#52 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
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