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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#68 Best med ever? in TF2 General Discussion


Except medic is different. Being good at medic in particular is about not making any mistakes, whether or not you want to think people at the top have a "convoluted style of playing." Idk about older medics since I didn't pay much attention to competitive at the time, but shade definitely makes the least mistakes, despite having not the greatest movement or mechanics. Mechanics matter, and that's what helps you clutch rounds, but playing perfect tf2 is 10x more important on medic in the grand scheme of a whole series.

posted about 7 years ago
#793 PugChamp in Projects
aim-alright im sick and tired of this and im going to say this for everyone

Make an actual afk system that isnt based off of a semi fast green bar filling up and then resetting you to being unready

i literally can't alt tab or do anything else without being removed

this actually needs to be addressed

agreed. however, I think there should be a permanent ready button so I don't have to sit on my computer the entire time. I understand people might "forget" but people forgetting was never even a small issue on older pug websites. One case is when I and many other people like to get food for a few minutes (shorter than the amount it takes to receive info after getting picked tbh), but I'll get afk'd within like a minute or two. Similarly, when I wait to leave my computer until the picking starts and the draft ended, if I'm not there, I for some reason have to re-ready. I actually can't even go to the bathroom sometimes until picking is over.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Critique this whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

If you were going to change the whitelist drastically, it should fulfill the common desire of making tf2 as fun as possible.

The main question you should ask yourself is "is this weapon annoying to play against, by either ruining the flow of the game or by just being obnoxious?"

which would debateably look something like:

posted about 7 years ago
#36 there is a big issue with soldiers in tf2 in The Dumpster
GoaskAlicecorsaGoaskAliceif you look at any games recently (froyo vs evl) arekk got 52 kills once but hes like not even better than rando? so why can he out kill him, he's actually factually not better than -blaze either so why can he factually out number his killing ratio
this argument doesn't make sense because you can just replace rando/blaze with a medic, like nursey for example, and say "why didn't nursey have a better kd than arekk?" it's about the role the class provides, not the amount of kills they can get, and the soldier cass doesn't suffer in providing impact in a game unless you're a worse player

i think youll find statistically that youre wrong this has no relevance to medics or scouts this is about soldiers
your comparison makes absolutely no sense where as mine does and also its like if arekk gets 60-100 ping vs a scout with 5-10 ping obviously the other scout will do much better than arekk because that scout has 5 ping right get me

i will ignore the fact that you outright said "your comparison does not make sense whereas mine does" and didn't follow up with an explanation lmao.

yours actually doesn't make sense because statistically (xd) medics get fewer frags. that sounds stupid to say right? it is because medics have insanely huge impact on the game obviously, and good soldiers do too. you used blaze as an example earlier, and it is clear that blaze has large impact on the game, in fact more than some other players that played in grand finals despite his "shitty class" even though he had some pretty bad statlines i think. freestate, despite getting low amount of frags throughout almost the entire grand finals, has quite a bit of impact. what i'm saying is there is no world where you can use stats as an argument for these type of suggestions, because good stats does not always equate to large amount of impact, while bad stats does not always equate to no impact.

i honestly can't tell if you're directing that ping concept towards me directly because i get low ping, but when i get 60 ping to servers that aren't IL from my house, i barely notice a big enough difference on scout to where it hinders my abilities.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 there is a big issue with soldiers in tf2 in The Dumpster
GoaskAliceif you look at any games recently (froyo vs evl) arekk got 52 kills once but hes like not even better than rando? so why can he out kill him, he's actually factually not better than -blaze either so why can he factually out number his killing ratio

this argument doesn't make sense because you can just replace rando/blaze with a medic, like nursey for example, and say "why didn't nursey have a better kd than arekk?" it's about the role the class provides, not the amount of kills they can get, and the soldier cass doesn't suffer in providing impact in a game unless you're a worse player

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Nursey leaves froyotech, joins EVL Gaming in News

actually, our roster isn't official yet

posted about 7 years ago
#53 fixing badlands in Map Discussion

When you say you changed the hiding spot in house, do you mean you removed it? If so, I don't think you should remove hiding spots, especially ones like those because that one is extremely easy to check AND prefire, so I don't think it's broken in any way.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Stop being cancer to new players people in TF2 General Discussion
mathemaphysicistpaging corsa

I'm one of the few people who calls people out for being mean to actual new players

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Fuck you
posted about 7 years ago
#37 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion

that was a year ago

cookiejake is VERY GOOD now.

posted about 7 years ago
#86 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

I don't disagree that the xbow's ability to build faster than medigun and the maximum healing rate should be nerfed, but people are making a way bigger deal about it than it actually is, and i genuinely feel like most of those people don't understand how team fights work. the ONLY thing that the xbox changes in the grand scheme of team fights is that it allows players to re-enter fights (mainly soldiers, because scouts can stay in fights with low hp, and demos are usually not the most forward player anyway), which is a good thing, because it allows for more continuous, thus interesting team fights. i strongly believe the majority of the problems in this game stem from the idea of not being able to have a team fight based on a map's design, a weapon's ability, etc.

botmode's post from an earlier thread also explains why the xbow isn't as bad as it seems.

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botmodeMarxistwheeI've been around for awhile, I'm familiar with the mechanics of the game with/without the xbow. (I started out playing roamer when shotgun was still a thing)
I'm not particularly advocating for or against the crossbow, I think the game is fantastic both with and without it but I do think a lot of the arguments being made on both are quite shortsighted.

To start, obviously crit heals are one of the best mechanics in the game, for obvious reasons and there should almost definitely be some sort of mechanic to make crossbows affected by crit heals. In the current state however, crit heals still play a huge in buffs, and I think some people are gonna argue that because you can get arrowed, you don't need to get buffed but that's distinctly false. For instance, on scout, although a quick love tap when you have crit heals gets you to 185, I think any scout main could attest to how powerful a 185 health scout is compared to a 125 health one. On roamer, 300 hp at the beginning of a fight can help you push spam or win a 1v1.

The amount of healing that crossbow puts out is actually absurd for the most part. You can fully heal a team at close range significantly faster and obviously arrow building adds a layer of unpredictability to the game that just shouldn't exist (often times the only way to know if a team has been arrow building is them to counterpop an uber on you). Despite all this, in most of the "important" situations to hit an arrow, it's actually pretty damn hard, obviously takes quite a bit of skill and oftentimes involves making a decision on whether to give out guaranteed heals to a target that may actually need it, or to take the risk to shoot the arrow, which is something that people seem to be ignoring. Obviously there are arrows that are just free that can save a player/team with bad coordination and decision making but, in general, that's what good aim in tf2 does. Arrows actually give medic a much greater ability to carry based on their mechanics just like any other class can.

I hope everyone knows that the crossbow is pretty damn complicated and I don't feel like I can really give a coherent argument one way or another in a forum post but I really hope people don't just attribute something to being dumb because it's mechanically based or rewarding coordination.

When it comes to soldier, I think it's pretty much inarguable that they're the class that receives the most arrows by a large margin. In combination with gunboats they can actually reenter a fight, obviously without a buff, which is something that only scout could really do at all before the crossbow. I see a couple of people arguing that damage you do has less meaning because of arrows and I really disagree with that, I just think that it means you need to be more on your toes as a team if you want to full commit in one moment, or play fights in a way that you, as one player, can follow up rather than initiate (which is something a lot of roamers have done regardless of xbow -> ma3la, purpleshirt, seagull, drack). Basically what I'm saying if you think that crossbow makes your damage more meaningless, and I know people might present some salt to this, but maybe, just play better? I know I'm not everyone but as every class in the game I've never personally felt like I was being ineffective and completely powerless as a player simply because the unlock made my damage worse. I've always felt like I could play in a way that circumvents the xbow, just as you can play in a way that exploits the medigun in the way you listed.

Like I said, I don't think I'm doing this argument justice. I guess to some up my overall opinion though, the crossbow in its current form is quite powerful and needs some adjustment but I don't know if it's so powerful that it breaks the game like some people think it does because it definitely adds quite a bit to the game and it's by no means a skill-less, brainless weapon like some people think it is. If anyone has any questions or like counterarguments to anything I've said, I'll try to address them because I want people to understand the game well enough to make accurate opinions about the crossbow.
posted about 7 years ago
#61 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

it was a joke
valve updates are terrible

posted about 7 years ago
#59 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
EoNFun =/= good unlock

assuming you are talking about xbow, it's a very good unlock. it's unfortunately just slightly unbalanced, and hopefully with valve's next annual update, it will be nerfed :D

posted about 7 years ago
#50 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_corsathat is impossible because it is opiniated to what adds more depth to a game than the negative attributes.
My point was about how subjective the bans are. There is zero constancy when it comes to things being banned and the reasoning behind it. xbow, piss, and mach all are objectively the best choice for that slot without question, all of them increase the power of the class with almost no, or very little drawbacks but yet only one of them is banned. We are not banning things with an objective viewpoint, it is being done subjectively and with, as you have said, personal opinions on the matter.

My point was that the bans should not be a subjective thing. If it is OP or massively broken it should be banned, regardless of what else it add or detracts from the game, because all 3 should be banned if we are following that.

i agree to some extent, but there definitely still is consistency in the fact that the subjectively most gimmicky and annoying weapons to play against are banned. i do agree, however, that most of these weapons should be banned because they follow suit in the category you are suggesting.

however, while i agree the xbox needs a nerf to its maximum healing rate, banning it would do more harm than good. that is why there can't be these "consistent categories" that automatically warrant a weapon to be banned.

I really can't agree with obsecure weapon opinions because it is imperative to remember that we play tf2 for fun, and having retarded unlocks like jarate and vacc is not fun :)

posted about 7 years ago
#39 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_Well at least 2 things got banned i guess...

But still disappointed to see bow and mach legal, you ban piss because "Jarate is uncontested as the best Sniper secondary in the sense that it allows the Sniper to have a greater impact in team fights by granting his team a temporary increase in damage output, at no expense to those using it" but keep the other two legal even though they have the exact same issue, crosbow being even more so. Wish there was some consistency when it came to the bans at least.

that is impossible because it is opiniated to what adds more depth to a game than the negative attributes

both the jarate and xbow have positive and negative aspects, but it is quite clear, although subjective, why the xbow adds more to the game than the jarate, as the only thing the jarate adds is the interesting combination of jarate + a suicide, which in itself--the only positive attribute--is more of a negative attribute, because of the extremely wide splash of jarate. on the other hand, xbow "allows Medics to become increasingly involved in team engagements and gives the medic huge clutch potential" which in the nature of the reasoning, is positive since it actually rewards skill, despite being relatively easy to hit.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
shorasDunno why am I even trying to discuss this with you. Last time a couple of yanks were trying to prove me that Battallion's Backup is op as fuck and screaming it should be banned (someday before first global whitelist).

ur points dont coincide with anything..nursey and i are not the same people that think the "battallion's backup is op af"

posted about 7 years ago
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