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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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Monitor Benq 120hz
1 ⋅⋅ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ⋅⋅ 41
#5 ESEA 6v6 Newbie Mix Team Drive in News
ZooeyGI made it on a team, but it's in a class I'm the least comfortable in is there someone I can possibly talk to about switching? I tried to add KevinIsPwn but his friends list is full...

You are on a team now. Talk to your team/coach.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 teamfortress.tv Staff Recruitment in TF2 General Discussion

I've offered a couple times but I guess I can again.

I used to, and can again, stream and cast. My internet can handle 720p, I know how to use OBS and NodeCG (and program for nodecg) and have the game knowledge necessary to handle camera. Casting I also have the knowledge for and work better as an analyst caster. I am also not playing this season (rip team) and have the time.

Hmu steam/pm/slack/discord

posted about 8 years ago
#7 unf demo im+ in Recruitment (looking for team)

Playing against him is like playing against two demos again. No choke is safe and he knows how to spam every angle you may want to stand on.

If you don't have him on your team, you will lose to this man.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
BlackOutJonAvastAlso even if I disagree with TF.TV's decision there is a still a logical reasoning behind it as there are only so many volunteer hours we can utilize towards content creation.

If you really do care about content for Open/IM and HL to be posted here and elsewhere its on you to contribute towards its creation to demonstrate the merit of such articles as this site runs on a volunteer basis.

I'm sure if the interest is actually there the articles can be brought back, but the demand and resources have to be there first to justify it.

Its not a matter of people not writing them, the limiting factor is how the TFTV management want to change the news area of the site.

This. It was /never/ a manpower issue, Xan and I were going to be doing IM and we had an open writer lined up as well. There were plenty of people to accomplish writing for the season. The decision was editorial, not staffing based.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
Karldrshdwpuppet a deliberate editorial decision to bring TFTV more in line with other top tier news organizations across other esports.
HLTV covers much much more than t1 lans and t1 team roster changes so this reasoning surprised me.

I was really just parroting the decision that was told to me, I had no say or influence in the decision (nor should I have)

posted about 8 years ago
#38 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
crossfirewas there an actual reason given why they dropped esea open/im coverage? (i just found out about this)

TFTV, as an organization, has opted to move towards covering only the highest level of competitive play (Invite/Prem/Regional Equivalent) and other, community wide important news. Part of it was a focusing of efforts and volunteers, but it was also a deliberate editorial decision to bring TFTV more in line with other top tier news organizations across other esports.

For what its worth, I think its absolutely a shit move and the wrong way to go, this community is not now, and will never be, the kind of community that CSGO/LOL/DOTA are. Instead we are something different, a closer knit and tighter community where people enjoy seeing themselves represented and supported in more "official" news outlets. For many teams/people, this is the only recognition they will ever get for their efforts in TF2. As a writer of several seasons of open/IM writeups, I was very sad to see these go.

However, it is the decision of the site owners and operators that is the most important to consider. It is, after all, their site.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 The teamfortress.tv Discord: Find Scrims & More! in News

IRC apparently didn't have enough ~~javascript~~ for people.

this is a good idea, hopefully this means we don't have to play the same team over and over for hours a night.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Mechanical Keyboard recommendations? in Off Topic

I really like the Ducky Shine series, I have a 3 and I think they can be found for around that price new.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Favorite moment of 2015 in Off Topic

Finished paramedic school (wooo)
GXL is always fun!
Working with my (lesbian) partner when the gay marriage decision got announced and we were high as kites for the rest of the week.
Got a new (amazing) job.

2015 been real good to me.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion

I think that we have lost a lot of perspective in this thread.

First, its not about skill. My earlier post was inflammatory, but intended to display a point, one that apparently tojo missed. It has NOTHING to do with the personal skill or accomplishments of the potential coach. fatswimdude made it about skill and made relevant the personal experience of billdozer as if that was the only qualifier for who would be a good coach. Whether this was intentionally myopic or not, it betrays a lingering misconception about how participants are chosen for projects like this and why it must be materially different than the process for choosing, say, newbie mix coaches.

This project is extreme in scope and depth. This isn't an hour and a half commitment over the course of a Friday evening where 90% of your time is spent rehashing the Sigma guide on pushing and reminding people that they do in fact have microphones. This is an endeavor which will require a significant time investment on the part of the coaches and the teams. This is something that has never been attempted successfully on this scale, and this level of organized coaching hasn't existed since commft. It is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that this be as flawless as possible for its first run through. With that in mind, participants have to be selected based on consistent, proven teaching ability and demonstrated long term support of teams/projects in the past. This is absolutely too critical to the continuation of competitive TF2 to be in the hands of people for whom this cannot be said yet.

This isn't about Kevin, this isn't about Newbie Mixes or Billdozer and I am really astonished and disappointed to see this thread get derailed to make it about him and his personal abilities as a coach. This is about the players who are going to be entering open for the first time, many of them timid and afraid, and who will need the absolute best we can put forward to make this successful. Making this about billdozer is, at best, a myopic and reckless attempt to get a voice heard in a thread that isn't about that voice.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 No more pre-rollout jumps?? in TF2 General Discussion

tf_preround_push_from_damage_enable 1

That rcon command turns off the change. Requires a map restart to take effect.

Sorry, didnt see it in the OP

posted about 8 years ago
#300 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

tf_preround_push_from_damage_enable 1

you are welcome demo mains

posted about 8 years ago
#297 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

im getting build times of ~ 30 seconds with arrow building for 150 at max range.

posted about 8 years ago
#35 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudekevin, any reason youre not allowing billdozer to coach? yeah hes a meme but he has both IM experience and open playoffs experience, (yeah it was low IM but at least his team finished a season) and would really be a pefectly good coach for newbies.

if you want to restrict it to a higher skill level then do that but dont deny people who meet the requirements.

Brief correction

Billdozer did not complete that season of IM with his team.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion
WheresmytoastAs a person who's been playing newbie mixes for awhile, I'm not sure how well these teams would do in Open. Wouldn't they just get stomped? This idea seems cool, but I'm not sure how encouraging losing over and over would be. Of course, some of these teams could do well, but I'm not sure about the majority of these teams contesting mid-high open teams at the least.

I think there is this misunderstanding of how open goes for teams. For the first 4 weeks of the season, your matches are randomly drawn. You may have a difficult start, you may have an easier one with teams close to your skill level. Once the halfway point is reached however, teams get matched up against opponents based on w/l record, w/l of everyone each team has played (this keeps you from getting screwed if you face off against all low teams for the first half so you don't get completely screwed over and have to play playoff teams) and a few other factors.

This means that, for the back half of the season, you are way more likely to get paired up with teams closer to your skill level.

Besides, your actual matches represent 16 (hopefully) games over 8 weeks. This is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the experience you will get playing against other open teams around your skill level and the kinds of challenges and learning opportunities that open themselves up once you start taking the game seriously enough to pay for it.

posted about 8 years ago
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