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SteamID64 76561197998763358
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:19248815
Country United States
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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Keyboard Ducky Shine 3 TKL with rainbow keycaps
Mousepad puretrack talent
Headphones ATH M-50x
Monitor Benq 120hz
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#23 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion
samifacedrshdwpuppet At the very least I don't mind hosting a free mumble for newbie teams.

Discord is FREEEEEEE

And continues to not work for me on Linux.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion
razeacutally, question: will teh coaches find a server, will you guys do that, or will the players? how about scrims? will teh teams schedule them themselves?
and are these teams designed to exist for more than one season?

I already have a newbie team I am mentoring, so I can't commit to teaching another group. But if a team really and honestly can't pay for a scrim server/mumble, let me know and we can come up with a solution. At the very least I don't mind hosting a free mumble for newbie teams.

I can also be available for technical assistance for these new teams and their coaches.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 deetr lft open s21 any class in Recruitment (looking for team)

played for a couple weeks with him, is certainly a roamer that wouldn't feel out of place on a playoff open team. Communicates well, is developing good gamesense and is always positive.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Demo LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I have seen the full evolution of arorno, having coached him at least 5 times in newbie mixes. He went from a newer, slightly timid player with good mechanics and potential into a true leader who has developed a strong foundation of gamesense and knowledge that will surely help him and any team that is so fortunate to have him in open this season.

Arorno was the example of a prime student, comes in with questions, with a stated plan/goal, volunteers to main call but understands if someone else needs to get a little help with it instead. But even when he isn't main calling, he helps urge and guide the person who is (or is supposed to be) to do their job and is a really positive influence on the other students. His ability to introspect about how/why he made a wrong move in certain situations points to a demoman that is excited and motivated to improve his gameplay in every way possible.

I think he is selling himself short putting low open, this demo would not feel out of place on a team that is going into their second season in a low/mid capacity. With the current demoman drought, I would not be surprised if a team sees potential in him and were willing to put the work in at the upper area of that range, possibly even starting to contest some playoff bubble teams. Everyone knows of those players that make a meteoric rise through the ranks, hitting high open/IM, even invite with exceptional speed. I would not be surprised to see arorno being one of those guys this time next year.

Best of luck bud, don't hesitate to hit me up with questions.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Favorite genre of music to listen to while playing in Music, Movies, TV

Sigur Ros/other post rock

movie soundtrack.

posted about 8 years ago
#1133 It begins! in Off Topic


Its time for a change.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 adhd med questions in Off Topic

Some people report that similar medications develop a tolerance, others say that the effect they have fades into the background as your new norm.

Always take medications exactly as prescribed, talk to your prescribing physician if you suspect you are building a tolerance or the medication isn't helping you.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 The Killer Exclusive in TF2 General Discussion

I'm really glad you are taking this project and making it something awesome after a really rocky and unfortunate start.

let me know if you would ever be interested in a stats article like the ones I used to do.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 FITES 250 LAN, March 4-6, 2016 in LAN Discussion

lf roomate/s

lf team, med for a good team, pocket for anyone.

willing to give ride to anyone from Indianapolis or along the drive from Louisville to venue. Help with gas would be nice, but I am going anyway so *shrug*

Not looking to help out this time. I think I just want to play for once.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 FITES 250 LAN, March 4-6, 2016 in LAN Discussion

Are we showing up to this? Sounds like a good time as always.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 A short questionnaire about on-line nicknames in Off Topic

After you publish, you should release anonymized data. Particularly the relationship between division and perception of reasons for winning/losing are interesting to me.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 What do YOU want for Christmas in Off Topic

matchmaking not to suck.

recovering from my injury and being able to return to work.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Girl at my school committed suicide in Off Topic

Depression is no joke, and suicide is a real problem. Most sources pin it as being the second leading cause of death for males and females aged 15-34. This is pretty much our entire demographic. People who are reading this thread, or who have posted about their inner demons, see that you are not alone. No one here is trying to garner pity or sympathy, it is to show you all that you are not alone.

I have struggled with depression and suicidal ideation for years, and it is not a suffering you have to bear on your own. Teammates, casters, admins, adversaries, many of us have been there, or are there. If you need help, or just someone to talk to, please reach out. I want you, your community, your friends want you to tell someone before hurting yourself. I've seen the aftermath of suicide more times than I care to think about. Everyone always blames themselves. Don't do that to them, don't do this to yourself.

If you are having suicidal thoughts or you need help, reach out to your team, your friends, a forum admin, hell even me. I would rather you do that than lose a fellow TF2 player.

I play eve online and there is a program to help with this called Broadcast for Reps (getting your ship repaired in battle is called repping). So here, in TF2, please call for heals if you need them.


posted about 8 years ago
#22 yimi lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Played with him today, he clicked on people really really well.

Also his attitude was absolutely incredible, so positive and upbeat. He sought out feedback, but wasn't afraid of giving suggestions. He listened to calls and was basically always there to push with us when we needed. He sometimes over-extended and got killed because of it, but for his relatively tiny amount of experience, we can excuse that.

Absolutely IM material, especially for a team that doesn't mind showing him the ropes of higher level TF2. Seems a quick and dedicated learner.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Please stop the hate in TF2 General Discussion

Just talking about your casting/streaming side.

Whenever you become a public figure, you are automatically a target for harassment, hate, mean-spiritedness and people who generally compensate for something missing in their lives by trying to ruin yours. It sucks, and it represents some of the most tragic and vile nature of humanity. However these people aren't targeting you as an individual, they are targeting you as a public figure, a caster.

I won't tell you to keep casting, I wont tell you to stop. You have to make the decision yourself. All I can tell you is that I used to cast/help with production years ago, and I stopped because of this. I regret that decision and I don't want to see you regret yours.

Some feedback will be useful, others completely immaterial to your ability as a caster. You have to learn to filter out the latter, even if it is some of the meanest shit you have ever heard. There are other casters with a lisp/slurred speech/accent that are strong, prominent, loved casters as well. I am sure they get some shit, but they either don't read twitch chat (which is basically a cess-pool of terrible people and /memes/) or they filter out what isn't relevant/useful.

I wish I could give you more or better advice. Don't run away from your friends, online or otherwise, because some bad people want to ruin things for you. And don't write up things like this, which draw attention to the fact that they are getting to you. <3

posted about 8 years ago
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