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Country United States
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.5
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Mouse g400s
Keyboard Ducky Shine 3 TKL with rainbow keycaps
Mousepad puretrack talent
Headphones ATH M-50x
Monitor Benq 120hz
1 ⋅⋅ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⋅⋅ 41
#12 Masters of Classes powered by TF2Stadium in Events
VanguardDLKJust a quick PSA: if you signed up for any classes and ended up on the waitlist, CHECK in case you got in last-minute. I can at least guarantee someone just got into TF2 History with Fragile since I just realised I can't guarantee being able to attend and dropped it.

Yes! One of my regrets in this project is that I left no way of contacting attendees so if you got moved up, it's on you to check.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 6v6 Pro Panel in TF2 General Discussion
brrtonI'm really confused by this. With TF2 having a smaller comp. scene than most e-sports, IM can already be considered high level. Sure, they may not be the best, but there are only 100 or so IM starters this season, and possibly 400 or so people who have IM experience and are active in the community. With so few people, it would be silly to think that there is a majority of people who aren't already friends with at least one Invite player.

Whole point is, I don't think you'll fill a class in 10 hours unless you lax the requirements to Open.
Show Content
pls i just wanna join the class too

The reality is though, open is such a different game at the top and bottom. Are the top 8 open teams plenty good enough to benefit from this? I would say so. Top 16? Maybe. Top 32? No, I would say not. But where is that line? If we drew one it would be completely arbitrary. So we draw it at IM experience because that is a simple, clear, line in the sand.

posted about 8 years ago
valkeriSocialiteI like to think that I have morals even if bible disagrees. But if the only morality we have is the one given by the religion then too bad.Assuming we do not get our morals from religion, then where do we get them?

There is absolutely 0 reason to assume we get them from religion at all. The evolutionary theory of morality and ethics (that moral compunction is an evolved trait that emerged from individual and group pressures) is more than sufficient to explain human morality and even goes so far as to answer why we aren't the only animals to act in a seemingly moral way. Biological evidence even supports this notion.

In fact, I believe that even most theologians these days draw a sharp distinction between religion and morality and one is not reliant on the other. Religion and morality are separate and distinct action guides. I am not saying they are mutually incompatible (there are plenty of moral theists and immoral atheists), just that they aren't in any way related and there is exactly and precisely 0 reason to believe that they are.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 6v6 Pro Panel in TF2 General Discussion

Kevinispwn went through a lot of effort to get pro players lined up and ready to answer your questions in a panel style discussion on high level TF2. The only problem is, only 5 people have signed up so far. If you have IM experience (even one season!) and want to ask questions from some of the best minds in TF2, please sign up!

its from 7:00 to 8:30pm EST TONIGHT
http://classes.tf2stadium.com/classes/31/ <----- sign up there

posted about 8 years ago
#187 all aboard in TF2 General Discussion
bubibican any1 who's been in these servers confirm whether some weapons are banned or not?

It isn't live yet. I know people have gotten into servers, but the existence or lack of white/black lists says exactly nothing about the final form of competitive mode.

posted about 8 years ago

There but for the grace of god go we. This could happen in any city, in any country, at any time. I hope for the safety of every French TF2 player, their families and friends, and grieve for the victims of this unequivocal terrorist attack on a peaceful and happy group of innocent people.

This sort of terror attack scares me. The fast moving, low barrier of entry, random killings of a few dozen to a few hundred people is almost impossible to protect ourselves from. I am interested to hear about intelligence reports and the like.

Thank you to the French military and Paris police, fire and ems for putting your lives on the line to help those in need.

posted about 8 years ago
#108 Fallout 4 in Other Games
kirbyThese damn ghouls are actually frightening.


posted about 8 years ago
#46 Last day to sign up!(find Razer players/team here) in TF2 General Discussion
razedrshdwpuppethow do we get our players readied up?they have to log in and go to the match page and say im ready to play.

None of our players have that option.

Hang on, it turns out wrech doesn't own a monitor or something.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Last day to sign up!(find Razer players/team here) in TF2 General Discussion

how do we get our players readied up?

posted about 8 years ago
#14 what did you have for lunch tf2g? in Off Topic

How has this not become a huge thing in America.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 discord.gg in Off Topic
sebmdrshdwpuppetOn a technical note, discord isnt working for my microphone on Linux, probably because its USB. This isn't a discord bug, but one with chrome I believe (as google hangouts do the same thing), but mumble literally had 0 problems at all.
They have a desktop app

Not for linux they dont.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 discord.gg in Off Topic
- Can't host your own server
- Reliance on discord to keep their service
up and running
Arguably more reliable than a private user who could crash/lose internet any time.

No one hosts their mumble server on a private computer in their home. Most are hosted by game server companies or on a VPS which I am willing to bet have at least the same, if not greater, uptime than something like discord. They are also proven, whereas this is a new product that could just shut down at any time, as many similar projects do.

- Not open sourceHow does that make any difference whatsoever? Why care?

Well, there are moral/ethical grounds to prefer open source projects, but there are also technical considerations to be had.
The open source nature of mumble has led to increased ability for customizing installs and deployments, and the exposure of the complete mumble api and backend through murmur ice RPC. You can do some seriously cool stuff with that, stuff that may not be available for discord ever.

In the event that discord has a market failure or heads in an entirely terrible direction, we have no recourse except to switch back to mumble. If the mumble developers go off the deep end, it is literally a branch away from being the project of more sane individuals.

The community can add features/request features and they are easier to implement. I am not sure if TF2 has ever done this for mumble, but I have submitted many bug reports, some of which ended up getting fixed. Discord, as a proprietary software, is locked into their own development cycle where there is a payoff between adding new features that may be incomplete or buggy to entice users vs stabilizing their platform and focusing on the essence of what people use it for.

- No privacy opt out of data collectionOnly valid complaint, but only if you actually care about your browsing privacy while playing tf2, in which case, why? There are also simple tools to prevent it from getting anything.

This reeks of the "I have nothing to hide" fallacy of data security. Remember that, if you are not buying the product, you are the product. Free discord users likely factor into their profit model somehow, and that is entirely up to them how they manage that. You are technically correct in the statement that, probably almost all of us have nothing worth hiding from discord and that they are unlikely to use the data in truly shitty ways (companies just arent getting away with that shit anymore), but it would still be a direct downgrade to mumble, which collects no data (except for setup details to help developers provide sane defaults and increase supported systems).

On a technical note, discord isnt working for my microphone on Linux, probably because its USB. This isn't a discord bug, but one with chrome I believe (as google hangouts do the same thing), but mumble literally had 0 problems at all.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Lo Lobey lft low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I have coached Lobey a couple of times in Newbie Mixes and seen his play improve recently. His dedication to improvement is a really good sign that he is ready for a low-mid or so open team that can take him under their wings and help him grow as a player. He actively solicits advice and has great questions prepared for the end of every game and, most importantly, has developed a level of introspection into his own gameplay where he can identify his faults and try and work on them solo. Those traits indicate someone who will improve drastically in a season of open and I urge any forming or looking team to at least give lobey a trial.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 IM Medic LFT s21 in Recruitment (looking for team)
BenroadsJust remember to walk in front of him when you're going for a buff so that he won't knock his drink over as he throws his mouse across the room to turn around with his 28 inch 360.

Has actually happened. I keep a backup keyboard plugged in and ready just in case.

posted about 8 years ago
#81 Fallout 4 in Other Games

Im super glad companions cant die because dog is a fucking moron.

posted about 8 years ago
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