Account Details
SteamID64 76561197998763358
SteamID3 [U:1:38497630]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:19248815
Country United States
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g400s
Keyboard Ducky Shine 3 TKL with rainbow keycaps
Mousepad puretrack talent
Headphones ATH M-50x
Monitor Benq 120hz
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#1 TF2 At GXL Demos in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, as promised, I am going to be uploading all the demo files from LAN. There are a metric fuckton of them to sort through, and I did myself no service by not separating them out as they were created, so it may take me a few days to get through all of them, but the first set is here. I also have logs.tf links that I will associate with the demo files in a spreadsheet once I am completely done with uploading all the demos.

CEVO Finals at GXL Universe
I believe all of these to be correctly labeled. Not included are a few rounds here and there that got aborted with some of our server issues. All matches have at least two parts, a first and second half, and I think two of them have golden cap rounds.

The TF2 Invitational at GXL by Corsair Gaming
Again, I think these are all correct. Not included are the Grand Finals games for reasons posted below, and possibly a few rounds here and there (especially overtime rounds seem to not have always recorded, but I am not sure on that). There were no halves for this tournament, so the only demos with two parts are the ones that had an overtime round that actually recorded.

posted about 9 years ago
#1151 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
Mr_OwlIs an stv pack going to be made available? I'd like to use the stvs from our matches.

Will be uploaded as soon as I get around to sorting and labeling them. Probably Tuesday evening or so.

posted about 9 years ago
#1106 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
botmodeMr_OwlDriving through Pennsylvania right now. Been on the road since 5. Really beautiful country.ITS ALL HILLS

Figured I would make a post since there will inevitably be a pizza tower

TD Alfredo's ( http://www.tdalfredos.com/ )
has $7 large pizzas (without toppings) and they're significantly better than pizza hut and dominoes and other crap

I just bought a bunch of this for the casting/server crew and it is the best $7 dollar pizza I have ever had.

posted about 9 years ago
#98 CEVO LAN Finals @ theGXL in Events

clockwork.... you literally just arent fair.

posted about 9 years ago
#97 CEVO LAN Finals @ theGXL in Events
dingoalso can we not watch the stvs live because gxl wont provide them or is it some issue involving server security and ddossing
cause i would really LOVE to just have the stvs provided before the game goes live so i dont have to subject you all to my horrible forum posts

STVs cannot and will not be posted, the servers here are only accessible on lan because of the way network traffic works.

STV demos are being collected and will be distributed after the event once I get a chance to sort through them.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 theGXL Invitational presented by Corsair Gaming in Events

Everyone ready for some fucking esports?

posted about 9 years ago
#15 scout lft im s18 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Is really cute. Will definitely be hitting you up after playoffs.

posted about 9 years ago
#64 CEVO LAN Finals @ theGXL in Events

Indust: not quiiiite harbleu.

posted about 9 years ago
#1044 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
manaIf anyone wants to lend me a 120+ hz monitor for the BYOC tournament I will do things in exchange!

Well when you put it like that...

posted about 9 years ago
#1043 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

MGE servers are up, you can go to http://gxl.lan and click on the TF2 MGE mod server to connect, or just type into your tf2 console connect

Pug servers are also up, with !rtv enabled, you can join the mumble at and join the pug rooms to start picking things up!

posted about 9 years ago
#1031 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

I am setting up and MGE server and putting the pug servers back up now.

posted about 9 years ago
#1014 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

TeamFortress 2 gamers that are at the LAN. there is a mumble server for your personal enjoyment. You can access it at with the standard mumble port. At some point in time in the next hour or so I will be putting up a pug server or two and a couple pug channels in the mumble.

People are able to make their own channels and administrate them in the mumble server, so if you want to make a mumble for your team, that is the perfect place to do it. If you want a server made for your team to scrim on or something, I will try to make myself available as the day goes on and the stream and cevo tournament calm down and get into their groove.

Have fun everyone and play nice!

posted about 9 years ago
#18 CEVO LAN Finals @ theGXL in Events

Final tweaks are being made, players are using personal computers if the cevo ones arent working, but shade is a dirty pirate.

Edit: Both teams have players at the ready. However we are waiting for the last of mixup to file back from a brisk walk in the park.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 CEVO LAN Finals @ theGXL in Events
drshdwpuppetReally sorry about the delay guys, but we should be going live in 15-20 minutes. Computer problem after computer problem abound.

Famous last words x.x

b4nny's computer isn't recognizing tf2 being installed, we are working on a solution. eLevate vs Street Hoops has gone live, but the decision to wait for froyo v mix was made. We should be bringing you all the action very shortly.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 CEVO LAN Finals @ theGXL in Events

Really sorry about the delay guys, but we should be going live in 15-20 minutes. Computer problem after computer problem abound.

posted about 9 years ago
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