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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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Keyboard Ducky Shine 3 TKL with rainbow keycaps
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Headphones ATH M-50x
Monitor Benq 120hz
1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ⋅⋅ 41
#12 radium lft (medic/pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Rang for our team tonight and his calls were calm, cool and collected. He is a down to earth, grounded caller who will lead your team to glorious victory. Pick him upppp

posted about 9 years ago
#4 ESEA S17 Open Playoff Predictions LR4 in News
To be honest, I almost expect this to be a roll just looking at the comparison on paper, but a part of me wonders if Hii Open has the momentum to give up a great game and go down swinging, perhaps even coming away with another upset. Good luck to y’all, but I’m going to say Graveguns Aneurysm takes this one handily 5-1 almost on DM alone.


posted about 9 years ago
#2 DaStabah lf medic mentor in Mentoring

Added you, let's talk.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Ogres looking for demo, possibly roamer in Recruitment (looking for players)

We have had a lot of fun scrimming and playing against these guys this season, they definitely deserve a good demo and should shape up to be a decent IM team in the coming season.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 GXL Democall in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2 At GXL Demos in TF2 General Discussion

Updated OP to include all of the demos from the Invitational tournament at GXL. Included are all the group stages, and the upper and lower brackets.

Unfortunately I also have some really bad news. I have been unable to find the two demos from the Grand Finals game. This is what caused the several day delay in getting this up, I had to contact the owner of the server hardware and get him to hook them up so I could ssh into them and look around. However, they don't appear to have even recorded. I will continue looking into this, but I apologize for not having those two games for you to enjoy.

posted about 9 years ago
#79 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion
SylonDMSActually something else I just remembered that kind of bugged me, we didn't have access to outside mumbles. I was hoping to connect with some of my clanmates that couldn't make it for late night pugs or play in some TF2 Centers.

Due to networking concerns, this was determined to not be an option. I can bring it back up with the network/hardware guy for '15 but he was VERY adamant about how the network would be setup and what would and wouldn't be accessible from the outside.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Casting: ESEA Open: No Johns vs. Hotel Moskau in TF2 General Discussion

I'm glad your voice is back.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 IU LAN War 27 in LAN Discussion

If we can get 6 (5? IU gaming are fucking stupid sometimes) including me, I will go and heal you fuckers to victory.

Also tickets go on sale in like 48 hours unless you are an IU student, then they are on sale now.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 warthog devours burger in TF2 General Discussion
xaloxAm I the only one who had no idea that there were cameras?

They were pretty big...

and on 6 foot tripods

posted about 9 years ago
#52 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion
KBlairGentlemanJondrshdwpuppetAny suggestions are hugely welcome.Run a little web server locally on the network perhaps, assuming the Lan network policy allows it. I realise this is another headache to manage but keep it simple (maybe even just an html page) and you wouldn't need a dedicated machine for it.

Alternatively would you say mobile internet use is high enough amongst individuals to be reliably used for the purpose? Players could potentially access an outside information channel that way.
Yeah, it would be cool to have a webapp that mass texts the 2 teams involved in a match to try and reduce delays, but it would have to be automated and not buggy to reduce workload for organizers, not add to it.

Also, I'll volunteer to clean the bathrooms once in a while next lan if they'll let me. That shit was a human rights violation.

Mass texts is probably not in the cards, but there is a web based solution in the works for '15

posted about 9 years ago
#28 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion
Red_I think the chairs were the only real thing that bothered me. Other than that maybe a DM server would be nice and maybe some sort of pug setup system? I'm not really sure about that but it seemed like pugs were sort of obscure? Maybe I'm wrong about that

Yeah, the MGE and Pug servers weren't really broadcasted as well as they could have been, but I dont really know how to disseminate that information. I posted about them in the forums and got them up on the gxl.lan domain. Next time I will really push to tell people about an information portal or something similar. Like I said, communication seems to have been the single biggest problem overall, next time it will be better.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion

I had a blast at this event, even though I was on the inside looking out, and spent literally the whole time looking at my command line x.x My suggestions are as follows:

More setup time: this is largely my own fault as I couldn't get in before Thursday evening, but a lot of elements of the LAN seemed to be haphazardly put together at the very last second. The CEVO computers arrived around 9pm Thursday night, less than 12 hours before they were to be played on, and this caused a TON of problems where they weren't updated, tested, and two or three didn't have TF2. CEVO did the best they could with the time they had, but if those computers had been arranged to arrive the day before, and the whole event itself were to be set up and ready to go by noon on Thursday (to give everyone the 12 hour time window until early access gamers come in to work out the kinks, relax a bit and put together a more solid event).

A physically larger building: As others have said, there was a huge problem with people wanting to watch the CS players at work (even a lot of the pro tf2 players were standing there... while they were supposed to be playing a match). I think its great to watch those players and show your support, but we need to show respect to the other people who paid for a seat or who have to play matches and would rather not be elbowed in the face by the, quite frankly, rude and unwashed masses thronging around the CSGO teams. This could be much mitigated by a larger space with room set aside for the CEVO computers.

Better organization of volunteer/staff members: TheFragile deserves the world's largest bottle of whatever alcohol is his poison of choice, but it didn't have to be that way. There was pretty poor communication between the stream area, the player area and the admins. We had walkie-talkies that were basically incomprehensible. I think a large part of this would be to digitize the communication between the player and administration staff, a solution for next time I am already working on.

Perhaps a published list of the various resources in and around the venue. I know that finding alcohol and coffee was kind of an exercise in exploration, hard to do as it was pretty foggy a couple nights there.

Better public access servers: This is feedback for me personally, because I was the only one responsible for the servers, but it would have been awesome if I had set up MGE and DM servers ahead of time. It honestly hadn't occurred to me that people might want to play tf2 outside of their matches >.>. The problems with the MGE servers were caused by me literally just launching a tf2 instance and throwing MGE mod up on it with no other configuration because I was really pushed for time. No excuse, I was inadequately prepared and it will not happen next time.

Also. my username is not Shadow Puppet, ShadowPuppet, Dr.ShadowPuppet or Dr. Shadow Puppet. There are no vowels in the shadow. It's shdwpuppet, dr.shdwpuppet or, if you're name is nonis, shdwpuppy

posted about 9 years ago
#12 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion
ChompsMore accurate info about when matches are expected, I'm assuming the long delays between matches were so that both the cs and tf2 matches could have non-laggy streams and I understand you can't always predict when a cs match will be over in 20 minutes or 120 minutes but its pretty annoying to hear "be back soon don't go anywhere" and then be waiting for like 90 minutes. There were a few matches I missed because by the end of the event I realized that it was just random when the next match would start and I just left after watching a match and hoped when I came back in an hour or so I would be in time to catch the next one. I think it'd beneficial to either get a higher Internet connection for the casters so they could runs simultaneously or even just making educated guesses like "it should be about an hour" and then maybe someone comes into the stream to let people know if there are delays or its gonna be a bit longer.

Nope, there was never a point in time in which games were held up for stream reasons, there was simply never a need to. There were a lot of longer breaks, but almost all of them were caused by problems with people's computers, especially the ones that CEVO brought and the pro teams were using. For that reason, it was almost impossible to ever get an accurate estimate of how long it would be until the next games could play. In addition, one game being delayed necessarily delayed all games because we were running all rounds concurrently. The delays sucked and no one was happy about it, but it should be much better next time ^_^

MemphisVonLast but not least, there has to be a better way to communicate with the players. I can't tell you how many times I heard "yo nick" or "yo fragile" followed by "what is happening right now?"

This was a HUGE problem that we had to work out as we went at the lan. The original solution was going to be an IRC channel that people could go to for match assignments etc, but because of the super restrictive net policy, I was told there could be no irc connections. Both Nick and I learned a TON about how to keep communication flowing at a large LAN and I already have a solution in the works that will make this problem much diminished going forward at GXL and even other community LANs. Any suggestions are hugely welcome.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 TF2 At GXL Demos in TF2 General Discussion
botmodei crashed about 3000 times during lan(and forgot to record a pov each time i launched), do you have pickup stvs ?

I have *some* of the pickup stvs.

posted about 9 years ago
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