Red_Because we're talking about black people and equality and racism you stupid fuck
Blacks are more likely to get killed than whites or whatever the hell you said. Is it possible that maybe some blacks just commit more crimes? Is it possible that maybe they are conditioned by shit like this to feel entitled to being able to do that? Why is it BECAUSE they are black? Could it be because of some unknown reason that is completely nonrelated to race?
the roughest reason its an actual race issue is because the crime statistic correlates more strongly with socioeconomic status than race, but race correlates strongly with socioeconomic status in america. the reason this is might be revealed when u get into US history, but I'll spoil it for you :)
200 years of slavery followed by 100 years of jim crowe laws and white flight from almost all cities during the 20th century means that america as a whole completely fucked over the economy of all the black communities