RhettroI don't think so. Smash bros is just such a house-hold name, and so many people grew up playing it that when they got older they kinda came back to it, and the good mechanics continue to draw in players. The difference for tf2 is that it's not a game that everyone plays, so it's impossible for it to rebound on anywhere near the same scale.
FGC outsider opinion: While one could attribute Smash's modern success to nostalgia, there are definitely other factors at play that make a game rebound in popularity. You'd have to look at the FGC as a whole to really make a good call on if smash came back because of players flooding back into it from good vibes, or if because people came back because nothing really compared to smash. If its the first, then nostalgia is what propped it up, if the second, Smash's merits managed to carry it while nostalgia gave it a nudge. Smash and TF2 both fill niches in their communities that other games don't and until something better comes along, nothing will really replace them.
(tf2 is also pretty well known ime, most of the people I've met who play shooters have at least heard of it)