if for some dumb reason u wanna keep yr texture u should change the spire/hoodoos/etc into industrial features like catwalks or concrete pillars or something so that the clipping will be less slanty and unpredictable
also then you'd have a map that is justified in being different
EDIT: to expand on some shit you could do to actually make this different:
change the map to a swamp theme: this would maintain the original map's darker tone and make it look unique amongst all the other 6s maps
add water under the spire bridge: it's now a bit harder to hide like a gaylord forever and promotes prefiring and other neat stuff. Don't make it jumpable tho that's silly
replace all desert props with industrial ones: Spire becomes a big rocket with catwalks around it, hoodoos become little fuel stations or bridge supports, w/e, the weird slope all these props have is a buff to scout. If u make them flat, you buff the only class that actually takes skill (soldier), and also remove a lot of the gayness
change the bridge: make it concrete (thicker), remove the holes, and replace the train boxes with a some flat clipped logs or just one big long box to remove pixel gayness
make the shithouse ramp a staircase
make the panels next to dropdown solid: cosmetic but it bugs me how u can sometimes see through them but not shoot
remove the slippy slide surface under pride rock
if you dont open up the spire as a different prop, remove the cracks:fuck cracks in general and those are basically useless as something to shoot at
remove that railing on the balcony in mid:fuck railings
let people stand on the grain dispensers at mid:please
SUPER CONTROVERSIAL CHANGES: make this area more flat on a concrete surface and remove the slant and replace it with a wall and some stairs. idk about it as a change but if yr gonna experiment i think u should just pick parts of the map and fuck with them and see what sticks, and it would fit in with the other changes by making the area a little less awkward as far as footing goes
u could also try some wacky shit with the last point like reimplementing the hiding spots on last but moving the point back or removing the back paneling or leaving the glass on the bottom and making the top an open area that you can shoot up into. You could also play around with some sightlines to the point or holding spots
idk i feel like yr too scared to change things here, when this is more of a showpiece than a playable model anyway. It'd be much mroe interesting to see shit that is substantially different