i want whipped GRU heavies and ubered critacola scouts with buff banner buff shooting at people covered in jarate.
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Last Posted | May 9, 2016 at 11:45 PM |
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i just like knowing how long my games are going to last, always.
it makes scheduling easier, makes scrimming easier, makes life easier.
can we change to the eu format this season ? switch it up ?
pick up sezco, hes been emo about tf2 this week
enigmajust a loose collection of thoughts by a couple people over a few days.
I want to shed some light on recent TF2 shortcomings without jacking someone else's thread or turning this into a 'is it dead vs is it not dead' war or people saying goodbye and shit by using my well educated, intelligent, snarky attitude to possibly change some people's perspectives on things.
1. End of the Line - The update itself was pretty awful, all they did was use ducks to fund the pockets of people who poured their heart and soul into making a really well executed source filmmaker short. People felt this update was going to be 'big' but now feel like they're being nickel and dimed which is fair but it just goes to show that Valve are interested in money. The snowplow map isn't even done though, so even if they had added it, there'd be 100 threads of screenshots of it being glitched and broken so whatever.
2. Matchmaking - People make the argument that 'oh it'd be super profitable for valve to release matchmaking and player skins and shit.' I would like everyone to take a step back for a second and realize Valve doesn't take the term esports lightly. TI is the biggest competition each year and theyve done nothing but help the CSGO community improve.
Valve slapping a new button and player profiles/MMR into the current TF2 UI would be a disgusting mess. Seeing as how most people commenting either didn't finish college or have a degree in software engineering, I'd like you all to take a minute to think about where we are in the game as well as timelines/problems.
First of all, Valve isn't dumb. If they thought this 'letter' was a legitimate thing they'd keep it in their arsenal of potential updates and maybe follow through with it in the future. Responding to people and giving them hope of ever implementing their ideas is the worst thing they could do for PR as shown by this EOTL update where everyone lost their shit over not getting new weapons and maps or the ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE fiasco in Dota.
Second, they already announced Source 2 coming next year. I'm not guaranteeing a TF2 port to a new engine but I'm sure its on their list of potential things to accomplish in 2015/16. The amount of work to add a shitty broken MM system to TF2 with unlocks would be a ridiculously large effort (not just a copy and paste into the dota/csgo engine) and probably take a year or more of dev time given the way valve operates. They can focus their efforts on a 7 year old game that was never supposed to be competitive and give it a matchmaking system (that could potentially ruin the game for pubbers with idiots getting kills and spamming WHATS YOUR MMR) or they can focus their efforts on 2 competitive eSport-centric games that rake in cash through stickers, skins, couriers, and live events. Just let that sink in.
Valve has one of the smaller sizes when it comes to employees and since most of you probably didn't read the employee handbook, it appears a majority of their employees get to focus on what they feel they'd enjoy to work on most, when they feel like it more or less. Which puts TF2 at the mercy of not just Valve as a company but the employees as a whole. The whole letter concept was silly to me because Valve isn't a black box of mysterious people, they're a company with working employees who are video game nerds just like most of you except they have jobs.
If you actually want an update published you need to get it hyped, you need people to want it, not just the nerds on this forum. The way we've always done it (we being me and the good people at TF2maps.net and TF2Lobby and whatever other TF2 projects I've chimed in on) is make people fucking want it. You don't go out and say this is what tftv wants or what 'comp' wants, you make it appealing for the entire world to see, get it trending on twitter, front paged on reddit, etc.
Personally the way I would've gone about it was get the artists, the mapmakers, and the pub community heads to help me assemble a fake update page, fake patch notes, a tf2 frag video made in source filmmaker, and a ridiculous comic and published it as a 'leaked' update, made people believe in it, and get it at the top of reddit/spuf/etc. That can still be done but I think it might not be worth it at this point.
Dev cycles take time, and TF2 in its current state cannot support a matchmaking system. (ui sucks, weapons are all over the place, classes aren't fully balanced, and I could rant for hours about why it's not spectator friendly) I know I sound fanboyish but I think we all need to have a reality check, stop and think about what we want vs what makes sense, and keep our fingers crossed that they'll make a good decision.
Also Robin doesn't work with TF2 anymore, so comparing old days of the beta/community weapons/lobby fixes are far and gone, as the new dude doesn't seem to want to accept friend requests or reply to emails. That's his prerogative though and to him, we're just a whiney subreddit at best.
TLDR: fiscally, it'd be a mistake to pour resources into a 7 year old engine when your new bread and butter is coming out in 2015, and theres probably a pretty good chance we see big tf2 changes in the next year or so whether it be a new game or a redone game with the new engine.
They're not going to compete with overwatch with TF2 in its current state, matchmaking or not.
now quote every line, tell me why im wrong, and convince me tf2 is dead and that valves assholes, as well as that taking time away from DOTA or CSGO is a good idea. l8r dudes.
rk came back from the dead to do predictions on tf2.
had its ups and downs but was definitely one of the best communities in terms of mapping/pub tf2 content
the g is silent tlr
edit: wtf was that lefty clockwork plat thing. how do you win when your forecep is in the way
edit2: someone feed indust
tyler showed up? and didnt play?
also i hope plat won that arm wrestling contest
Marxist@ marma, in other words, you lose, can't figure out why, come up with a bad excuse like "oh it's stacked" and leave lol. Maybe I'm just too egotistical.
It's more 'damn the top invite teams are good, but there's actually no value in putting in the amount of time and practice it would take to beat them'
krusty krayayaayab yaaayayayab yaaaaayayayayab pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaa is the pizzzaa yeaaaaaaaaaaah for you and meeeEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeeEEE
YeeegzI thought the quality of the street hoops. elevate, and mix^ games were all really good. Definitely the closest ESEA lan I've watched in terms of spread out competition over the 4 teams.
not a single set went to 3 maps the entire weekend.
im actually not shit talking or taking away from anything.
clocks one my best friends irl and i have nothing but respect for bannys dm and game ability.
i overall was disappointed with the quality of the event though. the lan being scheduled at the same time as IEM LoL, IEM SC2, and The Summit 2 for Dota 2 made it the worst possible streaming conditions to attract new viewers.
Then on top of that that the quality of the games were meh at best. elevate tried their best, but theyre not on the same level as froyo it seems and mixup showed up with a pug team, their 4th? iteration of mixup of the season?
It was hard to hype the games this weekends, and I hardly doubt anybody that played at the LAN felt the outcome wasnt pretty predictable.